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Dumigpe, Sebastianne Eucllid J.

The Buying Decision Process:

 Problem recognition - Is the first step in the decision-making process for consumers. Our capacity to
spot problems and address them for our customers determines our success as business owners and/or
marketers. A disparity between one's intended state and one's actual state of contentment leads to
problem detection. In the video we can see that the COVID-19 pandemic has affected a lot of customers,
they fixed the problem by having online shops for easier transactions.
 Information search – It can be categorized as internal and external research. External research is when
a potential or current customer has no basic knowledge about a certain product, it often leads to seek
questions from personal or public sources. Internal research is when a person tries to recollect past
experiences with a product, brand, or service by searching their memory. Internal information search
may be sufficient to induce a purchase if the product is considered a staple or something that is
frequently purchased. In the video shown, they have offered help to customers who are asking questions
about the product.
 Evaluation of alternatives - Consumers assess all of their product and brand selections on a scale of
traits that can provide the benefit that the buyer is looking for. Consumers' evoked set the brands and
products they compare indicate the alternatives they examine during the problem-solving process. In the
video it portrayed that sportswear and casual clothes were often purchased because they are only inside
the houses not preparing for certain events of business clothes like suits.
 Purchase decision – This is when the purchase actually takes place. In this stage the consumer has
already evaluated all the brands and will purchase the brand/product he likes the most or what product
best suits the consumer. It applies to the video because they tend to purchase from shops like Zara or
Pull & bear because it is the most available for them.
 Post-purchase behavior – This is when the customer assesses if he is satisfied with the purchase or not.
This can also affect the purchase decision of peers because he will likely share his/her thoughts with
them. This can be applied to the video because when they shop online they don’t know the texture of the
clothes and that they can have second thoughts of the product when it actually gets there.

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