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Yehezkhiel Andi Pranata


1. Describe the potential of the nature tourism object surrounding you (In the
city/village where you live)

Grape Tourism Area. This forest is located in Kresek Village, Wungu

District, Madiun Regency, about 13 kilometers from the southeast of
Madiun City. This tourist attraction has a very interesting charm to visit,
therefore it is very unfortunate if you are in Madiun but do not take the time
to visit Wana Wisata Grape. The location of this recreation park is on the
edge of a teak forest which is an area of KPH Madiun with an area of about
1.5 hectares. Wana Wisata Grape is a tourist attraction that has a natural
and cool nuance, this area is also very suitable for restoring the heart and
soul and refreshing from the hustle and bustle of city life. Around the area
there is also a river with clear water flowing directly from the Dungus
Mountain springs.

2. Make a SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat) analysis of the object of

tourism that you describe
 Strength
abundant source of water to increase
variety of activities at tourist attractions, distance to nearby attractions
with the City of Madiun, the food stall menu is delicious, distinctive and
types of grilled fish dishes, scouting activities and camping
often held and a gathering place for family and community members.

 Weakness
unavailability of accommodation and transportation
general. This will make it difficult for visitors from other areas,
scattered, promotion of tourist objects that are still lacking, the
development of other tourist objects that increase competition and the
existence of a government that
pay less attention to Grape Tourism.

 Opportunity
All opportunities that exist as a result of government policies,
applicable regulations, or economic conditions.

 Threat
Threats can be in the form of things that can bring harm
for tourism, such as regulations that do not provide convenience
in business, environmental damage, and so on.
3. Suggest the development of the place to be an attractive tourism object
Grape Tourism in Kresek Village, Wungu District, Madiun Regency
already quite famous around Madiun Regency. By analytical method
SWOT Wanawisata Grape will be able to find out the potential and
obstacles by optimizing existing facilities so that they become a strength
and opportunity to be more developed, but not only think about progress
for the short term but also think about the long term.
For this reason, proper analysis is needed in order to know its
development by analyzing several existing variables, namely,
attraction/power attraction, transportation, accommodation, provision of
service facilities, and infrastructure (infrastructure). In a narrow sense, a
measure of the success of a development the existence of good tourism in
the concept of sustainable tourism not only prioritize economic indicators,
but also include social indicators
culture as a measure of success in the concept of sustainable tourism.

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