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Scott Harrison and the Charity: water organization


Table of Contents
1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................3

2 The establishment of charity water organization..........................................................3

3 Objectives..........................................................................................................................4

4 Projects executions and process.......................................................................................4

5 Targeted audiences...........................................................................................................5

6 Competitors.......................................................................................................................6

7 Financial sources...............................................................................................................6

8 Creative plan.....................................................................................................................7

9 Conclusion.........................................................................................................................8

10 References......................................................................................................................8

1 Introduction
Scott Harrison is the founder of a charity water organization, At the age of 18, Scott Harrison
moved to New York City from his public home in Philadelphia. There, he joined the nightlife
lifestyle by playing jigs in some specialized clubs with his band. He continued with this
lifestyle even after he became a club advertiser. Making a significant amount of money,
meeting celebrities, celebrating all the day, and contacting fashionable urban communities at
the end of the week are the reasons for Harrison's basic concentration and life., at the age of
28, 10 years later, at some point, his mentality began to change. Harrison began to imagine
that he was the most terrible man he had ever known. He realized that this form of life was
not for him because he was passionate, deep and morally disappointed.

When he began to read the books of religious philosophy, the journey of personal faith for
him began. At that time, he needs to start with daily existence to serve God without bad faith
and to serve others as a cause. As he had not yet taken a life according to borders, he
followed a few different charitable associations, so that relief tours were at least good luck to
the countries. Benevolence Ships, a federation that offers free diagnostic ideas on the planet's
most poor nations, called him and changed his life for eternity. He left New York and worked
as a boat photographer at a photography clinic near West Afro-CA, where thousands of
highly skilled professionals worked everywhere. After his first voyage with the Mercy Ships,
he left for New York, where he performed an exhibition of photographs and recordings he
had taken. It raised Mer 100,000, which it gave to Mercy Ships. At that point, Harrison
decided to travel back and then go on tour. Where he realized the bitter realities of the work
and made a vision to work for the betterment of change and he established the charity water

2 The establishment of charity water organization

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), water-borne diseases (by water) are the
world's leading killer, claiming 3.4 million people each year. 11% (790 million people) of
the total population do not have access to pure and clean water. This alarming reality led
Scott Harrison to start a charity water organization in 2006. For these reasons charity water is
the only association (NGO) that has a mission to ensure that every person on the planet is
given safe and clean water for drinking. 6.4 million people in 24 countries have experienced
their effects as they have the potential to provide clean water benefits.

The association aims to provide clean drinking water to non-industrialized countries.

Harrison has begun to show sympathy and concern for the poor people of Liberia through the
administration of his volunteers and has shown a greater sense of humility. During this
period, he understood the various problems in training, well-being and safety, lack of clean
water and basic sterilization structures. However, public authority directives should address
most administrations, including disinfection and watering, but are important to address all
responsibilities (Abroqua and Asmani, 2018). That is why Scott Harrison's organization aims
to ensure that they are properly subsidized in an attempt to give some commitment.

Clean and pure water for drinking is a mandatory human need because people need water for
endurance and therefore the help which charity water organization provides, falls under the
need of the masses. For this reason, the organization has figured out how to move and enable
other important pledge drives to fulfil a viable water system. In light of its new survey, the
charity water organization relies on the people around are the workers who donate to build
and maintain basic operations. For financial donation purposes, the company presents a
funding project that includes GPS facilities, field stories and photographs on social media.
Recalling the rapidly growing population, the immediately available water may not meet the
entire population. Consequently, the Charity water organization Contributes to putting water
in wells to ensure clean water for all individuals. As their association culture suggests, the
need for people to be associated with clean water is considered a primary interest of the

3 Objectives
Scott Charision’s important objectives are associated with the trademark "clear vision of
change." The main objective of charity water, “The Water support” revolves around charity s
of how local areas are affected in the face of access to clean water. Benefits include support
for a sustainable local area, expanded access to purified drinking water, the advancement of
indigenous water plans, Including water storage structures, bio-sand paths, wells and funnel
frame. Although the water emergency is considered exceptionally large, To ensure
sterilization and hygiene, their partners in water projects funded by this foundation will
arrange sustainable projects for the welfare factors already described, which will set up a
board that guarantees continuous flow and water access for all the needy people. The other
objective is to aware of the whole population to gain knowledge of people living without
water under the principles of well-being and to support the charity water organization in
achieving its goals.

4 Projects executions and process

Charity Water organization has important allies in their projects, planning and other
important options. The association established the system administration, which connects
each recipient by installing a GPS facility to locate the work area. As a part of the partners,
the beneficiaries relate differently to the work. Right from the bat, they contribute extensively
to the organization through gifts and other important assets. These are the raw materials
needed to ensure that they are completed during execution and on time.

As companies are not effective without legal financing. Therefore, for charity water
organization partners should be available in every task so that they could successfully execute
the water projects, making sure that every progress is straightforward and responsible. During
its assembly, the board interacts with various donors on the issue of geographical and
fractional data-dependent neighbourhood partners (Mead, 2012). Also, local areas are
additionally engaged with the organization because they must fully support the water point.
Therefore, a joint effort of great work: water communities, other charity organization and
various partners can be seen as a product idea about their successes. there are small and full-
scale activities in the charity water organization. For example, the support of all prepared
organizations can be seen as a small activity, usually covered by the potential assets of the
association. However, there is a very wide possibility that other ventures are needed to design
another, set up a field, subsidize and cater to another company.

Also, the time to survey the land was estimated and the partners also reached a consensus. In
this sense, it can be considered a large-scale action. The Union regulates two activities to
make practical progress on clean water in agricultural countries. The charity water
organization is similarly connected with various organizations, institutions and public
authority, to create a global organization, helping them to reach their important goal in that
period. For example, consider setting up teams with specialized associations that manage
spare parts and other related settlement administrations.

5 Targeted audiences
Target Audience for Scott Harrison brings youth and aged around the world via the
Innovation Web of 18-35 Years, it begins to miraculously prevent the rest of Charity's
problems: Their lives, even as they begin to have more and more real schooling, deserve to
have pure and clean water or be late assessed in their fundamental human rights. The charity
water’s targeted audience is a group of children in their twenties to thirties. They are working

indefinitely in more diversity to improve their credibility, throwing them away by

discovering access to the framework of the global conditions of the masses, which is subject
to ongoing discoveries. Scott continues his efforts to mobilize their voluntary foundations.
Charity water explores the use of web-based media destinations for audiences, for example,
FaceBook Ltd., Twitter and Tumblr. Charity: Water is effective because of the media: it has
over 240,370 kids like a Facebook page, effectively surpassed by exceptional viral recordings
in places like YouTube and has over 1.3 million Twitter followers. Charity: Water has used
web-based media for its potential benefits and explicit practice. Due to its non-profit, its
intended interest group is moderately dictated to be other non-profit, so coal companies,
organizations, associations, writers, trainers, social people, and even the general population
everywhere who want to improve its public image. Similarly, as a result of the story, if one
examines in depth the nature of its viral recordings, all chances are that it will be the most
intentional audience in the field of filmmakers and video makers. According to a Social article by Lauren Major, on January 17, 2012, 70 per cent of charity water
Commitment to water comes from online donations and property raisers.

6 Competitors
“J V Landclearing And Demolition, Metro Group, Givetocure, Emma, Inc., Habitat for, Inc.
Rock for Water, Universal Water Technologies, and The Busoga Trust. ONE DROP,
Humanity International are the biggest competitors of charity: water organization.”

7 Financial sources and situation

80% increase in finance of charity: water in desirable interest group after context in
December 2020 - Ticket sales for the charity: water gala context in July 2020 - Increase the
number of preferences for the great charity water Facebook page halved - Number of
followers foundations increase: 35% Water via Twitter - This Generate 100 positive reports
at any rate in the media on the occasion it Attracts more than 100,000 significant visits to the
charity Generate 40% Arbitrary Revenue by 40 December 2020, Plan Supporters,
20,000 Facebook Likes and 100,000 Site Visits. Increase Total Gala = $ 6,457,0001,000
Positive Report Media Twitter Spread Campaign = $ 12,059,985 Increase from December
2013 to December 2020- January 2021 $ 20,000,000 Other Gifts in 2013 = $ 1,483,015 in
cash or prizes from December 2021.

The event is competing for the Well Gala on January 26, 2021. It is hung on a boat on the
Hudson River in New York City. This will be the first run on this occasion, and we expect

exceptional voting. The event will have 1200 visitors. The cost of this event is $ 2,000 per
person ticket, pair, 500 3,500 or 000 100,000 per table that can cater to eight visitors. During
this affair, there will be 2 specialists, many of whom will be presented in the form of
superstar speakers. Around the room, there are Valentine's tiles in some zones, where visitors
do not hesitate to inspect areas where there is charity water that has already dug wells and
they can also inspect the areas where they want to dig wells later. Scott Harrison, manager
and CEO lived in New York for a long time before starting the foundation: Water. Similarly,
more people need to produce results in these current conditions, because it happens in a big
city. This opportunity is increased to help his mission when we want it, simple physical
products, great job, great house, great life. When people in countries at this time make
cravings, they seek food and water, perhaps not flawless water, though the water. At this
point when he put our assets as a whole set, he helps them find the unwanted water they need.
On this occasion, he plans to raise 6,457,000, for one charity: 100% suitable for surrender
going towards the water, and new water projects.

8 Creative plans for solutions

For the long term financial sustainability of Charity Water, Scott needs to create a trendy,
complex and youthful image. He hopes that their videos graph of targeted audiences will be
drawn into the intended interest group. he needs to make sure that paying a little forage or
monetary payments has an impact on everyone. he makes a film; He hopes the film inspires
the donors and group of interested groups to become interested and motivated in his mission.
The charity water needs their intended interest group to learn about Charity Water. According
to Scott Harrison, We need our intended interest group to see if the support they provide will
have any impact. Whether or not she is giving a message about Charity Water. The message
codes we have are "Give", "Change" and "admire". Our trademark, with a “clear view of
change”, goes with these message codes. “Change” in our trademark comes from gift and
change. Our motto “right” indicates that it is not difficult to understand what needs to be done
to achieve positive results. Important messages we need to include The importance of clean
water, how to help and how to help others is not difficult (I want wells.) We need to teach the
group of interest what we want, so having clean safe water is very important. When we can
express this idea, we hope that our ability to give and help groups of interest will be more
effective. We need to represent our intended group in the most effective way to help others.
With our contingent voices, we need our intended interest group to feel that they can deliver,
there are alternative approaches to help. In the long run, it is very natural to help a big

problem, so we need to help our interested group look right. When they achieve this at this
point, they understand that with their help they will make a big impact. A clear view on

9 Conclusion
Scott Harrison, Founder and CEO initially began his excursion toward charity water
organization, he was not charitable by any expansion earlier in his life. He was the Master of
Hotshot Advancement. He developed nightlife and lived in NYC. He developed dance clubs
and hotshot ion opportunities. He felt like he had lost something in his life, something in
another office. At this point when he first decided to offer rewards, he joined the "Coastal
Clinic", the Mercy Ship, giving clinical observation to people who could not afford its costs.
He started as Picture-takers and magazine-nails, left his large space in NYC and took over the
jam-packed lodge with his beautiful shipyard. There were many top professionals and
surgeons on the charity ship who had the power to help other people from the start, or people
who feared they would be chipped in a short time, for a long time. Like to stay until the time.
It is a boat of supernatural events and is filled with adoration for others. He realized that he
had surrendered too much to join the Mercy Ship, and even though he had once seized the
boat, he realized that he was still at home, seeing people who had nothing, yet a place to rest,
clean water and food. He saw the agony and endurance for the first time, and when he caught
these pictures of those sorrows, he gave such a large sum on that head, his senses flew. He
met with thousands of people affected by the disease.

They found that the diseases they had were similar to others in America, and in the US, they
were treated, so they never progressed in patients with them. The conversation has taken
place. For a long time, he worked with the Mercy Ship, which helped him out of luck. At that
point, he finally got motivated that charity was needed, It is necessary, and he needs help. It
started his journey. and found charity: water, On September 7, 2006, the Charity water
organization was created by a non-profit community that brings real and safe drinking water
to agricultural countries. Based on an open gift to subsidize water projects, this 6-year
organization has made an effective impact on the planet and distributed clean water to 2.5
million people in 20 specialized countries around the world. Charity Water has supported
more than 6,900 wells in 20 countries. They go to develop and serve hostile nations. Little
Scott knows that his fantasy helps many other people. Christoph Gord Michael Letta Victoria
Harrison Yukari Matsuja President CFO Creative Director of Growth.

10 References

 Abrokwah, E., & Asamany, A. (2018). Recruitment and selection practices among
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 Mead, M. (2012). Partnerships and Stakeholders. Corporate Water Strategies, 83.
 Viravaidya, M., & Hayssen, J. (2011). Strategies to strengthen NGO capacity in
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Collection: PDA and UNAIDS joint publication.
 Pietri, D. M., & Christie, P. (2015). The Coral Triangle Initiative and regional
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