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Good morning teacher, in this project we will talk about the university careers in which we
specialize, taking into account the theme of the unit that is being chosen which is Employment
and education, then our talk:


-Ediht Silva Falen.

-Anthony Falen Ordinola.

Anthony: Hi friend! What are they doing?

Ediht: Hi Anthony, here I organize my university plan.

Anthony: Oh cool, can you tell me how they are organized?

Ediht: Sure, because I have designed a schedule to organize all my activities and be able to
finish them on time.

Anthony: I agree with you, we as future professionals is fundamental.

Ediht: Indeed! what are you studying?

Anthony: I study systems engineering like you!

Ediht: Yes, we study the same career, however, my father is a psychologist. He requires a
series of skills that you must acquire in order to properly practice the profession.

Anthony: For example, I would like to have the ability to identify the focus of problems at the
technological level.

Ediht: Good point Anthony, I would like to be more analytical and I would like to have a good

Anthony: Yes, I would also like to have the ability to adapt to the context of the problem.

Ediht: Of course it is very important, in addition to having a totally fast capacity when analyzing
a problem.

Anthony: Yes, what skills would you like to develop?

Ediht: I would like to develop skills in programming languages like pyhthon, php and java

Anthony: Wow, amazing!

Ediht: Yes, very amazing

Anthony: And what would you like to specialize in? For example, I would like to specialize in
being a programmer.

Ediht: How nice, I would like to specialize in implementing programming languages.

Anthony: Wow, what other aspirations do you have for the future?
Ediht: I want to have my own house.

Anthony: Oh so cute! I want to be a great systems engineer!

Ediht: I want to be too! and we will do it if we put our mind to it

Anthony: Well, it was very interesting talking to you, take care, see you soon.

Ediht: Bye mate, take care of yourself too. See you soon.

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