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Bacillinum - Relationships

Tuberculosis Nosode, Bacil Baci.

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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms)

of Bacillinum in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the

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RELATIONS - Levico, 5-10 drops, follows as an intercurrent where much

debility is present (Burnett). Complementary: Kali-c. Calc-p. goes with this
remedy very well. Also, Lach.


COMPARE - (1) Phos., Dros., Mercury. Its effects seem to be identical to

that of Koch’s Tuberculinum. Both are useful in the tubercular diathesis
before tuberculosis has developed. In the Early stages of tubercular
disease of glands, joints, skin and bones. (2) Psor. (3) Bac-t. (4) Ant-t., Iod.,
Lach., Ars-i., Myosotis.

Calcarea Carbonica Calc. Phosphorus phos. goes with this remedy very
well. So do Lachesis Lach. and Kali Carbonicum Kali c. I know of no




Bacillinum is not available to buy over the counter.


These are relationship sections of other remedies that refer to Bacillinum.

Where the text is greyed out, a relationship with that remedy is already
described above.

Arsenicum Iodatum > compare

Compare Bacil.; in acrid discharges, Nitricum Acidum Nit.
., Ailanthus Ailanth., Arum, Arsenicum Album Ars., Arsenicum Album Arsen.
metal. and its salts. Useful after Sulphur Sulph. in phthisis pulmonalis, and
after Conium Maculatum Conium in sensitive lump in breast.

Aviaire > compare
Compare Bacil., Bacil. t., Tuberculinum Tuberc., Arsenicum Album Ars. i.

Gallicum Acidum > compare

Compare Quercus, Tannin., Bacil., Arsenicum Iodatum Ars.
., Phosphorus Phos., &c. Phosphorus Phos. relieved pain in right lung.

Lamium Album > compare

Compare Other members of the Mint tribe (Hedeoma
Pulegioides Hedeoma, Ocimum Canum Ocimum canum, Origanum
Majorana Origanum, Mentha Piperita Mentha piperita); "deep-in" headache, Bacil.;
head moves backwards and forwards, Arnica
Montana Arn., Chamomilla Cham., Lycopodium Clavatum Lyc.

Naphthalin > relations
b., and coal-tar products generally. In coughs, Drosera Rotundifolia Dros.
(which follows Naph. well), Coc. c., Arnica
Montana Arn., Belladonna Bell., Corallium Rubrum Coral., Ipecacuanha Ipec. In
phthisis, Petroleum Petrol., Bacil. In eye affections, Cholestr. In
gonorrhoea, Thuja Occidentalis Thuja, Petrosel., Salol. In hay-
fever, Psorinum Pso., Sabadilla Sabad., Arsenicum Album Ars., Allium
Cepa Cepa,Kali Iodatum Kali i. In worms, Cina Cina., Teucrium Marum Verum Teucr.

Stannum Metallicum > compare

Compare: Causticum Caust.; Calcarea
Carbonica Calc.; Silicea Sil.; Tuberculinum Tuberc.; Bacil.; Helonias
Dioica Helon. Myrtus chekan (chronic bronchitis, cough of phthisis,
emphysema, with gastric catarrhal complications and thick, yellow difficult
sputum. Old persons with weakened power of expectoration.)

Tuberculinum > compare
Compare: Bacil.; Psorinum Psorin.; Lachesis Lach. Kalagua (tuberculosis;
garlicky odor of all secretions and breath). Teucrium Marum
Verum Teucrium Scoradonia.

> compare
Compare In small-pox, Var., Malan.., Thuja Occidentalis Thuj., Antimonium
Tartaricum Ant. t. Sarracenia Purpurea Sarr. Nephritis, Apis
Mellifica Apis, Mercurius Vivus Merc. c. Phthisis, Bacil., Tuberculinum Tub.
Whooping-cough, Thuja Occidentalis Thuj., Mephitis Mephitica Meph., Coc.
c., Corallium Rubrum Coral.

Vinca Minor > compare

Compare Peevishness with repentance, Crocus Sativus Croc. Crusta lactea,
Med., Melit., Mezereum Mez., jug. r., Olean., Viol. t. (with strong-smelling
urine), Arct. l. (glands swollen; axillary glands even
suppurate), Staphysagria Staph. (sickly children, pale face, dark rings round
eyes), Ustil. (filthy eruptions, part of hair comes out, part matted).
Alopecia, Bacil., Phosphorus Pho. Causation.


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