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PART 1 .

Thu âm Part 1 này nhé bạn.

Question 1. Do you often sing?

 You know, singing is not my forte, but sometimes, I often sing along to music and do
some shuffling sometimes. It is hilarious for myself but I get into it.
 Yes, singing is my kinda thing. When I was a child, I was harboring a dream to
become a famous singer like Taylor Swift. I think it is sweet but I gave up that dream
for other stuff.

Question 2. Where do you listen to music?

Everywhere, at home, stream music on the websites or my Mp3 player. On the move – I
listen to music makes my commute less boring – sometimes, hit to the concert to enjoy
the golden voices.

Question 3. Can you play musical instruments?

 Oh, actually no. I had tried several times, but I think I do not have a knack for it. It is
out of question. But I am really into listening to guitar or piano sounds.
 Actually I can play guitar, but I am only a novice. In the future, I try to play more to
hone my skills



Thu âm bài này bạn nhé

What: Today I’m going to talk about my favorite song that I listen over and over again.
Who: The song is called Give It To Me – which is performed by Son Tung MTP. To tell
you the truth, he is a prominent singer with a great vocal in Vietnam. His music
is always all the rage and it is usually played in all sorts of nightclubs and café. If
Son Tung MTP is an endorser for any products, it’s gonna sell like a hot cake.
When: If my memory serves me right, when the song was released to the public
several months ago, it hit the world by a storm.
How: I am addicted to this song by its catchy melody and lyrics. The I sing along to the
music all the time, on the move, in the bathroom, and in my bedroom. When I
listen the song, I also do some shuffling, I mean, I move my body to the music.
It is really a blast!
Why: The reason why I prefer it to other songs is the lyrics. You know, the song tells a
story about sad love with heart-wrenching stories, and it really touches my
heart. Now I am trying to play this song with my guitar skills, but to be honest, I
am just a novice.



Question 1. What might be the best age to start learning to play a musical
Theo quan điểm của tôi bắt đầu học khi bạn còn trẻ là lựa chọn tốt nhất, càng sớm càng
tốt. Tâm trí của trẻ em rất ấn tượng với mọi thứ khi chúng còn nhỏ, chúng lưu giữ thông
tin và thấm mọi thứ nhanh như một miếng bọt biển. Vì vậy, Họ có thể phát triển các kỹ
năng âm nhạc của mình và xem liệu rằng chúng/ bọn trẻ có tài năng về nó không. Nếu
bạn bắt đầu học sau này trong cuộc sống, có lẽ sẽ khó khăn hơn để tìm thời gian để học
và thực hành.
 In my view starting to learn when you are young is the best option, you
know the younger, the better. Children's minds are so impressionable when they
are young, they retain information and soak it up like a sponge. Therefore, they
can develop their musical skills and see if they have a talent for it. if you start
learning later in life, it will probably be more difficult to find the time, to have
lessons and to practice.

Question 2. What do old people like to listen to?

Họ thích âm nhạc truyền thống và đôi khi là cổ điển. Tôi không nghĩ họ thích nghe những
bài hát pop hay bất cứ điều gì “bốp chát” quá, có thể họ nghe radio nhưng có gì đó thư
giãn hơn. Chẳng hạn, bà tôi thích nghe một đài phát thanh có một chương trình hỗn
hợp gồm các câu chuyện, các cuộc phỏng vấn, các vở kịch và nhạc cổ điển.
 They like to listen to traditional music and sometimes classical. I don't
think they like to listen to pop songs or anything heavy, maybe they listen to the
radio but something that is more relaxing. For instance, my grandma like to listen
to a radio station that has a mixed programme of stories, interviews, plays and
classical music.

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