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World Ozone Day 

|  International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer


September 16, 2021

India is a Party to the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer and the Montreal Protocal on Substances that deplete the Ozone Layer and
all its amendments. India has been successfully implementing the phase-out programme of Ozone Depleting Substances (ODSs) in the country. India is now
phasing out the next category of chemicals, Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFs0 as per the accelerated phase-out schedule of the Montreal Protocol and has
already met 2015 and 2020 phase-out targets. The complete phase-out of production and consumption of HCFCs will be by 2030 with a service tail of 2.5%
annual average during the period 2030-2040.
The United Nations General Assembly on 23rd January, 1995 adopted resolution 49/114, which proclaims 16th September as the World Ozone Day,
commemorating the date on which Montreal Protocol on Substances that deplete the Ozone Layer was signed in 1987. The World Ozone Day offers an
opportunity to focus global attention and action on this vital environmental issue.
The theme for the celebration of this year's World Ozone Day to be marked on 16 th Spetmeber is "Montreal Protocol - Keeping us, our food and vaccines
cool". This year's World Ozone Day seeks to highlight, the Montreal Protocol does so much - such as slowing climate change and helping to boost energy
efficiency in the cooling sector, which contributes to food security. The Protocol has been universally ratified by all 197 member countries of United Nations.
The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has developed and launched the India Cooling Action Plan (ICAP) during 2019, which is in line
with the theme of the World Ozone Day 2021. The ICAP aims to provide an integrated vision towards cooling across sectors including space cooling in
buildings and cold chain encompassing inter alia reducing colling demand, refrigerant transition, enhancing energy efficiency and better technology options
with a 20-year time horizon.
The awareness among the stakeholders including industries and the general public play a vital role in phase-out of ODSs and protection of the Ozone Layer.
In this year of the coronavirus pandemic, the World Ozone Day may be observed by following the government guidelines and maintaining social distancing.

The ozone layer, a fragile shield of gas, protects the Earth from the harmful portion of the rays of the sun, thus helping
preserve life on the planet.
The phaseout of controlled uses of ozone depleting substances and the related reductions have not only helped protect the
ozone layer for this and future generations, but have also contributed significantly to global efforts to address climate change;
furthermore, it has protected human health and ecosystems by limiting the harmful ultraviolet radiation from reaching the Earth.

Montreal Protocol – keeping us, our food and vaccines cool

The Montreal Protocol started life as a global agreement to protect the ozone layer, a job it has done well, making it one of the
most successful environmental agreements to date. A united global effort to phase out ozone-depleting substances means
that today, the hole in the ozone layer is healing, in turn protecting human health, economies and ecosystems. But, as this
year’s World Ozone Day seeks to highlight, the Montreal Protocol does so much more – such as slowing climate change and
helping to boost energy efficiency in the cooling sector, which contributes to food security.
A number of commonly used chemicals have been found to be extremely damaging to the ozone layer. Halocarbons are
chemicals in which one or more carbon atoms are linked to one or more halogen atoms (fluorine, chlorine, bromine or iodine).
Halocarbons containing bromine usually have much higher ozone-depleting potential (ODP) than those containing chlorine.
The man-made chemicals that have provided most of the chlorine and bromine for ozone depletion are methyl bromide,
methyl chloroform, carbon tetrachloride and families of chemicals known as halons, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and
hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs).

Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer

The scientific confirmation of the depletion of the ozone layer prompted the international community to establish a mechanism
for cooperation to take action to protect the ozone layer. This was formalized in the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the
Ozone Layer, which was adopted and signed by 28 countries, on 22 March 1985. In September 1987, this led to the drafting of
The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer.

Montreal Protocol
The principal aim of the Montreal Protocol is to protect the ozone layer by taking measures to control total global production
and consumption of substances that deplete it, with the ultimate objective of their elimination on the basis of developments in
scientific knowledge and technological information. It is structured around several groups of ozone-depleting substances. The
groups of chemicals are classified according to the chemical family and are listed in annexes to the Montreal Protocol text.
The Protocol requires the control of nearly 100 chemicals, in several categories. For each group or annex of chemicals, the
Treaty sets out a timetable for the phase-out of production and consumption of those substances, with the aim of eventually
eliminating them completely.
The timetable set by the Protocol applies to consumption of ozone depleting substances. Consumption is defined as the
quantities produced plus imported, less those quantities exported in any given year. There is also a deduction for verified
destruction. Percentage reductions relate to the designated base-line year for the substance. The Protocol does not forbid the
use of existing or recycled controlled substances beyond the phase-out dates.
There are a few exceptions for essential uses where no acceptable substitutes have been found, for example, in metered dose
inhalers (MDI) commonly used to treat asthma and other respiratory problems or halon fire-suppression systems used in
submarines and aircraft.
In 1994, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 16 September the International Day for the Preservation of the
Ozone Layer, commemorating the date of the signing, in 1987, of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the
Ozone Layer (resolution 49/114).

Implementation of the Montreal Protocol

Implementation of the Montreal Protocol progressed well in developed and developing countries. All phase-out schedules
were adhered to in most cases, some even ahead of schedule. Attention focused initially on chemicals with higher ozone-
depletion potentials including CFCs and halons. The phase-out schedule for HCFCs was more relaxed due to their lower
ozone-depletion potentials and because they have also been used as transitional substitutes for CFCs.
The HCFC phase-out schedule was introduced in 1992 for developed and developing countries, the latter with a freeze in
2015, and final phase-out by 2030 in developed countries and 2040 in developing countries. In 2007, Parties to the Montreal
Protocol decided to accelerate the HCFC phase-out schedule for both developed and developing countries.

Universal ratification
On 16th September 2009, the Vienna Convention and the Montreal Protocol became the first treaties in the history of the
United Nations to achieve universal ratification.

Kigali Amendment
The Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer reached agreement at their 28th Meeting of
the Parties on 15 October 2016 in Kigali, Rwanda to phase-down hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)

What is the Ozone Hole?

In the middle of the 20th century, a collective interest in the human effect on the
environment had begun to emerge. Scientists were keenly observing how interference by
society in the natural processes of Earth worked out. In the 1970’s, this research led to some
interesting observations about the ozone layer and ozone hole of the Earth.

This layer is present in the atmosphere, and it prevents excessive UV radiation from entering
into the Earth. It was noticed that there was a steady decline of the ozone in the
stratosphere, which comprised of the ozone layer. They also noticed ozone depletion in
larger amounts over the two poles of the earth, which is known as the ozone hole.

A layer of gas called ozone sits up around 25-30 kms above the earth’s surface. Ozone is
made up of oxygen and is produced naturally in the atmosphere. As the presence of ozone
gets reduced in the atmosphere, it causes the ozone layer to get thinner and thinner. The
more ozone layer gets thin, the more the size of the ozone hole gets big.

The ozone layer is important because it prevents too many harmful ultraviolet rays from
reaching the earth. Ultraviolet rays have the capability to destroy plants and animals and can
cause skin cancer, cataracts to human beings. The existence of life on earth is possible only
because of the presence of the ozone layer around the earth.
This ozone depletion was worrisome because it was taking place at an unprecedented rate.

Climate change and ozone depletion are two global issues that are different but have
many connections. In the ozone depletion case, we managed to work with decision
makers effectively so that an international agreement called the Montreal Protocol
was achieved that essentially solved the ozone depletion problem.

~ Mario J. Molina
According to Wikipedia,

“Ozone depletion describes two distinct but related phenomena observed since the late 1970s:
a steady decline of about four percent in the total amount of ozone in Earth’s stratosphere (the
ozone layer), and a much larger springtime decrease in stratospheric ozone around Earth’s
polar regions.

The latter phenomenon is referred to as the ozone hole. In addition to these well-known
stratospheric phenomena, there are also springtime polar tropospheric ozone depletion events.”

Causes of Ozone Hole

The destruction of the ozone layer is caused by one factor only, which is
Cholorofluorocarbons. In the 1980s, scientists discovered the thinning of ozone in the lower
stratosphere, and the dramatic ozone loss known as the “ozone hole” in the Antarctic spring
(September and October).

The main cause of the ozone hole was found to be gases that contained
Cholorofluorocarbons or CFCs (compounds with chlorine and/or fluorine attached to
carbon), Halons(similar compounds with bromine or iodine) and Freons. Found commonly in
aerosol cans and released by many electronic appliances, these were seen to decrease the
level of ozone in the stratosphere. All of these gases contain chlorine, which is a major cause
behind the thinning of the ozone layer.

Stratospheric ozone is continuously produced by the action of the sun’s ultraviolet radiation
on oxygen molecules known as photochemical reactions. Ozone is primarily created at
tropical latitudes, but large-scale air circulation patterns in the lower stratosphere move
ozone toward the poles, where its concentration builds up.

In addition to this global motion, strong winter polar vortices are also important to
concentrating ozone at the poles. During the continuously dark polar winter, the air inside
the polar vortices becomes extremely cold, which is a necessary condition for polar
stratospheric cloud formation.

Polar stratospheric clouds create the conditions for drastic ozone destruction, as they
provide a surface for chlorine to change into a form that destroys ozone. Until the sun comes
up in the spring, they generally tend to last.
At the poles, CFCs attach to ice particles in clouds. When the sun comes out again in the
polar spring, the ice particles melt and release the ozone-depleting molecules from the ice
particle surfaces.

The presence of chlorine within CFC’s break down the ozone gases in ozone layer which
increases the chances of ozone depletion. Till date, CFC’s have accounted for about 80% of
ozone depletion.

The destruction of the ozone layer is primarily caused when the amount of gases that
contain chlorine begins to increase in the environment. As these gases rise upwards, they are
exposed to UV light. This then causes a chemical reaction that creates chlorine atoms. These
affect the atoms of ozone and cause ozone depletion.

Although the process has been taking place for several years, the ozone layer was repairing
itself naturally. With the marked increase in the emission of these gases, the ozone hole
above Antarctica is becoming a permanent part of the layer. Even though the damage is
reversible, it will require several decades and a major reduction in emissions.

CFC’s are not washed back to the earth and are not even destroyed in reaction with other
chemicals, which means that they can remain in the atmosphere for a large period of time
may be from 20 to 120 years or more.

As a result, they are transported back to the stratosphere, where they are eventually broken
down by UV rays from the sun, releasing free chlorine.

Stratospheric ozone also has natural processes that remove it from the atmosphere. Tiny
sulfate particles (aerosols) blasted into the stratosphere by the volcanic eruption of Mount
Pinatubo in 1991 caused measurable decreases in ozone for several years following the

As of now, the ozone hole remains an area of interest for many. Even though the ozone hole
present above the Antarctic is beginning to show signs of a decline, there are concerns
regarding the long term effects.

In particular, many scientists are worried that the development of the same conditions in
other parts of the world may cause large scale ozone thinning in the future, if not ozone
depletion all together.

Effects of the Ozone Hole

Scientists have been able to determine the number of consequences related to ozone
depletion. First is the increase of UVB (Ultraviolet B) light that enters into the atmosphere.
This causes environmental damage.
Effects on Human Health
The thinning of the ozone layer means getting directly in touch with ultraviolet rays. Ozone
layer depletion increases the amount of UV that reaches the Earth’s surface. As per
laboratory and epidemiological studies, UV causes non-melanoma skin cancer and plays a
major role in malignant melanoma development, which can even lead to death. A decrease
in 1% of the ozone layer can cause a 5% increase in cases of skin cancer.

Exposure to UV rays has also increased the cases of cataracts, a clouding of the eye’s lens,
which in turn affects people’s vision and could also cause an increase in people becoming

Depletion of the ozone layer and increase in UV rays can also cause damage to DNA, which
can lead to mutation. Other effects are damage to skin cells, aging of skin etc.

Effects on Animals
In the animal kingdom, many species of animals have been found suffering from growing
sunburn as a result of increased UV light. Certain crops will also be affected since they are
dependent on cyanobacteria, which is quite sensitive to changing levels of UV radiation. On
the other hand, it has also been found that the increased levels allow for the production of
more Vitamin D in the animal kingdom.

Effects on Marine Ecosystems

Phytoplankton and zooplankton are the base of aquatic food webs. Phytoplankton
productivity is very sensitive to the amount of light in their environment, and increases in
UV-B rays that greatly affect them. Exposure to solar UVB radiation affects both orientation
and motility in phytoplankton, resulting in reduced survival rates for these organisms.

Scientists have demonstrated a direct reduction in phytoplankton production due to ozone

depletion-related increases in UVB, which have far-reaching effects for all marine life.

UVB radiation has been found to cause damage to the early developmental stages of
amphibians, fish, crab, shrimp, and other marine animals.

The most severe effects are decreased reproductive capacity and impaired larval
development. Small increases in UVB exposure could result in a reduced population of small
marine organisms with implications for the whole marine food chain.

Aquatic plants and animals are not even safe. UV rays can penetrate through water and can
kill small plants and animals. If the ozone hole keeps on expanding, there would be very few
plants, which means less food in the whole world.
Effects on Plants
The physiological and developmental processes of plants get affected by UVB radiation.
Plant growth can be directly affected by UVB radiation despite mechanisms adapted to
reduce or repair these effects and an ability to adapt to increased levels of UVB.

Indirect changes caused by UVB, including changes in plant form, the way nutrients are
distributed within the plant, timing of developmental phases and secondary metabolism may
be equally or sometimes highly significant than damaging effects of UVB. These changes can
have a severe impact on the plant’s competitive balance, herbivory, diseases, and
biogeochemical cycles.

Effects on Biogeochemical Cycles

Increased UVB radiation could affect terrestrial and aquatic biogeochemical cycles, thus
altering both sources and sinks of greenhouse and chemically important trace gases such as
carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, carbonyl sulfide, ozone, and other gases. These potential
changes would contribute to biosphere-atmosphere feedbacks that mitigate or amplify the
atmospheric concentrations of these gases.

Effects on Materials
Synthetic polymers, naturally occurring biopolymers, and some other commercial goods are
adversely affected by UVB radiation. Today’s materials are somewhat protected from UVB by
special additives. However, increases in UVB levels will accelerate their breakdown, restricting
their longevity for outdoor use.

Various Solutions to Reduce the Ozone Hole

The effect of the ozone hole and the damage done to the layer is still not very well
understood. Apart from the gradual decrease of the ozone layer all over the world, there is
little quantifiable evidence of new holes appearing any time soon. Even so, a number of
countries have been working towards mitigating the damage.

Banning CFC
CFC’s commonly found in refrigerants, solvents, propellants, and foam-blowing agents have
been banned, especially in aerosol cans and various electrical appliances. There have been
many conventions held to discuss the methods that will slowly phase out the use of the

Phasing out Ozone-Depleting Chemicals

The Montreal Protocol was agreed on in the 1980s, which was an international commitment
to phase out ozone-depleting chemicals that was universally ratified by all countries that
participate in the UN. However, this has been met with a great deal of resistance from
industries that are based on the production and use of the gases.

EPA uses the Atmospheric and Health Effects Framework model to estimate the health
benefits of a stronger ozone layer protection under the Montreal Protocol. Updated
information on the benefits of EPA’s efforts to address ozone layer depletion is available in a
2015 report, Updating Ozone Calculations and Emissions Profiles for Use in the Atmospheric
and Health Effects Framework Model.

Generating Public Awareness

However, the few known and verifiable effects seen within the environment has been a
catalyst for change. One of the widespread and long-lasting effects has been public
awareness of the environmental issues facing the planet.

As one of the first major human-made problems to be discussed on a public forum, it set the
ground for public opinion and action on issues such as pollution, greenhouse gases, global
warming and the climate crisis.

Because all sunlight contains some UVB, even with normal stratospheric ozone levels, it is
always essential to protect your skin and eyes from the sun.

It also sparked off renewed research about how weather patterns and natural phenomena
may be disturbed by small changes in the atmosphere. Ozone depletion is not as serious as
it once was, but nonetheless, it has had an impact on the planet.

The ozone layer does not face rampant ozone depletion anymore, as most governments and
environmental agencies have worked hard to reduce the emission of CFCs. This has proven
to be a success and is the base for further work in reducing dangerous emissions.

What is the Ozone Layer?

To understand the ozone layer, it would be helpful to know the different layers of the
atmosphere. The earth’s atmosphere is composed of many layers, each playing a significant
role. The first layer stretching approximately 10 kilometers upwards from the earth’s surface
is known as the troposphere. A lot of human activities such as gas balloons, mountain
climbing, and small aircraft flights take place within this region.
The stratosphere is the next layer above the troposphere stretching approximately 15 to 60
kilometers. The ozone layer sits in the lower region of the stratosphere from about 20-30
kilometers above the surface of the earth. The thickness of the ozone layer is about 3 to 5
mm, but it pretty much fluctuates depending on the season and geography.

Ozone layer is a deep layer in the earth’s atmosphere that contains ozone which is a naturally
occurring molecule containing three oxygen atoms. These ozone molecules form a gaseous
layer in the Earth’s upper atmosphere called the stratosphere.

This lower region of the stratosphere containing a relatively higher concentration of ozone is
called Ozonosphere. The Ozonosphere is found 15-35 km (9 to 22 miles) above the surface
of the earth.

The concentration of ozone in the ozone layer is usually under 10 parts per million while the
average concentration of ozone in the atmosphere is about 0.3 parts per million. The
thickness of the ozone layer differs as per season and geography. The highest concentrations
of ozone occur at altitudes from 26 to 28 km (16 to 17 miles) in the tropics and from 12 to 20
km (7 to 12 miles) towards the poles.

The ozone layer forms a thick layer in the stratosphere, encircling the earth, which has a large
amount of ozone in it. The ozone layer protects life on earth from strong ultraviolet radiation
that comes from the sun.

Ultraviolet rays are harmful rays that can drive up the risk of deadly disorders like skin cancer,
cataracts and damage the immune system. Ultraviolet rays are also capable of destroying
single-cell organisms, terrestrial plant life, and aquatic ecosystems.

The ozone layer was discovered in 1913 by the French physicists Charles Fabry and Henri
Buisson. The ozone layer has the capability to absorb almost 97-99% of the harmful
ultraviolet radiation that sun emits and which can produce long term devastating effects on
humans beings as well as plants and animals.

Composition of the Ozone Layer

It comes as a surprise that the same UV rays from the bulk of the ozone layer. Ozone is an
extraordinary kind of oxygen composed of 3 oxygen atoms instead of the normal 2 oxygen
atoms. The ozone layer normally develops when a few kinds of electrical discharge or
radiation splits the 2 atoms in an oxygen(O2) molecule, which then independently reunite
with other types of molecules to form ozone. The ozone layer has been shielding life on
planet earth for billions of years, but it’s now being worn out by human activities.

People began to value the importance of the ozone layer when scientists released a research
finding suggesting that certain human-made chemicals known as chlorofluorocarbons
managed to reach the stratosphere and depleted the ozone via a profound series of
chemical reactions.
The results of this research study prompted the signing of a global treaty known as
the Montreal Protocol in 1973. This treaty helped in the reduction of the production of these
harmful human-made chemicals.

These targeted efforts have seen the ozone layer recovering over the past years. The
thickness of the ozone layer varies immensely on any day and location. Due to relentless
vertical atmospheric air circulation in both the stratosphere and troposphere, the amount of
ozone layer shielding humans from strong UV rays can be lesser or greater. In addition,
those residing in higher elevations are at risk of UV radiation than those at lower elevations.

The Stratospheric ozone plays a big role in protecting humans from the harshness of the sun.
However, there is also a kind of ozone developed just above the ground as a result of sun
rays coming into contact with pollution in the atmosphere, which is hazardous to human

In some individuals, it can lead to complications in breathing and often takes place during
the summer when pollution is rampant in cities where the air is static.

Why is Ozone Layer Necessary?

An essential property of the ozone molecule is its ability to block solar radiations of
wavelengths less than 290 nanometers from reaching Earth’s surface. In this process, it also
absorbs ultraviolet radiation that is dangerous for most living beings. UV radiation could
injure or kill life on Earth.

Though the absorption of UV radiation warms the stratosphere but it is important for life to
flourish on planet Earth. Research scientists have anticipated the disruption of susceptible
terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems due to the depletion of the ozone layer.

Ultraviolet radiation could destroy the organic matter. Plants and plankton cannot thrive,
both acts as food for land and sea animals, respectively. For humans, excessive exposure to
ultraviolet radiation leads to higher risks of cancer (especially skin cancer) and cataracts.

It is calculated that every 1 percent decrease in the ozone layer results in a 2-5 percent
increase in the occurrence of skin cancer. Other ill-effects of the reduction of protective
ozone layer include – increase in the incidence of cataracts, sunburns and suppression of the
immune system.

Causes of Ozone Layer Depletion

Credible scientific studies have substantiated that the cause of ozone layer depletion is
human activity, specifically, human-made chemicals that contain chlorine or bromine. These
chemicals are widely known as ODS, an acronym for Ozone-Depleting Substances.
Scientists have observed a reduction in stratospheric ozone since the early 1970s. It is found
to be more prominent in Polar Regions.

Ozone-Depleting Substances have been proven to be eco-friendly, very stable and non-toxic
in the atmosphere below. This is why they have gained popularity over the years. However,
their stability comes at a price; they are able to float and remain static high up in the

When up there, ODS are comfortably broken down by the strong UV light and the resultant
chemical is chlorine and bromine. Chlorine and bromine are known to deplete the ozone
layer at supersonic speeds. They do this by simply stripping off an atom from the ozone
molecule. One chlorine molecule has the capability to break down thousands of ozone

Ozone-depleting substances have stayed and will continue to stay in the atmosphere for
many years. This, essentially, implies that a lot of the ozone-depleting substances humans
have allowed going into the atmosphere for the previous 90 years are still on their journey to
the atmosphere, which is why they will contribute to ozone depletion.

The chief ozone-depleting substances include chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), carbon

tetrachloride, hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) and methyl chloroform. Halons, sometimes
known as brominated fluorocarbons, also contribute mightily to ozone depletion.

However, their application is greatly restricted since they are utilized in specific fire
extinguishers. The downside to halons is they are so potent that they are able to deplete the
ozone layer 10 times more than ozone-depleting substances.

Scientists in this age are working around the clock to develop Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) to
take the place of hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) for use
in vehicle air conditioning.

Hydrochlorofluorocarbons are powerful greenhouse gases, but they are not able to deplete
ozone. Chlorofluorocarbons, on the other hand, significantly contribute to climate change,
which means Hydrofluorocarbons continue to be the better alternative until safer alternatives
are available.

There are two regions in which the ozone layer has depleted.

 In the mid-latitudes, for example, over Australia, the ozone layer is thinned. This has
led to an increase in the UV radiation reaching the earth. It is estimated that about 5-
9% thickness of the ozone layer has decreased, increasing the risk of humans to over-
exposure to UV radiation owing to the outdoor lifestyle.
 In atmospheric regions over Antarctica, the ozone layer is significantly thinner,
especially in the spring season. This has led to the formation of what is called ‘ozone
hole’. Ozone holes refer to the regions of severely reduced ozone layers. Usually,
ozone holes form over the Poles during the onset of spring seasons. One of the
largest such holes appears annually over Antarctica between September and
Natural Causes of Depletion of the Ozone Layer
The ozone layer has been found to be affected by certain natural phenomena such as Sun-
spots and stratospheric winds. But this has been found to cause not more than 1-2%
depletion of the ozone layer and the effects are also thought to be only temporary.

It is also believed that the major volcanic eruptions (mainly El Chichon in 1983 and Mt.
Pinatubo in 1991) has also contributed towards ozone depletion.

Man-made Causes of Depletion of the Ozone Layer

The main cause for the depletion of ozone is determined as excessive release of chlorine and
bromine from man-made compounds such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). CFCs
(chlorofluorocarbons), halons, CH3CCl3 (Methyl chloroform), CCl4 (Carbon tetrachloride),
HCFCs (hydro-chlorofluorocarbons), hydrobromofluorocarbons and methyl bromide are
found to have a direct impact on the depletion of the ozone layer. These are categorized as
ozone-depleting substances (ODS).

The problem with the Ozone-Depleting Substances (ODS) is that they are not washed back in
the form of rain on the earth and in-fact remain in the atmosphere for quite a long time.
With so much stability, they are transported into the stratosphere.

The emission of ODS accounts for roughly 90% of the total depletion of the ozone layer in
the stratosphere. These gases are carried to the stratosphere layer of the atmosphere where
ultraviolet radiation from the sun breaks them to release chlorine (from CFCs) and bromine
(from methyl bromide and halons).

The chlorine and bromine free radicals react with the ozone molecules and destroy their
molecular structure, thus depleting the ozone layer. One chlorine atom can break more than
1, 00,000 molecules of ozone. Bromine atom is believed to be 40 times more destructive
than chlorine molecules.

Main Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS)

1. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
It’s billed as the most extensively utilized ozone-depleting substance because it attributes to
more than 80% of overall ozone depletion. It was utilized as a coolant in home appliances
like freezers, refrigerators and air conditioners in both buildings and cars that were
manufactured prior to 1995. This substance is usually contained in dry cleaning agents,
hospital sterilants, and industrial solvents. The substance is also utilized in foam products like
mattresses and cushions and home insulation.
2. Hydrofluorocarbons (HCFCs)
Hydrofluorocarbons have over the years served in place of Chlorofluorocarbons. They are not
as harmful as CFCs to ozone layer.

3. Halons
It’s especially used in selected fire extinguishers in scenarios where the equipment or
material could be devastated by water or extinguisher chemicals.

4. Carbon Tetrachloride
Also used in selected fire extinguishers and solvents.

5. Methyl Chloroform
Commonly utilized in industries for cold cleaning, vapor degreasing, chemical processing,
adhesives and some aerosols.

Serious Effects of Ozone Depletion

1. Damage to Human Health
If the ozone layer is depleted, it means humans will be overly exposed to strong UV light.
Overexposure to strong UV light causes skin cancer, cataracts, sunburns, weakening of the
immune system and quick aging.

2. The Devastation to the Environment

Many crop species are vulnerable to strong UV light and overexposure may well lead to
minimal growth, photosynthesis and flowering. Some of the crop species vulnerable to UV
light include barley, wheat, corn, oats, rice, broccoli, tomatoes, cauliflower just to name a few.
Forests equally bear the brunt of ozone depletion.

3. The Threat to Marine Life

Certain marine life, especially planktons, is greatly impacted by exposure to strong ultraviolet
rays. In the aquatic food chain, planktons appear high up. If planktons decrease in number
due to ozone layer destruction, the marine food chain would be disrupted in many ways.
Also, overexposure of sun rays could reduce the fortunes of fishers. On top of that, certain
species of marine life have been greatly affected by overexposure to ultraviolet radiation at
their early stage.

4. Effect on Animals
In domesticated animals, too much Ultraviolet radiation could also lead to skin and eye

5. Impacts Certain Materials

Materials like plastics, wood, fabrics, rubber are massively degraded by too much ultraviolet

 Solutions to Ozone Depletion

1. Desist From Using Pesticides
Pesticides are great chemicals to rid your farm of pests and weeds, but they contribute
enormously to ozone layer depletion. The surefire solution to get rid of pests and weeds is to
apply natural methods. Just weed your farm manually and use alternative eco-
friendly chemicals to alleviate pests.

2. Discourage Driving of Private Vehicles

The easiest technique to minimize ozone depletion is to limit the number of vehicles on the
road. These vehicles emit a lot of greenhouse gases that eventually form smog, a catalyst in
the depletion of the ozone layer.

3. Utilize Environmentally Friendly Cleaning Products

Most household cleaning products are loaded with harsh chemicals that find way to the
atmosphere, eventually contributing to the degradation of the ozone layer. Use natural
and environmentally friendly cleaning products to arrest this situation.

4. Prohibit the Use of Harmful Nitrous Oxide

The Montreal Protocol formed in 1989 helped a lot in the limitation of Chlorofluorocarbons
(CFCs). However, the protocol never covered nitrous oxide, which is a known harmful
chemical that can destroy the ozone layer. Nitrous oxide is still in use today. Governments
must take action now and outlaw nitrous oxide use to reduce the rate of ozone depletion.
Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 1994
Common Questions About Ozone

Ozone is exceedingly rare in our atmosphere, averaging about 3 molecules of ozone for every ten million air molecules.
Nonetheless, atmospheric ozone plays vital roles that belie its small numbers. This Appendix to the World
Meteorological Organization/United Nations Environment Programme (WMO/UNEP) Scientific Assessment of Ozone
Depletion: 1994 answers some of the questions that are most commonly asked about ozone and the changes that have
been occurring in recent years.
These common questions and their answers were discussed by the 80 scientists from 26 countries who participated in
the Panel Review Meeting of the Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 1994. Therefore, this information is
presented by a large group of experts from the international scientific community.
Ozone is mainly found in two regions of the Earth's atmosphere. Most ozone (about 90%) resides in a layer between
approximately 10 and 50 kilometers (about 6 to 30 miles) above the Earth's surface, in the region of the atmosphere
called the stratosphere. This stratospheric ozone is commonly known as the "ozone layer." The remaining ozone is in
the lower region of the atmosphere, the troposphere, which extends from the Earth's surface up to about 10 kilometers.
The figure below shows this distribution of ozone in the atmosphere.

While the ozone in these two regions is chemically identical (both consist of three oxygen atoms and have the chemical
formula "O3"), the ozone molecules have very different effects on humans and other living things depending upon their
Stratospheric ozone plays a beneficial role by absorbing most of the biologically damaging ultraviolet sunlight called UV-
B, allowing only a small amount to reach the Earth's surface. The absorption of UV radiation by ozone creates a source
of heat, which actually forms the stratosphere itself (a region in which the temperature rises as one goes to higher
altitudes). Ozone thus plays a key role in the temperature structure of the Earth's atmosphere. Furthermore, without the
filtering action of the ozone layer, more of the Sun's UV-B radiation would penetrate the atmosphere and would reach
the Earth's surface in greater amounts. Many experimental studies of plants and animals, and clinical studies of
humans, have shown the harmful effects of excessive exposure to UV-B radiation (these are discussed in the
WMO/UNEP reports on impacts of ozone depletion, which are companion documents to the WMO/UNEP scientific
assessments of ozone depletion).
At the planet's surface, ozone comes into direct contact with life-forms and displays its destructive side. Because ozone
reacts strongly with other molecules, high levels are toxic to living systems and can severely damage the tissues of
plants and animals. Many studies have documented the harmful effects of ozone on crop production, forest growth, and
human health. The substantial negative effects of surface-level tropospheric ozone from this direct toxicity contrast with
the benefits of the additional filtering of UV-B radiation that it provides.
With these dual aspects of ozone come two separate environmental issues, controlled by different forces in the
atmosphere. In the troposphere, there is concern about increases in ozone. Low-lying ozone is a key component of
smog, a familiar problem in the atmosphere of many cities around the world. Higher than usual amounts of surface-level
ozone are now increasingly being observed in rural areas as well. However, the ground-level ozone concentrations in
the smoggiest cities are very much smaller than the concentrations routinely found in the stratosphere.
There is widespread scientific and public interest and concern about losses of stratospheric ozone. Ground-based and
satellite instruments have measured decreases in the amount of stratospheric ozone in our atmosphere. Over some
parts of Antarctica, up to 60% of the total overhead amount of ozone (known as the "column ozone") is depleted during
September and October. This phenomenon has come to be known as the Antarctic "ozone hole." Smaller, but still
significant, stratospheric decreases have been seen at other, more-populated regions of the Earth. Increases in surface
UV-B radiation have been observed in association with decreases in stratospheric ozone.
The scientific evidence, accumulated over more than two decades of study by the international research community,
has shown that human-made chemicals are responsible for the observed depletions of the ozone layer over Antarctica
and likely play a major role in global ozone losses. The ozone-depleting compounds contain various combinations of the
chemical elements chlorine, fluorine, bromine, carbon, and hydrogen, and are often described by the general
term halocarbons. The compounds that contain only carbon, chlorine, and fluorine are called chlorofluorocarbons,
usually abbreviated as CFCs. CFCs, carbon tetrachloride, and methyl chloroform are important human-made ozone-
depleting gases that have been used in many applications including refrigeration, air conditioning, foam blowing,
cleaning of electronics components, and as solvents. Another important group of human-made halocarbons is
the halons, which contain carbon, bromine, fluorine, and (in some cases) chlorine, and have been mainly used as fire
extinguishants. Governments have decided to discontinue production of CFCs, halons, carbon tetrachloride, and methyl
chloroform, and industry has developed more "ozone-friendly" substitutes.
Two responses are natural when a new problem has been identified: cure and prevention. When the problem is the
destruction of the stratospheric ozone layer, the corresponding questions are: Can we repair the damage already done?
How can we prevent further destruction? Remedies have been investigated that could (i) remove CFCs selectively from
our atmosphere, (ii) intercept ozone-depleting chlorine before much depletion has taken place, or (iii) replace the ozone
lost in the stratosphere (perhaps by shipping the ozone from cities that have too much smog or by making new ozone).
Because ozone reacts strongly with other molecules, as noted above, it is too unstable to be made elsewhere (e.g., in
the smog of cities) and transported to the stratosphere. When the huge volume of the Earth's atmosphere and the
magnitude of global stratospheric ozone depletion are carefully considered, approaches to cures quickly become much
too expensive, impractical, and potentially damaging to the global environment. Prevention involves the internationally
agreed-upon Montreal Protocol and its Amendments and Adjustments, which call for elimination of the production and
use of the CFCs and other ozone-damaging compounds within the next few years. As a result, the ozone layer is
expected to recover over the next fifty years or so as the atmospheric concentrations of CFCs and other ozone-
depleting compounds slowly decay.
The current understanding of ozone depletion and its relation to humankind is discussed in detail by the leading
scientists in the world's ozone research community in the Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 1994. The answers
to the common questions posed below are based upon that understanding and on the information given in earlier
WMO/UNEP reports.

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