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1st EMAIL or Copy for Letter

Subject: Re: Collaboration to Increase Your Social Media Following &

Give Back to <community name here>

Dear <contact name>,

Hi, I'm Dr. _____ from <practice name> and we love to give back to and
engage with our community. When we do this we always see an increase in
our social media engagement and following, so we wanted to invite you to
collaborate with us to see similar results on your pages:

In the next week or two we will be launching our social media giveaway

for our community. We are going to be giving away a few prizes from our
practice but would love to have prizes from you as well, if you are willing to
participate. Here's how:

We would love to give away # of giftcards throughout the week. We already

have # of giftcards from our practice as well as <insert business names that
have already committed & what giftcards they've given here>. Would you be
willing to give a giftcard for <insert service or treatment here> to this

We thought of collaborating with you because we believe that you are just as

committed to the highest quality service for <name of community> as we
are, and this is the perfect opportunity to become even more well-known for
that commitment. 

The giveaway will be hosted on our social media pages, so of course, any
business that sponsors these prizes with be featured to our audience
during the giveaway.

Let us know if you can give a giftcard for <insert service or treatment
here>, and feel free to reply to this email if you have any questions!

Thank you,
Follow Up Email or 2nd Letter

Subject: Re: Collaboration to Increase Your Social Media Following &

Give Back to <community name here>

Dear <contact name>,

Thank you for your interest in collaborating with us to serve our community

As we discussed, <name of practice> is launching our social media giveaway

in the next week or two. We would love to collaborate with you because we
believe that you are just as committed to the highest quality service for
<name of community> as we are, and this is the perfect opportunity to
become even more well-known for that commitment. 

We would love to give away # of giftcards throughout the week. We already

have # of giftcards from our practice as well as giftcards from <insert
business names that have already committed & what giftcards they've given
here>. Would you be willing to give a giftcard for <insert service or
treatment here> to this giveaway? 

The giveaway will be hosted on our social media pages, so of course, any
business that sponsors these prizes with be featured to our audience
during the giveaway.

Let us know if you can give a giftcard for <insert service or treatment
here>, and feel free to reply to this email if you have any questions!

Thank you,

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