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1. Based on your observation and experiences, give three manifestations of

individualistic culture among Filipinos. Explain each.
 Too much devotion on work – in this way some people often place a
greater emphasis on standing out and being unique. Wherein the rights of
an individual tend to take a higher precedence.
 When a person is financially stable – some people when they reach the
time of relief in life that gives them power to rely on their own and provide
their own resources. They are independent to be resilient enough to
conquer everything.
 In the state of education – some student are being dependent upon others
that is considered shameful or embarrassing.

2. Based on your observation and experiences, give three manifestations of

collectivistic culture among Filipinos. Explain each.
 Taking care of elderly – children are likely to take care of their elderly
parents if they fall ill and will change their own plans in the event of family
 Representative in every party list – it is considered collectivistic culture in
a way that citizens vote for their leader, and after the votes are counted,
they are expected to accept this leader even if it wasn’t the leader they
voted for. Because here we’re privileging the collective, or the majority of
votes, this collective voice matters more than the voice of one individual.
 Caring for the family – in this way some people are devoted to their family
like for instance the bread winner feel that they are obliged to provide the
needs of their family specifically to their young siblings wherein they really
do all means, the hard work just to provide for their family to have a better

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