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IELTS Core Preparation

When you compare something across two or more points of time then you are able to
describe a trend. In Task 1 (Academic) you can usually use the simple past tense because
you are describing what happened between a point of time and now. For example, from
1990 until now something has changed, has risen, or has decreased/has fallen.

Subject/Topic Past Tense Verb Ad verb

The price decreased, fell, declined, how quickly?
went, down, dropped gradually/slowly
The population
The rate quickly/rapidly

increased, rose, grew, how much?

went up


remained stayed steady/constant/stable

If you use this structure throughout the task your writing becomes repetitive.
One way of changing the structure is to use a noun, for example: There was
a dramatic fall in the price. This alternative structure is shown in the following table.

There was a adjective noun in noun

There was a gradual/slow/rapid decrease/fall/decline in prices

slight/significant/ drop/increase/rise in the

in the rate

The vocabulary that writers use to describe trends is important. Check the words in this
vocabulary list and memorize them. When you find other similar words, add them to
the list.

Words to describe trends

to increase; an increase to rise (rose/risen); a rise to soar
to plunge to plummet to tend; a tendency
sharply significantly slightly
to level out; a level to stabilize steady
a trend a pattern to grow; growth
to decline; a decline to fall (fell/fallen); a fall

IELTS Core Preparation

EXERCISE 3: Describing trends

Look at the list on the previous page. Describe what happened to these things in your
country during the period 1980 to 2000. Use the words and structures given in the
two tables above.

1. divorce rate 7. pollution in major cities

2. average age at marriage 8. price of computers

3. birth rate 9. income tax rates

4. exchange rate of local currency 10. life expectancy

(against US$)

5. literacy rate 11. cost of living

6. population 12. average income

EXERCISE 4: Describing trends

Describe the changes in this man's weight and height during the period 1980 to 2000

Man 1980 1990 2000

weight (kg) 44 62 69
height (cm) 135 178 178



IELTS Core Preparation

Tables and graphs usually describe quantities, that is, amounts and numbers. To describe
what you see, you need to practice words that specify the quantity of a noun,
such as the majority of people or most people. Here is a list of words you can use,
from the highest amount to the lowest amount.

Words that specify quantity

all almost all the vast majority the majority many most a lot
quite a lot some quite a few a few only a few a little only a little
only a minority a minority almost no no (none)

EXERCISE 5: Describing quantities

Answer the questions using words found in the previous list.

1) How many people in your country eat rice every day?

The majority of people in my country eat rice every day.
2) How many people in your country can speak English fluently?

3) How many people in your country watch football on television?

4) How many people in your country are unemployed?

5) How many people in your country read newspaper everyday?

6) How many people in your country go on holiday to other countries?

7) How many people in your country own a computer?

8) How many people in your country go to the cinema regularly?

IELTS Core Preparation

When describing graphs and tables you sometimes also need to use words that specify
something about a number, such as around 80%. Here is a list of words you can use,
from the highest amount to the lowest. Check the meaning of these words.

Words that specify numbers

well over slightly over/more over approximately around

about slightly under/less under well under

EXERCISE 6: Describing numbers

Look at the graph and answer the questions using the words found in the previous list.

1) How many patents were applied for in 1990?

2) How many patents were granted in 1917?

3) How many patents were granted in 1933?

4) How many patents were applied for in 1947?

5) How many patents were applied for in 1980?

6) How many patents were applied for in 2000?


Applied for


1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000

Patent applications
Source: US Patent and trademark Office

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