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Sebastianne Euclid J.



Activity #3a: Individualistic vs Collectivist Cultures

1. Economics – We Filipinos tend to be more on the collectivistic society, especially in economics. For
example, once I get a job, I immediately think that my first paycheck will go to my parents. This is because I
thank them for all the hardships we had to go through as a family. We are also grouped with cousins,
extended family members in exchange of change or loyalty. Filipinos are family-centered and that reflects
on their economic value in society. Dynasties of families including land and agriculture.
2. Politics – Filipinos are collectivist in politics because when it comes to opinions and sides about politics
they tend to agree and have little to no debates. As for voting, Filipino families that are clustered tend to
vote the same person. When a different family member is against with their claims they start to have fights
and will probably hold a grudge against the other person, leading them to block them on social media apps
or in real life.
3. Social – In social terms, we are often distinguished by our surname and not as an individual. When meeting
new people or older people especially at reunions or weddings, I often get asked who my parents are,
because in some way or another they will know my origin and they connect the people who might be
related to us.

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