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WEEK 3 – Task: Talking about what I

am studying


1. Eva Alexandra Briceño Teves

2. Cristian Alberto Anticona Polanco
3. Edgar Leandro Julián Riqueros


- Juan Jose Quispe Perez


- Ingles IV


- 19435

YouTube link:

30 de Abril de 2023
Dialogue of a job interview:
Good afternoon teacher, my name is Alexandra Briceño, My name is Cristian,
My name is Edgar

This time we will talk about the careers we are studying, let's start.

A: Hi, how are you?

C: Hi, I'm fine. And you?

A: I'm fine too. Here comes Edgar.

E: Hi, what are you thinking?

A: We are talking about our goals and ambitions in our careers.

E: What career are you studying?

C: I'm excited about the architecture career I'm studying. I want to be a

successful and recognized architect in my country. I need to develop skills in
architectural design, construction and project management to reach that goal.

A: That sounds great. I also study architecture and would like to work on
important infrastructure projects for my country, with a focus on sustainable
construction and the integration of green technologies. I believe architecture
can have a significant impact on people's lives and I want to contribute in that

E: I study law and my goal is to become a successful and respected lawyer in

my country. I need to develop skills in legal analysis, negotiation and conflict
resolution to achieve this.

C: That sounds very interesting. And do you have any specific goals in mind?

E: Yes, I would like to specialize in international law and work on important

cases globally. I believe I can make a positive difference in people's lives if I
achieve that goal.

A: Wow, that's awesome. I would like to work on urban development projects in

my country and improve people's quality of life. Also, I want to have my own
architecture firm in the future.
E: That sounds interesting. What skills do you need to develop to achieve that

A: I need to develop leadership and business management skills to be able to

run my own architecture firm. I also need to have communication skills to be
able to persuade clients and sell my ideas.

C: I need to learn about sustainable technologies and how to apply them in

construction. I also need to develop skills in project management to ensure that
projects are completed on time and within budget.

E: As for my career, I want to work in a non-profit organization that defends

human rights and fights injustice.

C: That's interesting. What skills do you need to develop to achieve that goal?

E: I need to develop skills in research and analysis to be able to understand

problems and find effective solutions. I also need to have negotiation and
communication skills to be able to defend human rights effectively.

A: These are very interesting goals and ambitions. We must definitely work hard
to achieve them.

E: Yes, our careers have the potential to make a big difference in the world. I
hope we will achieve our goals and ambitions in the future. Good bye, talk
another day

C: See you soon.

A: Good bay guys.

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