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CSE 1101- Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science WkSheet 1

(Last Name, First Name): ______________________________________________________________

Logic 1: Propositions, Truth Tables and Logical Equivalence
1. Identify the propositions.

a) Georgetown is the capital city of Guyana. f) Rain is falling.

b) Where are you? g) 4 +5=12
c) 2 x+3=12 h) Drive to the supermarket.
d) Place the money in your wallet. i) We are in the month of May.
e) 2 is an even number. j) Guyana is an island in the Caribbean.

2. State the truth value of each proposition identified above.

3. State whether each proposition given below is a simple proposition or a compound proposition.

a) The book has 200 pages and the book is d) 25 is a perfect square or 8 is a perfect
yellow. cube.
b) Trishan ate the cake. e) Paris is in France if and only if Rome is in
c) If the sun is a star then the moon is a Italy.
satellite. f) Paula is poor or Paula is a millionaire.

4. Write the negation of the following propositions:

a) p : The rain is falling c) p : Antigua is not an Island

b) p : 2 is an even number d) p :7+5>15

5. Identify the type of connective in each compound proposition identified in Question 3 above.

6. Let p and q be the propositions:

p : It is below freezing
q : It is snowing
Write these propositions using p , q and logical connectives.
a) It is below freezing and snowing.
b) It is below freezing but not snowing.
c) It is not below freezing and it is not snowing.
d) It is either snowing or below freezing (or both).
e) If it is below freezing, then it is also snowing.
f) It is either below freezing or it is snowing, but it is not snowing if it is below freezing.
g) That is below freezing is necessary and sufficient for it to be snowing.

7. Let p , q and r be the propositions:

p ∶You have the flu
q ∶ Youmiss the final examination
r ∶You pass the course
Express each of the propositions below as an English sentence.

a) p →q d) p ∨q ∨ r
b) ¬ q ↔r e) ( p →¬ r ) ∨ ( q →¬ r )
c) q → ¬r f) ( p ∧q) ∨(¬q ∧ r)

Course Instructor: A. Baksh
8. Construct a truth table for each of these compound propositions.

a) ( p ∧q ) ∧ r d) ( ( p → q ) →r ) → s
b) ( p →q ) ∨ ( ¬ p →r ) e) ( ¬ p ↔ ¬q ) ↔ ( q ↔ r )
c) ( p ⊕ q ) ∨ ( p ⊕ ¬q ) f) ( p ↔ q)⊕( ¬ p ↔¬ r)

9. Let p and q be the propositions:

p :You go ¿ school everyday
q :You get an award
Write these propositions in words:

a) p →q c) p→ q
b) q→ p d) q→ p

10. Determine which pairs of propositions in Question 10 above are logically equivalent.

11. Use a truth table to show that ¬( p ↔q) ≡ p ↔¬ q

12. Are any of the following propositions logically equivalent?

( p ∨q ) ∧ q , ( p ∨ q ) ∧ ( p∧ q ) , ( p ∧ q ) ∧ ( p ∧ q )

Notes: Logical Equivalence Rules

Course Instructor: A. Baksh
Source: Rosen, K.H. (2007). Discrete Mathematics and Its Application (6 th edition). McGraw Hill, NY. 24-25

Course Instructor: A. Baksh

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