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Work division among group members throughout the process of doing the group presentation :

- For each week , we will have different division for our members . The one who present that
week shall work on the content , other members who don’t present will take on the
PowerPoint , Word List and Reference , divided equally and take turn . Finally all the work will be
checked and commented by all the members for the assurance of the work’s effectiveness and
accuracy .

What are you happy / unhappy with this assignment/course ?

- Throughout the last semester , I have received so much joy and also sadness . The course yields
a great benefit as it enhances most of my weak skills . I used to be quite introvert , I’m afraid of
talking to new people , especially in front of a crowd . Thanks to the teacher and members in
my group , I’ve gained so much confidence . Additionally , my skill of teamwork , time
management are also better . I’m satisfied with the course and everything I’ve learned .

What have personally learned/gained from this assignment ?

- The thing I have improved the most during the course is the presentation skills , which the
course aims to train students . The teacher have taught me so many useful things that I didn’t
learn back at the time . I learned to be calm when standing in front of many people , how to use
body gestures to express ideas , interaction with the audiences . Henceforth , my teamwork skill
also improve remarkably .

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