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1.) A personnel of the police department who has taken oath of office and possesses the power to arrest
is called:
A. Arresting officer C. Commanding officer
B. Sworn officer D. Superior officer

2.) EXCEPT, at any time the patrol officer assumes control of the assigned vehicle for his tour of duty, he
must inspect and make sure of the following:
A. Clean windows and windshield
B. Rescue and first aid equipment including fire extinguisher for emergency lights, sound
equipment, including siren
C. Fire pressure and brakes
D. Possible engine malfunction

3.) What are the factors to be considered in determining the size of the beat? Except.
A. Area to be patrolled
B. Type of patrol to be used
C. Number of area
D. Man- made and natural barriers

4.) In US dogs have been used in police patrol since?

A. 1900 C. 1991
B. 1957 ` D. 1968

5.) Suspicious person can be identified by their: Except

A. Appearance
B. Inappropriate location
C. Presence in usual location
D. Conduct

6.) Functional groups within a section where further specialization is needed?

A. Sector
B. Unit
C. Section
D. Area

7.) It is done at the last hour tour of duty in order to ensure that nothing unusual has happened in the
area of responsibility?
A. Criss-Cross pattern
B. Free wheeling patrol pattern
C. Zigzag patrol pattern
D. Counter-Clockwise pattern

8.) Involves basic organization in the method by which basic police service, including patrol, criminal
investigation, and youth service, is delivered?
A. Patrol
B. Team policing
C. Line function
D. Uniformed patrol
9.) They carry pistols, sabers, and truncheons while patrolling?
A. Bow street runners
B. Guardia Civil
C. Vigilante groups
D. London Police Force

10.) One objective of patrol distribution is to equalize the______of officer in the field.
A. Force
B. Staffing Levels
C. Work Load
D. Operation

11.) It is conducted on the streets and other places, making rounds on assigned areas whether on foot,
bicycles, motorcycle or radio mobile car?
A. Precautionary activities
B. Patrol activities
C. Community activity
D. Community assessment

12.) Intended to be used in all situation of all kinds?

A. Office procedure
B. Field procedure
C. Special Operating Procedure
D. Tactical plans

13.) Of the principle of ''Span of Control'' it may be said that:

A. It limits the number of subordinates into eight
B. It is closely related to the necessity for functional differentiation downwards
C. It has little to do with human limitations
D. It is independent to the variety of functions supervised

14.) Except for one, listed functions are all operational task :
A. Patrol
B. Investigation
C. Traffic Control
D. Inspection and Audit

15.) Decoy officer are generally available for routine patrol assignments. Do you agree with the
A. Yes, Patrol is a part of an Organization and routine patrol assignments involved therein.
B. No, because it is not generally available.
C. No, it is more on disguise.
D. Yes, because Decoy patrol is more on routine assignments.

16.) Mobile Patrol was introduced in Manila Police District on?

A. 1945 C. 1954
B. 1941 D. 1939
17.) It is designed to increase the rate of apprehension of person engaged in selected types of crimes?
A. High visibility patrol
B. Low visibility patrol
C. Directed deterrent patrol
D. Split force patrol

18.) Which type of patrol would enable the police officer to have the advantage of stealth and at the
same time the element of surprise?
A. Motorcycle
B. Automobile
C. Bicycle
D. Foot

19.) When police officer are not bent on waiting to happen and respond
but instead utilizes some other means to effect crime prevention, the focus is said to be a type of
what kind of patrolling?
A. Reactive patrol
B. Split force patrol
C. Proactive patrol
D. Police patrol

20.) To drive defensively in patrol means:

A. To always assume that the other drivers will commit a mistake
B. Stop, Look and Listen
C. Never drive fast
D. Drive slowly

21.) Specific condition and place that requires patrol officer's special attention?
A. Hazards
B. Attractive nuisance
C. Uninhibited places
D. Bars and Nightclubs

22.) Is a logbook that contains the daily registry of all crime incident reports, official summaries of
arrest, and other significant events reported in police station?
A. Police Blotter C. Police Report
B. Police Log Book D. Log Repor
E. t

23.) In Rights of Person under Custodial Investigation. (Miranda Doctrine) Can a Law Enforcer invite a
person who is suspected to have committed a crime?
A. Yes
B. No, Because invitation is an unethical manner
C. Yes, Because the person invited is a competent suspect
D. No

24.) The most destructive type of hazards in an Installation or Organization?

A. Psychological C. Pilferer
B. Fire D. Enemy
25.) The Police shall not use warning shots during police intervention. Do you agree with the statement?
A. Partially Yes
B. Wholly No
C. Partially No
D. Wholly Yes

26.) The 1987 Philippine Constitution mandated the creation of the Philippine National Police, What
provision of the fundamental law prescribed that it would assume an identity to CIVILIAN in
A. Article VI Section XVI
B. Article III Section IV
C. Article III Section V
D. Article XVI Section VI

27.) Maximum tenure for the chief PNP?

A. Three years
B. Four years
C. Five years
D. Four years, with one year
28.) When police officer are not bent on waiting to happen and respond
but instead utilizes some other means to effect crime prevention, the focus is said to be a type of
what kind of patrolling?
A. Reactive patrol
B. Split force patrol
C. Proactive patrol
D. Police patrol

29.) Ideal manning level of the PNP in relation to the population is required the National Capital
A. 1:1000
B. 1:1500
C. 1:500
D. 1:700

30.) Which type of patrol would enable the police officer to have the advantage of surprise?
A. Motorcycle C. Bicycle
B. Automobile D. Foot

31.) Command responsibility generally means :

A. Each members is held responsible for his own acts or performance
B. Each ranking officer is held responsible for the acts of his subordinates
C. The director general cannot be held responsible for all the acts of his subordinates
D. Ministerial authority should be delegated

32.) SOP in Police Operation means?

A. Standard Operational Procedure
B. Special Operating procedure
C. Standard Operating Procedure
D. Special Operational Procedure
33.) Geographical subdivision of a city for patrol purposes?
A. Bureau
B. Section
C. Division
D. District

34.) Plans utilized by patrol, traffic, vice and juvenile control.

A. Tactical plans
B. Operational plans
C. Policy plan
D. Special plan

35.) The more frequent the rotation in patrol, the more significant are the consequences of
A. Top management
B. Individual
C. Rotation shift
D. Work

36.) ________is always potentially present in the midnight shift.

A. Violence
B. Muggings
C. Danger
D. Ambush

37.) Method where two patrol officers alternately take the lead in the search and cover other as they
progressively move on.
A. Patrol observation
B. Leap frog
C. Patrolling
D. Split force patrol

38.) Specific condition and place that requires patrol officer's special attention.
A. Hazards
B. Attractive nuisance
C. Uninhabited places
D. Bars and Nightclubs

39.) Patrol Guidelines: except

A. Use tact and persuasiveness when conducting spot inquiry or questioning individuals for
B. When requiring a suspicious person or any individual for identification, avoid taking the
wallet or bag in which the cards/documents are placed. Let the individual remove and hand
them to you.
C. Select room which provide best privacy.
D. Be familiar, as much as possible, with known criminals/ex- convicts residing in or frequenting
the patrol beat.

40.) The patrol officer may stop an individual for the purpose of conducting a spot check/accosting
only when reasonable suspicion exists. Reasonable suspicion must be more than just a hunch or
feeling. In justifying the stop, the police officer must be able to point to specific facts that, when
taken together with rational inferences, reasonably warrant the stop. Such facts include, but are
not limited to, the following: Except
A. Questionable presence of the individual in the area;
B. The subject is carrying an object;
C. The suspect’s clothing bulges in a manner that suggests he is carrying a weapon;
D. The appearance or demeanor of the individual suggests that he is part of a criminal
enterprise or is engaged in a criminal act;

41.) If before conducting a spot check/accosting or pat-down search, the police officer has no basis
for making an arrest, he should record the facts of such spot check/accosting or pat-down search
and forward a report to the appropriate authority. If the spot check/accosting or pat-down search
gives a justification for a valid warrantless arrest, then an arrest shall be made. Do you agree with
the statement?
A. No, because it must be after conducting spot check or accosting.
B. Yes, because the statement is more on actual field procedure.
C. I’d rather believe statements on facebook.
D. Yes, the statements is validated, under POP manual as of 2013.

42.)Except, in the PNP it is regarded as the most dominant method of conducting patrol?
A. Motorcycle C. Helicopter
B. Mobile D. Foot

43.) Has been traditionally been regarded as the first and most important mission of a patrol

A. Crime Investigation
B. Crime Prevention and Control
C. Crime Prevention and Suppression
D. Crime Investigation and Suppression

44.) Walk closer to the curd during?

A. Midnight shift C. Night time
B. Morning shift D. Day time

45.) Duties and Responsibilities of Patrol Officers: except

A. Observe and monitor public gatherings, prevent disorders and disperse unlawful
B. Prevent crimes and arrest sighted law violators, assuring the public that peace is preserved.
C. Inspect and/or conduct surveillance in various places of business establishments and other
installation and remove hazards to public safety.
D. Nap with the assigned beats, observe and check people, buildings, compounds and vehicles
for convenient.

46.) What do we refer to in determining method of conducting the crimes per 100,000
A. Crime rate
B. Crime statistics
C. Crime data
D. All of the above

47.) Is the oldest form of patrol?

A. Happy Feet
B. Marine
C. Horse
D. Bicycle
48.) Prof. Tampos is a Criminology Instructor and he wants all of his students to pass his
examination in the subject LEA (Police Patrol). Now, what is Patrol?
A. Refers to circuiting in guarding a particular route, and the self taken by the patrol officer
for accomplishment of the police objectives.
B. Is the largest probe in police organization and it must be taken that every year round a
patrol officer must nap in an area of coverage for the safety of mankind.
C. The backbone of the department and the most essential of all Management.
D. None of the above

49.) The common meaning of the word decoy in Decoy Patrol is trap, bait and_______?
A. Secret
B. Deterrent
C. Induces
D. Option

50.) Denotes functions that determine the basic policies, program and objectives of an
organization and the means and method to employed and to achieved them.
A. Administration
B. Organization
C. Department
D. Functional Organization

51.) Can be used effectively in combating theft, burglary and vandalism in

residential areas, parks, shopping malls etc.?
A. Bicycle C. Motor
B. Foot D. Mobile

52.)Which theory of patrol state that the police visibility increases the
opportunity to apprehend criminals by soothing them and letting them believe
that their crimes will not be detected?
a. Low visibility c. Police omnipresence
b. High visibility d. Team policing

53.) Based on the fundamental theories of patrol, suppression of the desire of

offense of offenders to commit a crime refers to
a. Criminal jurisprudence c. Patrol activity
b. Crime suppression d. Crime prevention

54.) Which of the following is the oldest type of patrol?

a. horse c. canine
b. foot d. police
55.)Which of the following is not a commissioned officer?
a. Inspector c. Asst. chief
b. Senior superintendent d. Chief superintendent

56.)Shire means
a. shire c. king
b. counties d. ruler

57.)What is the primary purpose of patrolling?

a. observation c. called for service
b. Crime prevention d. criminal apprehension
58.) All except one are the powers of the police officers
a. Prevent the commission of the crime
b. Arrest criminal offenders
c. to investigate the commission of the crime
d. to attain an acceptable degree of peace and order

59.) In the middle ages of police history a system was introduce which the
community was divided into tithing or group of ten men, each member of
which was responsible for the conduct of the other members of his group and
for the assurance that the member charged with the violation of law would be
produced in court. This system is known as the
a. tythingman c. shire rieve
b. Hue and cry d. frankpledge

60.) Which of the following laws established the Police Organization under the
a. R.A. 5487 c. R.A. 1174
b. R.A. 8551 d. R.A. 6975

61.) What is meant by the word omnipresence in the sentence “ Police

omnipresence deters opportunity for would be criminals”?
a. present overtime c. present anywhere
b. anytime d. crime prevention

62.)Who is the most important officer in the Police Organization?

a. general c. patrol
b. investigator d. The Chief of Police

63.) Act No. 175 provide the organization of the insular constabulary which was
approved on
a. July 9, 1901 c. July 15, 1901
b. July 18, 1901 d. July 8, 1901

64. )Which of the following is the oldest warning device?

a. trumpet c. radio
b. horn d. siren

65.)What is the law provides the National Police Commission to conduct Police
a. R.A. 2260 c. R. A. 4864
b. R.A. 6040 d. R.A. 6141

66.) What is the maximum tenure of office of the Chief of PNP or the Director
General of the PNP?
a. 4 years c. 5 years
b. 6 years d. 7 years

67.) If the CPNP assumes his office in July 7, 2005, his last day in office as the CPNP
will be on:
a. July 7, 2009 c. July 7, 2010
b. July 7, 2011 d. July 7, 2002
68.) What is the principle of organization suggesting that communication should
ordinarily go upward and downward through establish channels in the
a. Chain of Command c. Unity of Command
b. Span of Control d. Delegation of Authority

69.) What type of organizational structure in which quick decisions are made
because of direct line authority and discipline is easily administration and
discipline is easily administered?
A. Line and Staff Organization
B. Functional Organization
C. Line Organization
D. Functional and Staff Organization

70.) What is the term of office of the four regular and full-time commissioners of
a. 6 years c. 4 years
b. 5 years d. 9 years

71.)Who is the ex-officio chairman of the NAPOLCOM?

a. Chief of PNP
b. secretary of Napolcom
c. Commissioner from the civilian sector
d. Secretary of DILG

72.) The reorganization of the PNP is made by the NAPOLCOM who shall
conduct management audit, and prepare a proposed reorganization plan.
Who shall approve the said plan?
a. DILG secretary c. C/PNP
b. Congress d. President

73.) What is the required age for the grant of waiver of age requirement for
initial appointment in the PNP?
a. not below 25 nor over 35 years of age
b. not below 20 nor over 35 years of age
c. less than 25 not more than 32 years of age
d. more than 22 but less than 32 years of age

74.) What is the equivalent rank of a Senior police officer IV in AFP?

a. Master Sergeant c. Lieutenant
b. Captain d. Technical Sergeant

75.) As provided by the Phil. Constitution of 1987, the PNP shall be

a. Absorbed by the former PC and shall become a national police
b. National in character and civilian in scope.
c. National in scope and civilian in character.
d. The leading law enforcement agency in the country.
76.) The strategy wherein the members of the force in plain clothes patrol areas
on foot or in unmark police cars where street becomes high risk crimes
refers to?
a. Low Visibility Patrol c. High Visibility Patrol
b. Psychology of omnipresence d. Clockwise Patrol Pattern

77.) He is considered as the Father of Police Organization

a. August Vollmer c. Henry Fayol
b. Robert Peel d. Cesar Nazareno

78.)What month of the year we celebrate the Crime Prevention Month?

a. January c. August
b. September d. November

79.)Which of the following is not included in the parking prohibitions as provided

for by the Land Transportation Code of the Philippines?
A. on a sidewalk
B. within an intersection
C. in front of a private driveway
D. within four meters of the driveway entrance of any fire station

80.)Conductors of for hire passenger jeepneys need not be licensed. Of course, this
statement is true, this is?
A. true C. maybe
B. false D. any of these

81.) Which of the following is not true about the proper use of a vehicles headlight?
A. it should be switched on one hour after the sunset and should be switched
one hour before the sun rise
B. it should be dimmed when meeting with another motor vehicle
C. It should be dimmed when traversing through a well-lighted thoroughfare
D. any of these

82.) When a driver unloads passengers on the middle of the road, he committed?
A. illegal unloading C. illegal loading
B. traffic obstruction D. illegal stopping

83.) When the two vehicles approach the intersection at approximately at the same
time, which shall give the right of way?
A. the vehicle coming from the right
B. the vehicle coming from the center
C. the vehicle coming from the left
D. the one which arrives there first

84.)The bicycle patrol has the combined advantage of ________________ since they
can be operated very quietly and without attracting attention.
a. Reduced speed and greater area coverage
b. Shorter time and faster response
c. Mobility and wide area coverage
d. Stealth and mobility
85.)When we say that a commander is directly responsible for any act or omission of
his subordinates in relation to the performance of their official duties, we are
referring to?
a. Unity of Command c. Span of Control
b. Command Responsibility d. Delegation of Authority

86.)It refers to an act or condition which results in a situation which is a breach of the
protection system and the subsequent losses or compromise of defense
information, company secrets or damage to personnel, property or facilities.
a. Physical Barrier c. Security hazard
b. Security crisis d. Physical measure

87.) It is one of the principles in police organization which states that immediate
commanders shall be responsible for the effective supervision and control of their
personnel and unit?
a. Unity of Command
b. Command Responsibility
c. Span of Control
d. Delegation of Authority

88.)One of the approaches in crime control is crime prevention which can be done
a. investigation
b. arrest
c. patrol
d. detention

89.) As a Law Enforcer in Manila, who among the following personality is the most
a. janet lim napoles
b. your own
c. Joseph Ejercito Estrada
d. children

90.)They carry pistols, sabers, and truncheons while patrolling?

a. Bow street runners

b. Guardia Civil
c. Vigilante groups
d. London Police Force

91.)One objective of patrol distribution is to equalize the______of officer in the field.

a. Force
b. Staffing Levels
c. Work Load
d. Operation

92.) It is conducted on the streets and other places, making rounds on assigned areas whether on foot,
bicycles, motorcycle or radio mobile car?
a. Precautionary activities
b. Patrol activities
c. Community activity
d. Community assessment
93.) Intended to be used in all situation of all kinds?
a. Office procedure c. Special Operating Procedure
b. Field procedure d. Tactical plans

94.) Except, all police intervention operations (arrest, raid, search and seizure, checkpoint,
demolition, civil disturbance management) shall be conducted:
a. with a marked police vehicle;
b. preferably led by a Police Commissioned Officer (PCO)
c. with personnel in prescribed police uniform.
d. with personnel in complete command of the situation

95.) EXCEPT, at any time the patrol officer assumes control of the assigned vehicle for his tour of
duty, he must inspect and make sure of the following:
A. Clean windows and windshield
B. Rescue and first aid equipment including fire extinguisher for emergency lights, sound
equipment, including siren
C. Fire pressure and brakes
D. Possible engine malfunction

96.)Except. What are the factors to be considered in determining the size of the beat?
A. Area to be patrolled C. Number of area
B. Type of patrol to be used D. Man- made and natural barriers

96.) A moving vehicle shall not be fired upon except when its occupants pose imminent danger of
causing death or injury to the police officer or any other person, and that the use of firearm does
not create a danger to the public and outweighs the likely benefits of its non-use.
In firing upon a moving vehicle, the following parameters should be considered:
a. the intent of the fleeing suspect/s to harm the police officer or other persons;
b. the capability of the fleeing suspect/s to harm in certainty the police officer or
other persons; and
c. accessibility or the proximity of the fleeing suspect/s with the police officer and
other persons
d. the procedure must be under the Police Operational Procedure with
competent personnel in complete uniform.

98.) Duties and Responsibilities of Patrol Officers: Except

A. Observe and monitor public gatherings, prevent disorders and disperse unlawful assemblies.
B. Prevent crimes and arrest sighted law violators, assuring the public that peace is preserved.
C. Inspect and/or conduct surveillance in various places of business establishments and other
installation and remove hazards to public safety.
D. Nap with the assigned beats, observe and check people, buildings, compounds and vehicles for

99.) Immediately after an armed confrontation, the Officer-in-Charge shall: Except.

a. Secure the site of confrontation;
b. Take photographs;
c. Check whether the situation still poses imminent danger;
d. Run as fast you can.

100.) To drive defensively in patrol means:

A. To always assume that the other drivers will commit a mistake
B. Stop, Look and Listen
C. Never drive fast
D. Drive slowly

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