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“Portfolio Task #1 "My Personal Philosophy of the Self"

Recabar, Junjun L. BSMT-I CATSPAW

My life philosophy is that you should live while you are alive and give others the same
opportunities. We should not pass judgment on others for their decisions because we all make
mistakes. You are free to do whatever you choose with your life as long as it brings you joy and
does not damage others. In this world, happiness is all we can aspire for, and we must work
hard to get it. Make efforts to do more stuff that make you happy. Keep looking at sunsets. Feel
the warm breeze on your skin by going to the beach. Increase the frequency with which you
eat your favorite foods. Dessert should always be ordered. Appreciate the little things in life. On
the bad days, remember that no matter how much the world breaks you, it will also build you
back up again. There are so many wonderful things waiting for you along the path. Remember
that the sun will always rise again, and that things will get better. Recognize that life will
astound you. Be aware that there are things about which you are unaware that will turn your
world upside down in the best possible way. Live with every single cell in your body, right here,
right now.

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