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 Write down the chemical structure/Chemical function of the following things:

 Nucleoid_ (04 marks) _2019_ (05 marks) _2016
 Cell wall_ (04 marks) _2017_ (05 marks) _2016_ (04 marks) _2015
 Ribosome_ (04 marks) _2019_ (04 marks) _2017_ (04 marks) _2015
 Describe the following components:
 Cytoplasm_ (02 marks) _2013
 Cell wall_ (02 marks) _2014_ (02 marks) _2013
 Nucleoid_ (02 marks) _2014
 Capsule _ (02 marks) _2014
 Cytoplasm _ (02 marks) _2013
 Flagella _ (02 marks) _2013

 Describe the bacterial growth curve with figure. _ (12 marks) _2013
 Explain the growth and multiplication of bacteria. _ (12 marks) _2015
 If a condition is designed in which 90% of cells out 10 8/mL die in the first 5 minutes, then
compute the total time to sterilize the system. _ (06 marks) _2016_[MATH]
 Define percentage law of bacterial death. _ (02 marks) _2016 /Describe the percentage law
of bacterial death. _ (08 marks) _2018_ (07 marks) _2017
 Describe the environmental conditions for growth of bacteria. _ (10 marks) _2018_ (09
marks) _2016
 Discuss the growth requirement factors of bacteria. _ (08 marks) _2019_ (10 marks)
_2017_ (12 marks) _2014
 Prove with a figure n= log 2
where n is the number of bacterial generations. _ (12
marks) _2019

 What is bacteriology? _ (02 marks) _2018_ (0 marks) _2013

 What are bacteria? _ (02 marks) _2016
 Draw the structure of bacterium. _ (10 marks) _2018_ (12 marks) _2014
 Classify bacteria in different way with example_2017_10_ (10 marks) _2017
 What do you mean by morphology of bacteria? _ (02 marks) _2018_ (02 marks) _2015/
Write down the morphology of bacteria. _ (06 marks) _2015 /Write down the
morphological classification of bacteria. _ (06 marks) _2016

 Classify bacteria based on bacterial shape, nutrient mode and oxygen requirement.
(WITH EAMPLE) _ (09 marks) _2013
 Distinguish between gram positive and gram-negative bacteria. _ (05 marks) _2019
 Distinguish between Cell wall of gram positive and Cell wall of gram-negative bacteria.
 Mention the positive and negative role of bacteria in leather industry. _ (07 marks)
 Mention the role of bacteria in tanning industry. _ (07 marks) _2019_ (07 marks) _2018

 What is catabolism and anabolism? _ (04 marks) _2015

 Show the relationship between anabolic and catabolic reaction. _ (05 marks) _2018_ (05
marks) _2015


 Define colony. (03 marks) _2014

 Define culture media. _ (02 marks) _2014_ (02 marks) _2013
 What is meant by microbial colony? _ (02 marks) _2019
 List out the name of culture methods. _ (03 marks) _2018

 Write down the chemical application and composition of following culture media:
 Based on constituents/Ingredients:(Types of Culture Media)
 Complex media_ (06 marks) _2018
 Synthetic media or chemically defined media_ (05 marks) _2019_ (06 marks) _2018
 Special media
 Differential media_ (05 marks) _2019_ (03 marks) _2013
 Enriched media _ (05 marks) _2017_ (05 marks) _2015
 Mac Conkey’s media_ (05 marks) _2017_ (05 marks) _2015
 Selective media_ (06 marks) _2016
 Explain a culture media used for isolation of vibrio species_ (08 marks) _2017
 State the objectives of solid and liquid media of bacterial culture_ (06 marks) _2016

 Suppose you have been given a mixed colony agar plate cultured from the source of
liming/soaking waste water. Now you are said to isolate a specific colony from it. Write
down the sequential steps of the isolation process. (10 marks) _2019_ (10 marks) _2018_
(10 marks) _2016_ (10 marks) _2015_ (10 marks) _2014
 How can you separate gram positive and gram-negative bacteria from mixed culture? _
(10 marks) _2017
 How can you separate gram positive and gram-negative bacteria from Culture of soak
liquor? _ (09 marks) _2016

 What is staining? Why bacteria are stained prior to microscopic view? / Why do you
need to stain bacteria_ (08 marks) _2016_ (06 marks) _2015_ (06 marks) _2014

 What is the difference between simple and differential stain method? _ (06 marks) _2017

 State the principle of gram staining method. (05 marks) _2019_ (06 marks) _2016_ (06
marks) _2015
 What are the laboratory techniques for identification of bacteria? Discuss the procedure of
gram-staining method for identification of bacteria_ (12 marks) _2014_ (12 marks) _2013
 What is gram staining? “On most Gram-stained preparation, Gram-negative organisms will
appear red or pink”-Explain with figure_ (10 marks) _2018

 Explain the Ziehl-Neelsen stain method of bacteria_ (10 marks) _2015

 Why micro bacterium cannot be stained by using gram staining method. _ (06 marks)
_2019_ (07 marks) _2017


 What do you mean by vegetative cell and germination? _ (05 marks) _2015
 Define endospores. _ (02 marks) _2013
 List out some spore forming bacteria. _ (02 marks) _2016 _ (02 marks) _2014

 Write down the sporulation process of bacteria with a necessary figure. _ (08 marks)
_2019_ (08 marks) _2018_ (10 marks) _2017_ (10 marks) _2013
 Define bacterial spores. Describe spore structure with figure/Explain the bacteriospore
process_2018_10, 2015_10_ (10 marks) _2018_ (06 marks) _2015

 If bacterial spores are ready to resist harsh condition, how do we destroy them? / Briefly
discuss the tyndallization process_ (07 marks) _2015/ How can spore forming bacteria be
destroyed? _ (10 marks) _2019 _ (06 marks) _2018_ (06 marks) _2016_ (08 marks) _2014
 Alcohol can act as antimicrobial agent-Explain_ (07 marks) _2018_ (07 marks) _2016
 How antimicrobial agent works? Describe briefly_ (10 marks) _2018
 List out major group of antimicrobial agents. _ (03 marks) _2016
 List out different microbial control methods with their effects in a diagram_ (10 marks)
 Explain the modes of action of antimicrobial agents on microorganism_ (10 marks) _2014

 Write short note on Sterilization_2018_04, 2016

 Define the terminology (a) Disinfection (b) Antisepsis (c) Pasturizetation_2016_09, 2013
 Distinguish between sterilization and pasteurization_2014_07, 2013

 State the principle involved in sterilization by an autoclave_2016_07

 State the principle of heat as an agent of microbial control_2015_07
 State the application of ultraviolet radiation in controlling microorganisms_2016_06
 State the application of ionization radiation for controlling microorganism_2015_06

 Discuss about the following chemicals agents for microbial control. (a) Phenol and its
derivatives (b) Detergents_2015_07
 Mention five chemical agents with their required concentration and times for chemical
destruction of selected microbes. _ (10 marks) _2019 [VIP]


 What do you mean by infections and immunity? _2014_05
 What is immunity? How does immunity system work against pathogens in our
 What are infections and pathogens? How can infection diseases transmit? _ (07 marks)
 What is the difference between antigen and antibody? Explain briefly the antigen

 In spite of being pathogens why do we need bacteria? 2013_ (06 marks) _2019

 Write down the general principle of immunity to micro-organism_2014_12

 Explain the lines of defense of immunity system against microbial attack_2017_08_ (07
marks) _2017

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