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Test 4 / 18

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1 Complete the crossword puzzle. /3


1. a little house
2. a place to practice religion
8 10
3. a place to live 1
c o t t a g e
4. a very tall building
6 7
5. a house built with ice 2

Down 4

6. a place to watch sports

7. a place where a king lives
8. a place to buy sport
9. a place with many stores
10. a place to see fish

2 Number the lines to form a dialogue. /2

Oh, no! We’re It’s a quarter Half past seven? And

late! to eight. what time is it now?

At half past seven, What time are we going

at the café. to meet our friends? 1

5 D.R. © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2017 Photocopiable

3 Listen and circle T (True) or F (False). /2

1. Karen stayed in a cottage with her family. T F

2. Karen's dog swam in the lake. T F

3. Her brother climbed a mountain. T F

4. Karen saw some animals. T F

4 Write the questions and answer them. /4

1. you / chat with friends / last night

Did you chat with friends last night ? No, I didn’t.

2. you / eat breakfast / this morning

3. your mom / clean your room / yesterday

4. your family / go to the movies / on Saturday

5. you / play video games / yesterday

5 Read and trace a route. Then write the instructions. /4

Go straight on... opposite... Turn left / right... Walk one block...

You're at your apartment.

You want to go to the stadium.

5 • Test 4 D.R. © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2017 Photocopiable

6 Read and match the parts of the sentences. /3

The Olympic Games

The Olympic Games take their watched and participated in the
name from ancient Greek legend. Olympic Games. After many years,
The Greek god Zeus fought against the Romans came to Greece and
a god named Kronos on a high stopped the Olympic Games.
mountain, and he won. At the The first modern Olympic Games
bottom of the mountain, people took place in 1896. It included
built a temple to celebrate Zeus's many original Olympic sports and
victory. They named this place new sports, too. People from all
Olympia. The first Olympic Games nations, men and women, could
took place in Olympia in 776 BC. participate. The Olympic Games
The only competition was a race. occur every four years, in a different
After a hundred years, they city each time. Winners for each
added other sports like boxing sport receive a gold, silver or bronze
and jumping. Only men and boys medal.

1. The Greek god Zeus took place in 776 BC.

2. The first Olympic Games participated in the first Olympic Games.

3. Only men and boys took place in 1896.

4. Sports like boxing and jumping weren't a part of the Olympic Games in 776 BC.

5. The first modern Olympic Games fought Kronos on a high mountain.

6. All of the countries in the world gold, silver or bronze medals.

7. Athletes won could participate in the Games.

5 • Test 4 D.R. © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2017 Photocopiable

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