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Name: MD.


Roll No: 16Law037

Assignment Topic: Why do I want to be a judge?

Subject: Drafting and Conveyancing

Subject Code: LL.B. 424

I want to be a judge

The reasons why I am wanting to choose this career

for me are written below:
According to my thoughts, basically
There are four reasons behind choosing this from many other
professional fields:

1. The basic aim of my life

2. The benefits of the profession
3. Status of the profession
4. My personal capability

1. The basic aim of my life:

Every person has a basic aim. The aim varies person wise. Some want to earn
money, some want to earn fame, some want to earn power, some others want to all
of them but I want to earn people’s love by standing beside them. In our society, I
have seen many injustices to the poor people which basically were occurred by the
powerful people by filing false cases against the poor people. That’s why My heart
always cries for that oppressed people and I think I can do something for them by
being Judicial Magistrate.
2. The benefits of the profession:

There are many benefits to be a judge: Some them are written below:

1. As the job is a government job, it has the all opportunities like other
government job.
2. A judge can ensure the justice to oppressed people.
3. This profession has a great social value.
4. A judge (The Judges of High Court Division) can question the Laws
made by the parliament which are against the Constitution of our
5. And also, The High Court Division can make the announcement of
void to the Laws which are against the Constitution of our country.

3. Status of the profession:

A judge's profile carries higher social value. It has safer

financial status. It is perhaps more social service oriented than the profile of an
advocate which is more serviceable to individual or interested group. It is more
challenging than advocacy. To be a good judge, you have to cultivate and maintain
five ethical principles — judicial aloofness and detachment, honesty and integrity,
judicial independence, judicial temperament with humility, and impartiality. The
role of the judge is to keep order or to tell you the sentence of the person.... In
cases with a jury, the judge is responsible for ensuring that the law is followed, and
the jury determines the facts. In cases without a jury, the judge also is the finder of
fact. To keep the status of the profession standards, Judges should know about
these ethical standards of judicial conduct.
1. Judicial Temperament: This character trait encompasses both the ability
to apply the law to the facts and to understand how a judicial decision will
affect the human beings appearing before the court.

2. Intelligence: This is the ability to know and apply legal rules, analyses and
procedures to different facts and Chief Judge Robert M. Bell has emphasized
the need for judges to communicate not just in the courtroom but also in the
communities in which they serve and to the other branches of government.

3. Ethics: There should be no doubt about an applicant's personal or

professional ethics. As a lawyer, a candidate should have maintained a
standard of conduct above the minimum standard set forth in the disciplinary
rules and should not have been disciplined by the Attorney Grievance
Commission. A candidate should be aware of and abide by the ethical
principles enunciated in the Code as guidance in specific situations.

4. Courage and Integrity Legal: "Courage" is "the willingness to do what

the law requires the judge to do even though the course the judge must
follow is not the popular one". "Integrity" is not being influenced by the
identity, race, gender, political status, wealth or relationship of the party or
lawyer before the judge.

5. Experience and Education: Prior professional activities, legal education,

teaching, bar activities, and publications are very important. The type and
amount of experience necessary varies depending on the judicial position
sought. Education and experience might be defined differently for appellate
positions. For this reason, extra careful attention should be paid when trial
court judges apply for appointment to an appellate court. The qualities which
have led to success as a trial court judge may not predict equal success at the
appellate level. Appellate judicial candidates generally should have
credentials as appellate lawyers, both in brief writing and oral argument.

6. Capability to maintain Workload: A candidate should demonstrate his

or her compatibility with the workload of the court. Those who dislike
writing opinions should not be recommended for appellate.

7. Ability to Communicate: This is the ability to express oneself clearly,

concisely, and grammatically, whether orally or in writing. It includes the
ability to listen.

8. Character: This most important overall quality is a key intangible. The

applicant should be of the best character. He or she should have a positive
reputation in every professional and residential community. His or her
background should be free of references to immorality or indiscretions.

4. My personal capability:

Every person has some Limitations. Like others I have some Limitations. That
means we know that A lawyer is to tell lies in Favor of his or her client. There is a
well saying that “No lawyer can be famous without making lies.” And this is not
possible for me. Because I have some Limitations as a Muslim. In Islam, lying is
not allowed. So, this is one of the main reasons for wanting to be a judge.

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