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Application for Work Experience

Name: Arshad Khan

Year: 11

My main academic interest is mathematics. For sixth form, I want to pursue a more difficult route
by taking both Mathematics and Further Mathematics. Mathematics is interesting to me because it
can create extraordinarily complex situations and ways to understand the world around us from a
foundational set of axioms, creating a progressive learning path many other subjects lack. It is also
associated with a high level of employability and above-average salaries so it might help me choose
a more viable career in the future. Outside of the standard GCSE curriculum, I also have been
teaching myself A Level Calculus as well as taking part in national olympiads.

In addition, I also plan to take Physics at A-Level. Physics is one of those subjects that enables people
to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios. Unlike Maths, it can be made directly
relevant to our lives and thus can be used to cause advances in technology and the general benefit
of our lives. Therefore, even though physics is interesting on its own due to the vast breadth and
depth of what can be learnt, it can be utilised in modern life.

I would also like to do Chemistry for as much the same reason as Physics. Additionally, the subject
allows me to begin to have a sounder understanding of our existence. For example, we all
experience chemical reactions continuously and they also govern the decisions we make and how
we feel. Chemistry can also help to have a better understanding of current events and news,
including news about petroleum, product recalls, pollution, technological advances etc. I also find
that I do well in Chemistry compared to other subjects and have enough interest to cope with two
more years of studying it.

In addition to academic work, I am also an avid guitarist, having managed to reach grade 5 for the
electric guitar alongside taking GCSE Music. Aside from the therapeutic and psychological effects of
deriving satisfaction from something that you enjoy and improve at, learning an instrument has also
helped me understand the importance of dedication and perseverance. This happened over time
through frustration, plateaus in performance and frequent failure but it has changed me for the
better. The additional time that is taken by this has also forced me to improve my time-
management skills, which has become cemented in many things I do now.

The opportunity to undertake work experience at Industrial Vision would be very useful to me. In
one respect, it could help confirm career aspirations in using applying maths and physics in
technology. Also, I hope that this opportunity will enable me to appreciate the everyday reality of
working in a similar field in the future. Furthermore, the dynamic future of employment will create
many new jobs in fields such as data science and engineering but may also herald the decline of
other professions. I hope to be able to see what the potential future of industrial work would be like
at a technologically specialised company such as Industrial Vision Systems Ltd.

After completing A-Levels, I hope to study Pure Mathematics at university. I am not too sure what
career I want to pursue. However, I am confident that my interests and choice of A-Levels will open a
large array of STEM-related fields like actuarial science or engineering. I am currently adamant on
wanting to incorporate teaching or lecturing into my future career, yet I am not certain in what way.

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