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9, 15-27 (1993)


School of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, 4001 Australia

Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, The University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Queensland,
4067 Australia


A. N . PElTIlT
School of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, 4001 Australia

Under pressure for cost reduction, a semi-automated grey iron foundry was experimenting with
alternative supply sources of the moulding sand additives, bentonite and coal dust. During a period
when increasing quantities of possible replacement materials were being blended with current supplies
it was noticed that the previously high or erratic level of rejects in a small group of products was
progressively improving. In the absence of a real understanding of the reason for the improvement
and in an endeavour to ensure that adequate safeguards were in place to avoid any relapse, a statistical
examination was undertaken of the green sand and metal subsystems.
The behaviour of the variables in these subsystems was analysed for a datum period before and after
the decision to change the sources of supply. Using existing process records and applying appropriate
statistical techniques a clear indication was obtained that factors outside those of bentonite and coal
dust were also involved in the improvement.
The use of factorial analysis demonstrated the relative significance of the sand and metal variables
and the existence of any interactions. The use of box and whisker plots gave a good indication of the
desirable control limits for the key variables. Analysis of the follow-up period revealed a reduction of
90 per cent in the level of rejects for one high volume line.

KEY WORDS Foundry defects Cause and effect Potential information Factorial experimentation
Diagnostic methods

GLOSSARY Moisture (H,O)-a measure of the moist-

ure content of the sand mix.
AFS clay (AFS)-a measure of the clay, Permeability (Perm)-that characteristic of a
solubles and other fine materials moulded sand that allows air and
(< 20 pm) in the sand mix. other gases to pass through it.
Bentonite Clay mineral used as a bonding Volatiles (Vo1s)-A measurement of the
addition to foundry sand. amount of gas given off by
Compactability (Comp)-a measure of bulk materials in the sand mix through
density and, indirectly, the ratio their vapourization and decom-
of water and clay. position in the absence of air for
Effective clay (Efc1)-the estimated percent- combustion.
age of clay in the sand mix that
is bonding sand grains together.
Fines fraction (F-F)-a measure of the INTRODUCTION
absorbent filler material in the
sand mix In a previous paper' the authors set out to develop
Green (GCS)-a measure of the com- a methodical approach to the use of information
compression pressive stress the moulded sand technology and statistics in the diagnosis of the cause
strength can withstand. of inconsistent or intermittent faults in grey iron
Loss on (LO1)-a measure of the castings. It was pointed out that, although much
ignition amount of material in the sand work and promotion of ideas in the field of statistical
mix capable of burning at high process control (SPC) had been done by Deming,*
temperature in the presence of Ishikawa3 and others, there was little published
air. experience of the use of statistics as an investigative

0748-8017/93/010015-13$11 s o Received 20 September 1992

01993 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Revised 28 October 1992

tool for the foundryman faced with recurrent but THE PROGRAMME OF ANALYSIS
seemingly unpredictable problems. The power of
even a modest PC in applying statistical methods to Methodology
a computerized base of low level production data
The first requirement was to substantiate whether
was demonstrated.
or not the seemingly sudden improvement in the
This paper relates to the further application, in
level of the defect known as ‘blisters’ could be attri-
the same industrial host company, of similar statisti-
buted solely to the change in source of supply of
cal and other investigative tools to the diagnosis of
the green sand additive, bentonite. If this were the
the cause of a specific defect in what had become a
case it would be necessary to establish which specific
high volume product, identified as ‘Product B’.
variables in the bentonite itself would need to be
The industrial host company for this project was
monitored to ensure its continued reliability in per-
a grey iron foundry with a mechanized, continuous
formance. If, however, as proved to be the case,
moulding and casting line. The problem, as initially
the bentonite was only one factor in a more complex
stated, was the urgent need to secure a substantial
pattern of process variables, it would be necessary
improvement in the level of the rejects from a pre-
to review and revise control limits for those other
viously persistent but erratic defect. Because there
variables found to be statistically significant. To ach-
was a progressive improvement following a trial
ieve this, the programme of analysis in respect of
change in the sources of supply of bentonite and
Product B was as follows:
cost dust, made purely for cost purposes, it was
assumed that these were responsible. There was, 1. Examine the historical pattern of blister rejects
however, inadequate evidence of the nature of the prior to the change in supply of bentonite: using
change to provide a basis for ensuring that the trend analysis and fitting an appropiate curve
improvement in product conformity would be main- through the time-series data by the method of
tained. least squares, any significant reduction in the
In order to provide a more reliable predictor of level of blister rejects before the change in
any relapse in the hitherto unexplained improve- bentonite supply would be revealed.
ment, it was decided to examine the recorded green 2. Identify those process variables with statistically
sand and metal subsystem variables to find a more sign$cant correlation with the incidence of blis-
satisfactory explanation for the improvement. ters: using the non-parametric Spearman coef-
In summary, the research started with a more ficient of correlation, the production process
detailed analysis of the reject behaviour over a two- records for both the sand and metal subsystems
month experimental period preceding the decision were analysed. Those ‘key’ variables with a
to change the source of supply of bentonite. This high correlation and strong evidence, as meas-
revealed that improvement had in fact been taking ured by the level of significance, were then
place progressively over the two-month period. This subjected to a trend analysis as in point 1
finding led to the examination of the process vari- above, and covering the same time period.
ables over the same period. Variables were identi- 3. Quantify the extent to which the value of key
fied, in both the green sand and the metal subsys- variables changed with the incidence of blister
tems, that had statistically significant effects on the rejects: using a series of two-sample analyses
incidence of the defect (blisters) and confirmed the on data drawn from good (low rejects) and bad
presence of important but unsuspected interactions. (high rejects) production runs, the differences
The major benefit from this investigation has been between the mean values and standard devi-
the identification of those specific variables where ations for each of the key variables were
control limits needed to be revised and those critical obtained. The strength of correlation with the
interactions where the relative levels of two or more incidence of blisters was also tested for statisti-
variables at the same point in time need to be care- cal significance.
fully controlled. For six months prior to the datum 4. QuantifV the extent to which key variables
period the average reject level was in excess of 20 changed before and after the change in bentonite
per cent. Over four separate runs (a total of 30 supply: using a series of time series plots based
rounds) following the datum period, the product on data drawn from the periods before, during
was being produced at an average of under 2.0 per and after the bentonite change, the significance
cent rejects from all defects. This paper reports the of the change in each variable was examined.
programme of analysis undertaken and the approach 5. Establish the extent to which the variables in
used in revising process control values and monitor- each of the sand and metal subsystems can be
ing procedures. said to account for the incidence of blisters:
As a background to the present study, it had using a stepwise variable selection procedure
been established in earlier research, recorded in for multiple regression, models were built to
Reference 1 that the blister defect was most prob- relate the dependent variable (the proportion
ably caused by one or more of four contributary of production rejected for blisters) and those
factors: excessive gas, reduced venting, erratic or independent variables that proved to be sig-
slow mould filling and/or premature solidification. nificant in each subsystem. From each model,

key variables, when on good runs, was used to

indicate appropriate control limits.

The datum period

Normal practice on the moulding line was to
identify the output by changing a code after each
fifty boxes poured (defined as a ‘round’), which on
average represented about 30 minutes running time
on the line. Records of defective rejects were nor-
mally only kept on the basis of a complete run,
which might comprise ten or more rounds. In order
to improve traceability for a previous research pro-
ject, Product B was already being monitored on a
round-to-round basis, which greatly enhanced the
value of the relevant production process records.
Data from both sand laboratory records and metal
spectrometer test records were extracted for 49
rounds prior to, and 40 rounds following the change
in bentonite supply. These data were entered into
an electronic spreadsheet for ease of manipulation
0 20 48 60 88 100
prior to their use in a variety of statistical pro-
Sequence o f rounds
Figure 1. Blister rejects and run averages Findings of the preliminary analysis
The first step, that of examining the lead up to
the variability in the proportion of blister the bentonite change by a time series analysis,
rejects was measured so as to determine the revealed that a trend downwards in the incidence
extent to which such rejects could be accounted of blisters was already well established before the
for by a particular group of independent vari- decision to change was finally made (Figure 1).
ables. A Spearman rank correlation of the recorded vari-
6 . Estimate the optimum value on which to centre ables in the sand system (Table I), revealed that
each key variable and the appropriate control permeability, loss on ignition, effective clay and
limits to be observed, with particular reference volatiles were four variables with strong evidence of
to the relative values of interacting variables: a correlation with the incidence of blisters. A time
using the main effects and interactions derived series analysis carried out on each of these
from a four-factor study for each subsystem, (Figures 2( a)-(d)) revealed that trends, favourable
the relative sensitivity of blisters to changes in to the reduction of blisters, were also well estab-
the level of each factor was revealed. Interac- lished before the change of bentonite supplier.
tions were further examined using two-factor A similar rank correlation of the variables in the
and three-factor (cube) plots. Finally, a series metal subsystem revealed that significant correlation
of box and whisker plots of the values for the with blisters existed for manganese, titanium, phos-

Table I. Rank correlation of green sand variables

Blst Perm Efcl Vols LO1 AFS HrO F-F Comp

Blst -0.49 0.29 0.33 0.37 -0.27 0.28 0.10 0.27

Perm XXX -0.07 -0.51 -0.24 0.55 -0.31 -0.46 -0.31
Efcl xx 0.26 0.57 0.34 0.58 -0.69 0.28
Vols xx xxx X 0.63 0.06 0.53 0.18 0.55
LO1 XXX x xxx xxx 0.44 0.70 -0.29 0.59
AFS x xxx X xx 0.68 -0.61 0.33
H20 xx xx xxx xxx xxx xxx -0.25 0.70
F-F xxx xxx x xxx 0.07
Comp x xx xx xxx xxx x xxx
Level of significance X : a < 0.1
X X : a < 0.01
xxx :a < 0.001

135 7.5

- .. . 7.2
x 125 s
‘I) c
c 0
4 .-I
cl 6.9

.. ..
3 .-I
4 C

115 R
)J- C
0 6.6
L w
PI 0
105 -I

-../ 6.3

95 6

3 20 40 60 80 100 3 20 40 60 80 100
Sequence OF rounds Sequence o f rounds

Figure 2 (a). Time series and moving average for permeability Figure 2 (b). Time series and moving average for loss on ignition


3.2 9.5

2 9.1
u I 3 0
.-I PI
:. 8.7
4 +J
0 2.0 U
3 Y



0 20 40 60 80 100
Sequence o f rounds 0 20 40 60 80 100
Sequence o f rounds
Figure 2 (c). Time series and moving average for volatiles
Figure 2 (d). Time series and moving average for effective clay

phorus and tin. A time-series analysis of these

(Figures 3( a)-(d)) confirmed that distinct changes could not be attributed solely or even mainly to the
were also evident during the experimental period change in bentonite supply, although this could well
prior to the decision to change the source of benton- be a factor in maintaining the favourable trend. The
ite. Again, these changes were not made to reduce analysis had, however, focused attention on the key
blister rejects but arose, in the case of manganese, variables in each of the sand and metal subsystems.
to improve wear resistance and as the result of a The next step was to quantify the influence of these
change in the source of supply of scrap metal. key variables to establish the extent to which they
From the preliminary analysis thus far it was clear could account for the presence of blisters in Prod-
that the improvement in the blister reject situation uct B.

0.74 0.03

0.72 0.026

[: 0.7
.. .. ; * 0.82
5 t
0.68 J 0.016
I t
c +,
0.66 + 0.01

0.64 SE-3

0.62 0

3 20 40 60 80 100 3 20 40 60 80 100
Sequence o f Rounds Smqumncm o f Rounds
Figure 3 (a). Second-order polynomial of time series for manga- Figure 3 (b). Second-order polynomial of time series for
nese titanium

< X 1E-3)
77 0.04

. .
67 . .

n 0.032
m c
- . ?! ..

-. 8
C- 0.028
.. ..
.. 0.024 - ..


37 0.02

B 20 40 60 80 160 3 20 40 68 80 100
Sequence o f Rounds Sequence o f Rounds

Figure 3 (c). Second-order polynomial of time series for phos- Figure 3 (d). Second-order polynomial of time series for tin

sample a n a l y ~ e sin
, ~which sample statistics for good
and bad runs were calculated and compared, and
the hypothesis of difference accepted or rejected at
the 5 per cent level of significance. A summary of
these results is given in Table 11, from which it will
Testing for statistical signijkance
be seen that in the sand subsystem, permeability is
The next step in quantifying the influence of the clearly the major factor, followed by loss on ignition,
identified key variables was to establish that a stat- effective clay and volatiles. In the metal subsystem,
istically different distribution of values was titanium, manganese and phosphorus were statisti-
operating during good runs (best 25 per cent for cally significant factors while tin was not.
rejects) from those of bad runs (worst 25 per cent). Establishing that a statistically significant differ-
This was achieved by the use of a series of two- ence in the level of certain key variables existed

Table 11. Comparison of values of key variables between good and bad runs. Ho: no change in location of mean
of distribution

Sand subsystem Metal subsystem

Perm LO1 Efcl Vols Ti Mn P Sn

Good runs*
Mean 120 6-56 8.52 2.84 0.021 0.683 0.055 0.028
STDVS 5.5 0.24 0.58 0.18 0.003 0.02 0.006 0.005
Median 118 6.58 8.55 2.85 0.020 0.684 0.055 0.026
Bad runst
Mean 107 6.95 8.97 2.97 0.012 0.654 0.045 0.028
STDVS 9.2 0.46 0.45 0.20 0.007 0.017 0.006 0.003
Median 104 7.17 9.05 3.00 0.009 0.648 0.046 0.028
t statistic 5.52 -3.4 -2.7 -2-1 5.60 4.78 5.02 --0.5
Significance level 0.000 0.002 0.009 0-039 O*OOO 0.000 0.000 0.607
Reject Ho Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Mean ratio 1.12 0.94 0.95 0.96 1.75 1.04 1.22 1.oo

*Lowest quartile of reject percentage

tHighest quartile of reject percentage
$Standard deviation

between good and bad runs served to confirm that cent of the variation in the incidence of blister
the trend evident in Figure 1 was decidedly more rejects can be accounted for by four main sand
complex than at first thought following the change variables.
in bentonite. In order to distinguish quantitatively between the
The next step was to establish the extent to which main effects of individual variables and the effects,
the sand and metal subsystems, respectively, could if any, of their interactions, a screening design pro-
be shown to account for the incidence of blisters. cedure using a two-level, full factorial design for
This was approached by the use of a multiple four factors was a d ~ p t e dThis
. ~ procedure requires
regression procedure. Here, each variable in the a statistically designed series of production runs with
subsystem is introduced in order of significance until the variable factors set at different levels, in this
an optimum value is achieved for the sample coef- case high and low relative to a mean value calculated
ficient of determination R2. from a normal run of operating values.
Because of the difficulty and cost of trying to
control several foundry variables at specific values
The sand subsystem
at one and the same time, as required in a prospec-
Using a stepwise variable selection procedure for tive study, use was made of historical process rec-
multiple regression, the sand variables were intro- ords. The factorial experiment was designed and
duced into a model in order of their statistical sig- then the desired profile (pattern of highs and lows)
nificance. The model of the sand subsystem prod- was selected from the actual rounds produced during
uced, shown in Table 111, indicates that some 44 per the datum period. (Details of this procedure were
explained in Reference 1.)

Table 111. Model fitting results for blister rejects

Independent Coefficient Standard t value Significance

variance error level

Constant 8.62 21-72 0.397 0.6923

Permeability -0.46 0.088 -5.21 0~0000
Volatiles -11.93 4.82 -2.47 0.0154
Loss on ignition 10.28 2.78 3.69 0.0004

Analysis of variance for the full regression

Source Sum of Degrees of Mean F-ratio P-value

squares freedom square

Model 2650.6 4 662.6 18.43 0~0000

Error 3019.1 84 35-942
Total 5669.7 88

RZ = 0.4675, (Adj) = 0.4421. Standard error of estimate = 5.9952


influence the incidence of blisters. The validity of

these findings can be supported by existing technical
knowledge of the purpose and effect of organic
0 additions to clay-bonded foundry sand as follows:
3 I'
'0 1. Permeability is largely determined by the grade
n or size of the sand grains and the extent to
b e /Low permeability which the interstices are occupied by smaller
0 / particles of additives or residues.
2. Loss on ignition is the measure used to quantify
m e the amount of coal dust (or its substitute) in
the green sand. Coal dust is granular and has
U the same effect on permeability, when cold, as
1 1 4
/ grains of sand of similar size. An increase in
: High permeability
coal dust would therefore result in more coke
1 1 1 2
being produced which, being friable, breaks
UI down into fine powder. This, coupled with fine
4 unburned coal dust, would reduce permeability
of the recycled sand quite markedly unless
Low High 3. 'Volatiles' is the measure used to identify the
fibrous material content in the green sand, e.g.
Loss o n ignition
the proportion of wood flour. Since wood flour
Figure 4. Plot of interactions between permeability and loss on contains very fine material which forms fine
ignition coke, any increase will result in a fall in per-
The estimated main effects and interactions in the
sand subsystem showed that, although permeability
The metal subsystem
and loss on ignition had the main effects, their
interaction was more important than that of loss on Using the same stepwise procedure as for the sand
ignition alone. From the plot shown in Figure 4, it subsystem a similar model was produced for the
will be seen that when permeability is low, the metal subsystem, but based on a smaller sample
response (blisters) is much more sensitive to vari- size because of missing records. This is shown in
ations in the loss on ignition. Table IV. This shows that some 57 per cent of blister
rejects can be accounted for by the four main metal
variables titanium, tin, phosphorus and manganese.
Using the same four-factor screening design, but
Permeability, loss on ignition and volatiles have applying it to the metal subsystem, the estimated
been identified from statistical analysis as being the main effects and factor interactions are shown in
most probable of the recorded sand variables to the form of a standardized ranked order chart in

Table IV. Model fitting results for blisters

Independent variable Coefficient Standard t Value Significance

error level

Constant 113 36 3.13 0.0028

Phosphorus -309 152 -2.03 0.0472
Manganese -86 48 -1.76 0.0837
Titanium -786 202 -3.87 0.0003
Tin -589 229 -2.56 0.0131

Analysis of variance for the full regression

Source Sum of Degrees of Mean F-Ratio P-Value

squares freedom square

Model 3058 4 764 20.44 o*oooo

Error 1982 53 37
Total 5040 57

RZ = 0.6067, (Adj) = 0.5770. Standard error of estimate = 6.1158


C 24
0 T i
?PI 20
4J n
C Mn s
U Ti/ 'rL 6
0 t
0 4J
0 nu2
PI .-I
UI 4

u Mn/ E
rn PI
p/r r8
PI n

4 p:
W 4
High tit nium
9 2 4 6 e

Pareto order o f standardised e f f e c t s

Figure 5. Metal subsystem effects and interactions on blister ~~

Low High

Figure 5. This shows manganese, titanium, phos- Figure 6 (a). Plot of interactions between manganese and
phorus and the interaction of titanium and manga-
nese to be statistically significant. This is further
borne out by the ANOVA for blister rejects shown
in Table V,where F-ratios were greater than 6 and \

P-values less than or equal to 0.05.

A plot of the interaction between titanium and
manganese is shown in Figure 6(a), from which it 15
will be seen that, with titanium at a low level, blisters

L o w Phosphorus
are much more sensitive to variations in the level of 4.J

manganese. A similar plot, Figure 6(b), shows that, PI
with a low level of phosphorus, blisters are more PI
sensitive to the level of manganese. L
Of less statistical significance, but of metallurgical r
interest, is the three-factor cube plot shown in Fig- us
ure 7, where it can be seen that with high levels of
manganese and titanium there is a relative insensi- !
tivity in the response (blisters) to variations in phos-
phorus. :=
High P ob.
Table V. Estimated effects for blister rejects

Factor Estimated effect square F-Ratio P-Value 0

P -7.00 2 2.63 196.00 7.08 0.0449 Low High

Ti -12.75 f 2.63 650.25 23.47 0.0047
Mn -14.00 ? 2.63 784.00 28.30 0.0031 Manganese
Sn -3.35 ? 2.63 42.25 1.53 0.2717 Figure 6 (b). Plot of interactions between manganese and phos-
PIT1 1-25 t 2.63 6.25 0.23 0.6596 phorus
PIMn 5.00 t 2.63 100.00 3.61 0.1159
PISn -0-75 5 2.63 2.25 0.08 0.7900
TiIMn 6.75 ? 2.63 182.25 6.58 0.0503 Metallurgical significance
TilSn -0.50 ? 2.63 1.00 0.04 0.8587
MnlSn *
3.75 2.63 56.25 2.03 0,2135 Titanium, manganese and phosphorus have been
identified as being important influences on the inci-

2. Manganese has as one prime function the

removal of free sulphur from the cast iron by
the formation of manganese sulphide. Sulphur
is a known surface-active component and thus
the extent of its removal will also affect surface
3. Phosphorus is known to affect the fluidity of
cast iron at higher concentrations although its
effect at lower concentrations is uncertain.
Although the metallurgical effects of these
elements are not well understood, especially in the
High context of blister formation, they are all known to
affect surface tension, and hence fluidity, in some

Interactions between subsystems


Taking the two major factors from each subsystem
and carrying out a further four-factor, two-level
Figure 7. Predicted response to interactions of manganese, phos- study, it was possible to detect any interactions
phorus and titanium between the metal and sand.
Although titanium and permeability appeared as
the strongest main effects, there were inter-system
dence of blisters. This identification was done on
interactions which, although not statistically very
purely statistical grounds, but its validity can be
significant, were none the less of metallurgical inter-
supported by existing metallurgical knowledge as
est. From a half-normal plot for blister rejects
derived from the same four factor procedure and
1. Titanium is used as a deoxidant, and both shown in Figure 8, it appears that a third-order
oxygen and titanium are known to affect the interactions exists between loss on ignition and the
surface tension of cast iron.6 metal variables manganese and titanium. Although



.-I 1.6 Loi/Ti
U 1.2

C 8.8

0.3 O.s 1.6

0 0.8 1.0 1.8

Standardized effects
Figure 8. Half-normal plot for blister rejects: sand and metal subsystems

metal interface at the time of pouring. Too

high a coal dust content of the green sand can
cause excessive gas generation.
2. Permeability is a measure of the rate at which
gases and/or vapours can escape from the
mould cavity. It needs to be adequate to vent
the gases and vapours generated during the
pouring operation and must therefore accom-
odate variations in loss on ignition and moist-
ure content.
The roles of manganese and titanium have already
High been discussed above.
Because of the very significant change in the levels
of both loss on ignition (Figure 2(b)) and titanium
Manganese (Figure 3( b)) which accompanied the unexpected
drop in blisters very earlier in the datum period, it
High is possible that their, now ongoing, significance may
Loss on ignition have been overstated. For this reason a further mul-
tiple regression analysis was made for the latter part
Figure 9. Predicted response to interactions of manganese, of the datum period plus the follow up period. A
titanium and loss on ignition total of 100 rounds (omitting the first 18) was ana-
lysed, which revealed that over 60 per cent of the
variation in the incidence of blisters could still be
third-order interactions are often considered of attributed to the four factors: permeability, loss on
dubious significance, the metallurgical implications ignition, phosphorus and manganese. A Durbin-
should not be ignored. Figure 9 suggests that loss Watson statistic of 2.08 indicated that no significant
on ignition becomes more critical with lower values serial correlations remained in the residuals.
of manganese and/or titanium.
The validity of this indication can be supported
by existing metallurgical knowledge as follows: REVISION OF CONTROL PARAMETERS

1. Loss on ignition is the measure of the presence In order to review and, where needed, revise the
of combustibles, mainly coal dust or its substi- control parameters for the variables in both the
tute, the purpose of which is to create a reduc- green sand and metal subsystems, an analysis was
ing (oxygen removing) atmosphere at the sand/ made of the values obtaining for each variable, when

133 7.7


3 .4 7.1
-4 a
f: 113 6.8
E 0
a I
a 8 6.6

93 6.9

e 3-5 18-15 =>28

8-3 6-10 16-28

Blirtrr rrurrity - Rrjrctr prr round <%) Blirtrr rrurritL( - Rrjrctr prr Round < % I
Figure 10 (a). Dispersion of sand subsystem variable: per- Figure 10 (b). Dispersion of sand subsystem variable: loss on
meability vs. blister seventy ignition vs. blister severity

8.83 8.74

8.825 8.72

8.82 8.7

8.815 I 8.68
U a
.I C
I- I
8.81 8.66

5E-3 8.64

8a 8.62

8 3-5 18-15 =>28 8 3-5 18-15 =>28

8-3 5-38 15-28 8-3 5-18 15-28
B l i r t r r rrurrity - R r j r c t r p r r round ( % ) Blister reurrity - R r j r c t r p r r round < % )

Figure 11 (a). Dispersion of metal subsystem variable: titanium Figure 11 (b). Dispersion of metal subsystem variable: man-
vs. blister severity ganese vs. blister severity

( X 1E-3) , ( X 1E-3) ,

75 1 43

n 55 .-I 31
u I-


8 3-6 18-16 =>28 8 3-5 16-16 =>28

8-3 5-10 15-28 8-3 6-10 15-28

B l i s t e r severity - R r j r c t r per round ( % ) B l i r t r r seuerity - R r j e c t o p r r round C % )

Figure 11 (c). Dispersion of metal subsystem variable: phos- Figure 11 (d). Dispersion of metal subsystem variable: tin vs.
phorus vs. blister severity blister severity

blisters were at their lowest and at various levels of the interquartile range. Outside this range values
severity. To facilitate the selection of a target mean are shown as discrete plots.
and suitable control limits, a series of box and whis-
ker plots' was obtained for the values of each vari-
Green sand subsystem
able at each level of blister severity. The box rep-
resents the interquartile range while the line above From the box and whisker plots for permeability
or below extends to include any values within 1.5 x and loss on ignition shown in Figures 10(a) and

10(b), the blister severity level corresponding to 0-3 level of blister rejects. The process mean and disper-
per cent rejects, will serve as a guide to the mean sion for each of the individual variables was calcu-
and upper and lower control limits that would be lated, revealing that, although the centring of the
desirable. Values outside this range associated with mean was slightly off target for permeability and
higher levels of blister severity should be avoided. manganese, the dispersion for all five variables
On this basis it appears that a permeability index appeared satisfactory.
between 115 and 130 (ml per min) should be satis- An analysis of the capability of the process as a
factory, but that loss on ignition should be targeted whole to maintain the improved level of blister
at about 6.5 per cent (by weight) with a range of rejects showed that an ongoing mean of below 2 per
no more than 0.3 per cent either side. cent with a two sigma limit of 4 per cent was a
realistic expectation.
Metal subsystem
From the box and whisker plots for titanium, CONCLUSION
manganese and phosphorus shown in Figures ll(a)-
l l ( c ) it would appear that the following values The research described in this paper was carried out
should be satisfactory: in a semi-automated grey iron foundry. The object
was to establish the full extent and true cause of a
Manganese 0.64 to 0.70 per cent significant improvement in the reject level of a high
Titanium 0.018 to 0.025 per cent volume product with a persistently high and erratic
Phosphorus 0.048 to 0.060 per cent non-conformity.
As part of a cost reduction programme, a trial of
However, because of the interactions revealed in alternative sources of supply for two mould sand
Figure 7, it is clear that the optimal situation is one additions, bentonite and coal dust, had led to an
where all three variables are at the upper end of unexpected and unexplained reduction in the level
their respective ranges. of rejects in a small group of products subject to a
common defect. Although this improvement could
be conveniently attributed to the change in raw
Metal and sand interactions
materials, there was insufficient evidence to ensure
From the estimated effects of the interaction of that the nature of the change was understood and
loss on ignition with manganese and titanium it is that appropriate controls were in place to safeguard
apparent that coal dust additions should be made against any future relapse.
with due regard to the status of the metal subsystem. As a result of a previous research project, more
Loss of metal fluidity, and hence increased mould detailed record keeping had been set up. This made
filling time, if accompanied by excessive gasses due possible the traceability between the reject product
to high combustibles, could be expected to result in and the conditions that pertained at the time of its
increased blisters. Such a situation would be further pouring. A datum period was selected of approxi-
exacerbated by low permeability (Figure 4). mately two months either side of the change of
supplier, covering both the trial period and the run
out of old stocks.
Metal flow and the runner system
Production process records for the datum period,
Having established that a number of the key vari- covering some 45 hours of actual production of the
ables could have an influence on the fluidity of the specific product, were analysed for both the green
molten metal, a more detailed analysis was made of sand and the metal subsystems and statistical evi-
the frequency of blister rejects coming from each of dence showed that changes were taking place in
the four cavities in the mould. From the 29 rounds both subsystems over the same period. Changes
following the datum period, and during which blister were occurring in the metal subsystem both deliber-
rejects were, on average, below 1.2 per cent, it was ately (unconnected with the blister problem) and
found that some 60 per cent of all blister rejects arising from a change in the source of supply of
came from the same cavity (No. 4). scrap metal.
Further examination revealed that the mean This combination of changes had led to both main
location of these blisters was in an area between effects and interactions of five key variables which
two more widely spaced ingates, indicating the need together resulted in a reduction in the level of rejects
for some fine tuning of the runner system. from over 20 per cent to under 2 per cent. Because
the variation in the incidence of the non-conformity
was found to be attributable almost equally to the
Process capability analysis
sand and metal subsystems, the control parameters
The 29 rounds following the end of the datum for both have been reviewed and changes proposed.
period were used as the basis for testing the control- Of particular interest is the interaction between vari-
lability of the five key variables and the capability ables both within and between subsystems. These
of the system as a whole to maintain the improved interactions make it necessary to monitor not only

discrete variables but also their relative levels at the 6. B. F. Dyson, ‘The surface tension of iron and some iron
alloys’, The Metallurgical Society of AIME, 227, 1098-11M
same point in time. (1963).
A process capability analysis based on a further 7. J. W.‘ Tukey, Exploratory Data Analysis, Addison-Wesley,
follow-up period of 15 hours of run time indicated Reading, 1977.
that there was no reason why an average blister
reject rate of around two per cent could not be Authors’ biographies:
maintained provided the key variables were con-
trolled in line with standards derived from the find- Jeff Sweeting, prior to joining the staff of the University
ings of the datum period. of Southern Queensland, was a senior partner in the
international management consultancy of Urwick Orr &
This retrospective study, by its very nature, would Partners, now Price Waterhouse Urwick. He has been
not have been possible without a database of involved in quality and productivity assignments in a wide
operating-level process records. The application of range of industries and technologies. A graduate of the
a variety of statistical methods to such relatively low City and Guilds College of the Imperial College of Science
level production data can be used cost-effectively to and Technology, London he has served as a Ford Foun-
dation Advisor in their management aid programme to
identify those aspects of the product or process on develop Asian consultants. A mechanical and industrial
which t o focus more specific process technology. engineer, he is currently an Associate of the Queensland
The adoption of the recording requirements of University of Technology researching the application of
the quality standard I S 0 9000 (or its equivalent) information technology and statistical techniques to the
will provide companies with a database of the behav- cost-effective diagnosis of the cause of intermittent or
erratic nonconformity in grey iron castings.
iour of the process variables in their production
system. Some statisticians would argue that such Warren Thorpe received his Ph.D in Physical Metallurgy
data, used retrospectively, cannot be relied on t o from the University of Queensland in 1976. After a year
identify causal relationships, as would a well at Griffith University working on computer modelling, he
was awarded an AINSE Postdoctoral Fellowship at the
designed prospective study. The fact remains that University of Queensland to carry out research on high
repeated occurrence of highly correlated associ- temperature mechanical properties of materials. Since
ations of a defect with a certain pattern of process joining the CSIRO division of Manufacturing Technology
variables, such as would be apparent from statistical in 1979, he has worked on a variety of materials projects,
analysis of an I S 0 9000 type database, can provide specializing in computer applications. In 1989 he trans-
ferred to a joint appointment at the University of Queens-
valuable pointers t o the scope for and nature of land, Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engineer-
improvement action. Of course, in a strict methodo- ing, where he is a Reader in Materials Engineering, and
logical sense, this is only the first stage of the scien- Officer in Charge of the Brisbane Laboratory of the
tific process, and any findings would require con- CSIRO Division of Manufacturing Technology. His cur-
firmation by carrying out a prospective study. rent research interests cover both the computer modelling
and physical metallurgy of solidification as well as the
statistical analysis of industrial data.
Tony Pettitt is currently Professor and Head, School of
1. F. B. J . Sweeting, W. R . Thorpe and A. N. Pettitt, ‘Fault Mathematics, Queensland University of Technology, Bris-
and cause diagnosis of casting defects: a case study’, Quality bane, Australia. He obtained his Ph.D. in mathematical
and Reliability Engineering International, 8, 79-91 ( 1992). statistics from the University of Nottingham, U.K. and
2. W. E. Deming, Out of the Crisis, MIT Press, Cambridge, lectured for several years at Loughborough University
1986. of Technology, U.K. Recent positions in Australia have
3. K. Ishikawa, What is Total Quality Control?-The Japanese
Way, Prentice-Hall, New York, 1985. included Principal Research Scientist with CSIRO in the
4. I. Guttman, S. S. Wilks and J. S. Hunter, Introducing Engin- Division of Mathematics & Statistics and Biometrics Unit.
eering Statistics, Third Edition, Wiley, New York, 1982. A statistician by profession, his current interests include
5. G. E. P. Box, W. G. Hunter and J. S. Hunter, Statistics for applied statistics aspects of quality improvement, statisti-
Experimenters, Wiley, New York, 1978. cal modelling, biometrics and statistical consulting.

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