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Carl Santiago 12-Gratitude


From the philosophical background that you have learned, what is your current philosophy in
life? Explain.

From what I learned in reading the philosophical background, a lot of things are different and is
subjected to change. A person’s point of view might be similar to another person’s point of view
but they are not the same person which means that they cannot possibly process the same
information that they are receiving and will reply in the same way, there will always be a small
discrepancy between them. For example, a religious person will have a different insight to as
how the world was created to a person who is an atheist. Therefore, with that information in
mind, my current philosophy in life is “whatever happens, happens” or in this modern world “it
is what it is”. I think people will always have bad experiences that ourselves cannot accept
because we think they are bad like being hurt, being heartbroken, or simply feeling weak or
insecure which is why most people run away from them which is normal, because who would
want to feel that way. It is completely natural to run away from negative feelings such as shame
and pain but people should be able to discipline themselves on how they react on these types of
emotions. However, I think people should have the ability to accept these kinds of feelings as
normal or part of life. I think a lot of people wants to live the perfect life full of happiness
therefore they ignore or let bad things hinder them as they try to fix them. Nobody really said a
perfect life is full of happiness and joy, and being happy in our own lives should be the goal but
a lot of us think that way. Which is why my current philosophy is “whatever happens, happens”
because literally anything can happen which is why I should be ready to accept it no matter what
happens so I can live life to the fullest. I believe pain should be accepted rather than flee away
from, in order to have a meaningful life because pain goes away when it teaches its lesson and
problems can only be solved when a person is aware of them.

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