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Astronavigation Data: Kamino system, beyond the

Rishi Maze, Extragalactic

Orbital Metrics: 463 days per year/27 hours per
Government: Ruling council
Population: 1,000,000,000 (100% Kaminoan)
Languages: Basic
Terrain: Oceans
Major Cities: Tipoca City (capital), Timira City,
Derem City
Areas of Interest: Baran Wu, Su Des, Slici Canyon,
Tal An Fissures, Glascretia, Razoral Reefs left that were once mountain tops. These
mountain-tips, though, were rained on almost
Major Exports: Clones, covert technology, military
incessantly. However, the surface of Kamino was
weapons and hardware, fish
not always subject to constant rain, as such was in
Major Imports: Foodstuffs, droids a Separatist attack to gain a DNA sample of Jango
Trade Routes: none Fett. Its savage storms and powerful lightning
bursts could be seen vaguely through its relatively
Background: Kamino was an aquatic planet located thick atmosphere.
in an extragalactic star system that straggled south
of the Rishi Maze. It was inhabited by the
Kaminoans—a race of tall, elegant beings who
were regarded as a mysterious species that tended
to keep to themselves. They were also known for
their cloning technology which ultimately led to the Prior to the Clone Wars, the location of
creation of a clone army for the Galactic Republic. Kamino was removed from the Jedi
Archives. And for good reason.
Kamino was in a system of 13 planets orbiting
an aging star south of the Rishi Maze, a dwarf
Following the outbreak of the Clone Wars,
satellite galaxy in a decaying orbit in a loose sector
Kamino was one of the main operational
of an unnamed grouping of stars between the Rishi
areas of the Galactic Republic. It served as
Maze and the main galaxy. The stormy water world
the main training grounds for clone
of Kamino was located in the Wild Space region
cadets as well as the location for the
beyond the Outer Rim. It was the fifth of the
clone army's creation.
thirteen planets in the system. The planet orbited
an aging star called Kamino and had three moons At one point during the Clone Wars, a
orbiting the planet itself, including Korasa. The Separatist assault led by Asajj Ventress and
planet was composed of a molten core with a rocky cyborg General Grievous hit Kamino in an
mantle and silicate rock crust. Climatic change had attempt to end clone creation for the
long ago submerged the planet's continents, Republic. However, Republic forces managed
to defeat the Separatists and continue cloning
drowning the planet under a global ocean that
on the planet.
covered almost all of the surface, with a few islands

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