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Daftar ICD Bedah Mulut

Diagnosa ICD
Fracture of nasal bone S02.2XXA
Fracture of zygomatic bone S02.402
Le Fort S02.412
Fracture of mandible bone S39.84
Chronic gingivitis, plaque induced K05.1

Tindakan ICD
Open Reduction of facial fracture 79.0
Dental Wiring 93.55
Dental Scalling 96.54
Injection of antibiotics 99.21
Infusion of electrolytes 99.18

Cleft lip palate

Diagnosa ICD
Cleft palate palatoschisis  Q35
Cleft hard palate Q35.1
Cleft soft palate Q35.3
Cleft hard palate with cleft soft palate Q35.5
Cleft uvula Q35.7
Cleft palate, unspecified Q35.9
Cleft lip Includes:cheiloschisis  congenital fissure of lip  Q36

Cleft lip, bilateral Q36.0

Cleft lip, median Q36.1
Cleft lip, unilateral Q36.9

Cleft palate with cleft lip Q37

Cleft hard palate with bilateral cleft lip Q37.0
Cleft hard palate with unilateral cleft lip Q37.1
Cleft soft palate with bilateral cleft lip Q37.2
Cleft soft palate with unilateral cleft lip Q37.3
Cleft hard and soft palate with bilateral cleft lip Q37.4
Cleft hard and soft palate with unilateral cleft lip Q37.5
Unspecified cleft palate with bilateral cleft lip Q37.8
Unspecified cleft palate with unilateral cleft lip Q37.9

Gnatoschizis Q35.9

Cleft palate, unspecified Q35.9

Unspecified alveolar anomaly M26.70
Tindakan ICD
Plastic repair of mouth 27.5
Bone graft, other bone 78.09
Control of hemorrhage 39.98
Infusion of electrolyte 99.18
Injection of antibiotics 99.21

Kista kelenjar liur

Diagnosa ICD
Salivary gland retention K11.6

Tindakan ICD
Excision Of Lesion Of Salivary Gland 26.2
Marsupialization Of Salivary Gland Cyst 26.21
Dental Scalling 96.54
Control of hemorrhage 39.98
Infusion of electrolyte 99.18
Injection of antibiotics 99.21

Impacted teeth
Diagnosa ICD
Impacted teeth K01.1
Necrosis of pulp K04.1
Disturbances of tooth eruption K00.6
Chronic gingivitis, plaque induced K05.1
Malocclusion M26.4

Tindakan ICD
Surgical extraction of tooth 23.19
Dental Scalling 96.54
Control of hemorrhage 39.98
Infusion of electrolyte 99.18
Injection of antibiotics 99.21

Mouth Preparation
Diagnosis ICD
Patent ductus arteriosus Q25.0
Atrial Septal Defect Q21.1
Necrosis of pulp K04.1
Dental Caries K02.7

Tindakan ICD
Extraction of deciduous tooth 23.01
Restoration of tooth 23.2
Control of hemorrhage 39.98
Injection of antibiotics 99.21
Infusion of electrolytes 99.18

Diagnosis ICD
Epulis Fibromatosa K06.8
Chronic gingivitis K05.1

Tindakan ICD
Biopsi eksisi 27.24
Surgical extraction of tooth 23.19
Dental Scalling 96.54
Control of hemorrhage 39.98
Infusion of electrolyte 99.18
Injection of antibiotics 99.21

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