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ACTIVITY TIME # 7 Effective Communication Skills:

Directions: Evaluate the sample oral communication situations below. Answer

the questions provided in each number.

1. A lawyer was in a court trial together with his defendant. The lawyer was
known to be a smooth talker. He can easily persuade people through his convincing
words. Then, the trial begins but there was a problem with the lawyer, he lacked
details and proof of the defendant’s case. He lost the case.

Question: Why do you think the lawyer lost the case?


Question: How can he improve his communication skills after the situation?

2. A teacher asked the mayor of the class to announce that there will be no classes
for 1 week due to the teacher’s seminar but they need to do a lot of tasks to cover
up the week. The mayor was bombarded with the tasks to be announced and
when the teacher came back from the seminar, she collected the tasks but
there were 2 tasks the class were not able to do. The mayor was scolded by his
classmates due to this situation.

Question: Why do you think the mayor was not able to announce the entire
tasks well?

Question: If you were in his situation, how will you solve this dilemma?
3. A businessman was about to make deals with a client but there was some
information that he is not really confident about. The price of the product he is going
to sell has a big difference when sold in bulk. The client asked him about it and the
businessman began to stutter, resulting that he panicked and told the wrong amount.
The client already agreed with the amount and processed a signed check for it. The
client was outraged knowing that he paid the wrong amount to the businessman.

Question: How can the businessman improve his communication skills?


Question: If you were in the businessman’s shoes, how will you


3. A student messaged her teacher because he has a question about the

homework. He started to chat, “I wanted to know about the homework
because I am confused with the instructions.” The teacher was stern in
handling this kind of situation and she finds the attitude of the student as rude. The
teacher pointed out that the student was not able to greet her before asking
the question. Instead of answering the question of the student, she taught the
student a lesson.

Question: How can the businessman improve his communication skills?


Question: If you were in the businessman’s shoes, how will you

4. A student messaged her teacher because he has a question about the
homework. He started to chat, “I wanted to know about the homework
because I am confused with the instructions.” The teacher was stern in
handling this kind of situation and she finds the attitude of the student as rude.
The teacher pointed out that the student was not able to greet her before
asking the question. Instead of answering the question of the student, she
taught the student a lesson.

Question: If you were the teacher, how will you handle the situation?

Question: As a student, how can you approach the teacher in a proper


Rubrics Total of 60 points

Question: If you were the teacher, how will you handle the situation?

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