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Sebastianne Euclid J.

Activity #2

THINK – What are the similarities and differences of the philosophies about the self?

- I think that philosophy is what you think is healthy for you and your personal
well-being. It is how you perceive certain aspects of life and the stuff happening
around you. Our minds create/construct ourselves, forever evolving until death.
The similarity is that it is all about ourselves or self-improvement. We often
question or doubt everything that happens around us or everything we think
about. All of these can help you through your ups and downs because everything
has a cause-and-effect type of scenario. It helps us be ready for what’s coming or
what’s not coming. The difference is that there are other opinions based on their
own experience and beliefs. I personally always have my thoughts close by and
often talk to myself about the things I constantly doubt in this world.

CHECK – Pick one philosophy from the lecture/s. How is it applicable to you as a
person? How can the Benedictine tenet, Ora et Labora, affect your philosophy about

- The philosophy that I would pick is Epicureanism, being happy or the definition
of happiness is a hard question to answer. It is applicable to me as a person
because I tend to rely on my happiness on the people or things around me. I was
born with the thought of having all these materials things can bring you happiness
but that’s not the case anymore, especially in this pandemic. Epicureanism gives a
whole new meaning about the purpose of happiness and that life is bigger than us.
The Ora et Labora or prayer and work changed my philosophy about myself
because life is bigger than me and that prayer is also a way of being true to

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