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.,1 _.,.::: = 丶凸 旦i··!· ,,!J . 六 ~u .


1. Taking a one-,veek vacation in Paris is indeed a(n) _ ___ _ expene nce. (p.141 )
W accidental (B) earnest (C) 」dentkal (D) memorable

2. The Department of Health is a round of inspect ions and fining the vendor
selling tainted products. ( p.140 )
凶 defeating (B) fetching (C) immigrating (D) launching
3. According to the WHO, the daily intake of sugar should not 一—一 10 percent of
total calories, which equate to about 45g. (p.142 )
(A) involve (B) resolve (C) exceed (D) procee d
4. Clean Up the World is a global held on the third weeke nd of September
every year. It always attracts a lot of volunteers everywhere. (p.140 )
凶 campaign (B) facility (C) laboratory (D) manufacture
5. To stabili ze banana farmers profits and prices from droppi ng, the
Counc il of Agriculture usually runs promotion campa igns to boost banana sales
domestically and overseas. (p.142 )
W distinguish (B) extinguish (C) invent (D) preven t
6. Peter likes books with wide , which provide him with enough space to wnte
notes. (p.141 ) < 101. 學測】
W accents (B) margins (C) explosions (D) explorations
7. People in the community tend to ——_ with the group they belong to and often
put group interests before personal ones. (p.141 ) 【 1低學測】
(A) acquaint (B) evolve (C) identify (D)•
8. The principal of the school is of exce ption al_. He sets
aside part of his
salary for a scholarship fund for children from needy families. (p.141) 【 1低學測】
(A) bargain (B) generosity (C) landscape (D)
9. David' s new book made it to the best-seller list because of its beautiful
amusing stories. (p.140 )
< 104. 學測】
凶 accomplishments (B) punishments
(C) generations (D) illustrations

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