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Princess Bea Angeles

September 15, 2021

TLE Module 01

What I Have Learned

Complete the sentence:

At the end of this lesson I learned the To manage all of your cleaning and
sanitizing duties, create a cleaning program that is an overall system. The
program should also assist you in determining your cleaning needs, creating a
master cleaning schedule, selecting supplies and tools, and training yourself to
maximize your skills tasks. And I realized that We must learn to keep
ourselves clean. And we must become accustomed to cleaning in order to
improve our performance.

What I Can Do
Answer the following questions. (5 points each)

● Why are cleaning and sanitizing important prior to cooking?

In order to avoid foodborne illness, it's crucial to keep your workplace clean. Bacteria
can thrive on filthy surfaces and contaminate food. A clean work surface does not
necessarily imply that it is sanitary. Before beginning to cook meals, make sure the
work areas are clean and sanitized.

● Why do we need to consider the right tools and equipment before using it?
Because each tool is specifically built for a certain task, selecting the ideal tool
reduces the amount of effort required to do a job correctly while avoiding damage to
the equipment or the surface being worked on. Many construction mishaps can be
avoided by planning ahead of time.

● What is the first thing to do before you proceed to the procedure of cooking
egg dishes?
Fill a large enough container with water to completely submerge the eggs. Bring the
water to a simmer first for coddled, soft, or medium-cooked eggs. Boiling or cold water
can be used to begin hard-cooking eggs.

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