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Hang Out!

4 – Worksheet

Unit 9. This Weekend

A. Unscramble and write the correct word.

yarin zerfineg do omwkrhoe

1. ______________________ 2. ______________________ 3. ______________________

loco unysn go on a cnpiic

4. ______________________ 5. ______________________ 6. ______________________

B. Correct and rewrite the underlined words.

1. If is rainy this weekend, I’ll play on the tablet. → ______________________

2. If it’s sunny this weekend, I am go on a picnic. → ______________________

3. A: Was you go to the park if it’s snowy?

B: No, I won’t. → ______________________

4. A: Will you go swimming if it’s sunny?

B: Yes, I won’t. → ______________________

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