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Online assessment instructions

powered by Aon Assessment solutions

Here you will find the steps you must follow to access Aon Assessment Solutions mapTQ platform and continue with your scholarship application for the program
Becas Santander Languages | English Courses – British Council :

1. You will need to test from a computer or tablet. Type the following adress in your web browser :
• You may change the language interface by clicking on the platform´s top-left button

2. Please enter the following password: urebtjkqjj8e

3. Once you have filled out your personal data, an individual password (in the form of letters and numbers) will be provided.
• This individual password is personal and confidential, and it will allow you to re-access the platform in case you should get disconnected. Please write
it down.

4. The next page welcomes you to cut-e’s online assessment platform. The questionnaires and tests you need to complete will be shown; which in your case are:

• scales lct (5 minutes)

• motionChallenge (6 minutes)

You may do the questionnaires and tests at different times, logging in with your individual password. However, once you start any instrument you must finish it.

If you interrupt an instrument (or you close your browser, or you lose internet access), it will be blocked the next time you log in (if it happens, please contact with
us to receive technical support).

To complete the questionnaires and tests, please choose a moment in which you can concentrate and fully dedicate yourself to the questions. The estimated time
to complete all the tasks (instructions and test) is approximately 12-20 minutes.

*In case of technical issue, please contact with

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