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CO2 wall clock

(helps to keep the virus away with an all new familiar design clock for
school , office and any organization)

Aerosols are a possible transmission path of the novel coronavirus. Aerosols
spread quickly throughout the entire room, especially in closed indoor spaces.
Regular ventilation by shock and cross ventilation or via ventilation systems can
significantly reduce the risk of infection with covid 19 virus . Every person is
emitting CO2 as well as aerosols while breathing. CO2 concentration correlates
with the aerosol and thus virus concentration. CO2 is also a good indicator for the
efficiency of the ventilation. We would all be able to evaluate and check air
quality when going into a room from outside. In any case, people have no way to
impartially pass judgment on air quality a little while later, given our faculties
adjust rapidly to a circumstance . The vast majority don't see the gradual
exacerbating of air quality and see no rhyme or reason to vent a room regularly.
Air quality cannot be measured directly, but CO2 concentration is the most
important proxy. Outside air has typically CO2 concentration of around 410 ppm.
The concentration of exhaled CO2 is in the excess of approx. 38’000 ppm. Indoor
CO2 level considered acceptable is 1’000 ppm, a level that is reached in a room
quickly .
So a CO2 monitor helps to keep a room well-vented and is thought a
mandatory utility during this covid 19 pandemic situation .
Features of the clock:
4.24*7 operation
6. Do not disturb
Working Principle:
Indoors, concentrations below 600 ppm are of short nature, and exceeding 1’000
ppm suggests inadequate ventilation. Therefore the range from 600-1750 ppm is
more than sufficient for indoor operation. Moreover, the ppm concentration is
color coded and shall relate to the importance to air the room; green-amber-red-
purple.In the center of the watch face a red/green status LED indicates if a
warning buzzer is active or not. If active, the buzzer sends a 50 ms signal every 3
minutes when hitting 1000 ppm, and with increasing concentration warns more
often; at 1'750 ppm the buzzer is activated every 10 seconds. The buzzer can be
turned off/on with a small button that is located nearby the buzzer. Recommen-dation is to keep
the buzzer active at all times.
 Button needs to be connected to an Arduino pin supporting interrupts (D2 or
 Sensirion SCD 30 can be read-out via PWM, Modbus, or via an I2C bus . 
 Data input of Adafruit Neo Pixel LED ring shall be protected with a 470Ω
resistor, and DC connection buffered with a 470-1000 µF capacitor.
 Buzzer is driven directly by low power Arduino output. For more power, a
MOSFET driver circuit could be integrated.
Components required:

1.Arduino Nano

2.LED ring

3.Common Cathod led


5. capacitor

6.push button switch


8.photoresistor LDR

9.USB power supply

This innovative CO2 monitor for schools and offices helps to keep the virus
away with an all new, yet very familiar design, a Wall Clock.

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