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2nd Semester SY 2019 – 2020

a. Encode your answers.

I – MULTIPLE CHOICE. Select your answers from the table provided below. Select only the letter
of your answers. (40 points)

A. Aristotle B. Religion C. Immanuel Kant

D. Truthfulness E. Reason F. Impartiality
G. Kharakter H. Majority I. Lawrence Kohlberg
J. Justice and Fairness K. Philosophy L. Virtue
M. Temperance N. Freedom O. Ethics
P. Universal Principles Q. Morality R. Rules and Law
S. Virtus T. Personal Experience U. Conventional Morality

V. Courage W. Self Interest X. Bonus

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1. These are the building blocks of character for without them, sense of morality collapses
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under pressure.
2. He formulated the Theory on the Stages of Moral Development.

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3. A person who has self-control and restraint possesses this character trait.
4. This virtue is displayed when one is brave enough to tell the truth when it is difficult.
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5. It is the stage of moral development when the child learns to adhere to the rules to avoid
6. People, at this stage, have developed their own set of moral guidelines which may or

may not fit the law.

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7. A person who does not cheat on people, and says things in a straightforward manner.
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8. At this level of moral development, adolescents and adults begin to internalize the moral
standards of adult role models whom they value.

9. If you see someone does good or bad things and agrees to see that the person gets
what he/she deserves, you manifest such trait as ___________________.
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10. It is a Greek word which means an engraved mark, a symbol or imprint on the soul.
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11. The effort to one’s action based on the most logical choice.
12. The absence of coercion.
13. Bandwagon effect

14. “Love thy neighbors as thyself.”

15. This is the very thing which makes us different from animals in terms of our actions.

16. He believes that unlike animals, human beings are born with the gift of reason.
17. They exist not to remove us from our freedom, but to regulate our use of it.
18. You would not do it because you would not like it if it will be done to you, too.
19. Decisions should be based on objective criteria rather than on the basis of bias.

20. Because we only believe and testify to things that we first-handedly experience.

- Ma’am Jo Ganda <3

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