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January 15, 2015


1003 Connecticut Avenue
Washington D.C. 50527

Dear Mr. Richards:

The November sales figures for your division just arrived. Because of a new Word
networked application, we are now able to process month end sales figures in record time! It
looks like more of the sales people in your division had a good month.

Please call to schedule an appointment to discuss this issue.

Remind your sales people about the following items as soon as possible:

 The retail price product line A will increase by 10%. All other prices
will remain the same until further notice.
 Beginning in January, quotas will increase by 15% over this year’s
 Because of cash flow problems, no bonuses will be given this year.

Keep up the good work, John. Please remember to call about the meeting to talk about
Smith’s performance.


Doug P. Herbert

Enc.: Brochure


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