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Do you find it hard to save for a rainy day? It won't be if you follow three steps. First, save
differently for different things. Many people put money away every month, _l__ find those
savings gone when they really need them. To prevent this from happening, you should divide
your savings into different categories and make sure each is 2. toward a different savings
goal. Second, pay yourself first. M缸y people think as long as they follow a budget, they can
save whatever money is left over. 3. , when the end of the month arrives, they rarely have
anything left. So, 4. you get your paycheck, decide how much you want to,,sock away and
then do it. Third, get help. If you are struggling to save, there are a lot of financial services
that can help you save and invest money. Be careful about 5. advice you take, though.
Following these steps will help prepare you to deal with life surprises.
1. (A) only to (B) for return (C) turn out (D) end up
2. (A) replaced (B) geared (C) counted (D) credited
3. (A) Nonetheless 禱, (B) Therefore , _ . 1 (C) Unfortunately (D) Financially
4. (A) unless (B). despite (C) once (D) since
5.(A) how (B) if (C) that (D) which
Shoplifting is a serious problem for both stores .and honest shopp~rs. Because of
shoplifting, stores in the U.S. lose more.than one, and a half billion do.llar.s a y~ar. These cos.ts
are 6. the shoppers. Shoppers must p~y _highe~prices for., the thi:qgs they purchase.
What can be done about shoplifting? Several cities are taking steps to 7. on
shoplifting. For example, Kansas City, Missouri has initiated a program for shoplifters. The
school is for people who have been charged 8. shoplifters for the first time. These ,people
attend a one-day class on how to break the habit of shoplifting, instead of going to jail. When
they finish the class, the charges against them are dropped. The shoplifters in this class have
given some 9. facts about themselves. Most of the shoplifters had regular jobs. Some
even earned a lot of money.
The scbool for shoplifters seems to be successful. 10. the first 400 people who took
the class, only one was caught shoplifting a second time.
6. (A) returned to (B) engaged m (C) passed on to (D) caused by
7. (A) look down (B) cut down (C) put down (D) lie down
8. (A) as (B) for (C) to (D) of
9. (A) promising (B) encouragmg (C) interacting (D) surprising
10.(A) Because of (B) In spite of (C) Out of (D) Speaking .of

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