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82 Psychology and the Real World '0 _; - c mo ry: False Memories and Societal justice 83

set out some answers to the criticisms in Lockhart and Craik (1990) and Crail< - -- - · -· ··- - ----- --
(2002). But the ideas were welcomed for the most part; and it is interesting to Crin Memories and
note that the Crail< and Lockhart article is still reasonably well cited-over Societal Justice
100 citations in 2008-36 years after publication!
[t was exciting to work through the theoretical ideas and .fun to devise ex-
Elizabeth F. Loftus
periments to test them. A research project is a bit like a detective mystery; the University of California, Irvine
researcher hunts for clues that nature provides, pieces the fragments together
to form a plausible s tory, and then confronts the suspect with a series of ex- }::. Please tell us about your current position and research inte1·e sts.
periments. If you get it right, Mother Nature owns up with a smile, and the I'm currently Distinguished Professor at the University of California, Irvine.
detective-researcher can file the story with satisfaction-and move on to the I hold positions in Psychology <md Social Behavior and in Criminology,
next case! Law and Society. And I'm Professor of Law.
~ What got you interested in studying the effect of leadiltg q uestions on
Suggested Further Read ing memory?
Crail<, F. I. M. (2002). Levels of processing: Past, present . . . and future? Memon;, 10, 1 ~an~ed to study a psychological problem that would have real-world ap-
305- 318. plications. The problem of leading questions was obviously applicable to
Crail<, F. I. M., & Lockhart, R. S. (1972). Levels of processing: A framework for mem- real court cases involving crimes, accidents, and o ther important events.
ory ~esearch. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 11, 671-684. ~ What has been the real-world impact of this work?
Based not only on my work, but the work of many others in this field, the
References 1 legal system has made changes. There are guidelines for how witnesses
Atkinson, R. C., & Shiffrin, R. M. (1968). Human memory: A proposed system and its should be interviewed and handled i n the legal system. There are courts
control processes. InK W. Spence and J. T. Spence (Eds.), The psychology of learning
and motivation: Advances [n research and theory, Volli (pp. 89-195). New York: Academic I ________________
that have decided that jurors should hear expert testimony from psydlOlo-
i gists on the science of eyewitness testimony.
Press. ~......:: -- ·- . .. --· - - ·- ...
Atkinson, R. C., & Shlffrin, R. M. (1971). The control of short-term memory. Scientific
American, 225, 82- 90. Memory. It's a paradox. Memory is the bedrock of who we are. Without
Baddeley, A D. (1978). The trouble with levels: A re-examination of Craik and Lock- memory, life would not have the sense of continuity that it does. It would
hart's framework for memory research. Psychological Review, 85, 139- 152. consist only of momentary experiences that don't relate to each other. With-
Cermak, L. S., & Craik, E I. M. (Eds.). (1979). Levels of processing in human memon;. out memory we could not remember wha t we want to say. Nor would we
Hillsdale, NJ: lawrence Erlbaum Associates. h~ve ~he sense of continuity to know who we are. At the same time, as my
Craik, F. I. M. (2002). Levels of processing: Past, present .. . and future? Memory, 10, SCientific research over the last 30 years has shown, memory is utterly mal-
305-318. leable, selective, and changing. The malleable nature of memory doesn't mat-
Craik, F. I. M., & Lockhart, R. S. (1972). Levels of processing: A framework for mem- ter when the changes are small and insignificant- as when l tell my friend I
ory research. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 11, 671-684. ate chicken last night when I really had beef. But sometimes the chan<>es0
Craik, F. I. M., & Tulving, E. (1975). Depth of processing and the retention of words in so significant that they lead to ntined lives.
episodic memory. Journal of Experimental Psychologtf General, 104, 268-294. Ea~h :,:ear my work brings me face to face with an important group of peo-
Lockhart, R. S., & Craik, F. I. M. (1990). Levels of processing: A retrospecti'-:e com- ple- mdlVlduals falsely accused of crimes that someone else committed.
mentary on a framework for memory research. Canadian Journal of Psychology, 44, Sometimes I meet people who are accused of crimes that never even hap-
87-112. pened. And when I leam more about the cases, 1 usually discover that faulty
Treisman, A. (1964). Selective attention .in man. British Medical Bulletin, 20, 12-16. human memory is the major cause of these human tragedies. To put faces on
some of these vvrongfully convicted people; one need only visit the Web site
of the Innocence Project (http:/ /
The project, initiated by lawyers Bany Scheck and Peter Neufeld, brings to-
gether lawyers, journalists, and institutions to tackle claims of innocence that
can be proven (for example, by DNA evidence.) On the Innocence Project Web
site, you can see the faces of actual innocence. One of the most famous, Ronald
Cotton, had _been identified by Jennifer Thompson, an attractive college stu-
dent, as the man who raped her. Cotton served more than 10 years of a life
sentence before he was exonerated based on DNA evidence. Unlike many
84 Psychology and the Real World Loftus, Crimes of Memory: False Memories and Societal Justice SS:

cases, the real perpetrator was found. To her credit, Jennifer accepted her mis- Based on this research, we know that the timing of misinformation is im-
take and used her newfound knowledge of faulty memory to crusade for the portant. For example, il the original memory has a chance to fade, it becomes
victims of mistaken memory-the vvrongfully accused. Eventually Jennifer more prone to being altered by misinformation. Young children are especially
Thompson, a true victim, and Ronald Cotton, a different kind of victim, came susceptible to having their memories modified by misinformation. Once the
together for a meeting. She apologized. He forgave her. modified version takes hold, people can be very confident about their mis-
informed memories, even though they may be totally wrong.
The Science of Memory Distortion
Eyewitness Identifications of People
lt was my scientific work on memory distortion that brought me face to face
with the falsely accused. f.n the initial studies, conducted in the 1970s, r It's not just memory for event details that can be changed, but so can mem-
showed what can happen when a person sees a crime or an accident and is ory for people we have seen before. Every day in the United States alone,
later questioned about the incident in a biased way. In one study, people who more than 200 people are estimated to become defendants in criminal cases
had seen simulated car accidents were asked, "How fast were the cars going after having been identified by a w itness from a lineup or photo spread (see
when they smashed into each other?" This leading question led them toes- Wells et al., 2000). Thousands of studies have shown that certain conditions
timates of speed that were higher than those of people asked the more neu- increase the chances that someone will be mistakenly identified (Cutler &
tral q1.1estion: "How fast were the cars going when they hit each other?" Penrod, 1995). Some factors we simply have to live with because the justice
Moreover, the leading "smashed" question led more witnesses to later falsely system can't change them-for example, the comparatively low reliability of
remember that they had seen broken glass at the scene, when there was no cross-racial identifications. But the justice system can change other factors,
broken glass at all (see Figure 1). such as the instructions that are given to a witness before viewing a lineup.
[n another study, a simple question that referred to a stop sign (when it Concerned about the growing number of proven cases of wrongful con-
was actually a yield sign) led many people to believe they had seen a stop viction based on faulty memory, the U.S. Department of Justice released ana-
sign. In yet another study, w e created a false memory for something as large tional guide for collecting and preserving eyewitness evidence (Technical
and conspicuous as a bam. We asked some witnesses to a simulated accident Working Group for Eyewitness Evidence, 1999). The authors of the guide re-
a leading question that made reference to a bam. Some of those witnesses lied on findings from scientific memory research to shape their recommenda-
later claimed to have seen a bam in the country landscape that contained no tions. The guide, for example, instructs investigators to use open-ended
buildings at all. (See Loftus, 1979/1996, for a review of these early studies.) questions ("What can you tell me about the car?"), augmented by more spe-
In the years since my initial work, hundreds of studies have documented cific ones ("What color was the car?"), rather than leading questions ("Was the
the ways in which exposure to misinformation can supplement, contaminate, car red?"). The guide offers advice about what instructions to give witnesses
or distort our memories. We pick up misinformation not only from biased before they view lineups, how many fillers should be in the lineup, and how
and leading questions, but also when we talk with other people who (con- those fillers should be selected. Although at times arduous, the process of elic-
sciously or inadvertently) give an erroneous version of a past event (Loftus, iting agreement amongst prosecutors, defense attorneys, police, and scientists
2005). Inaccuracy in memory caused by erroneous information provided ultimately resulted in a landmark product that surely is a major step toward
after an event is known in psychology as the misinformation effect. reducing the chances of wrongful convictions (Doyle, 2005).

Planting Wholly False Memories

"About how In the early 1990s, North America began to see an altogether more extreme
fast were the sort of memory phenomenon. Some individuals were going into therapy with
cars g oin g
when they one kind of problem, like depression or anxiety, and leaving with another
smash ed problem-"memory" of horrific abuse, perpetrated against them by loved
into each ones, often involving satanic rituals that included bizarre and sometimes :im-
possible elements. One woman recalled being impregnated by her father even
though she was ultimately shown to be a virgin and he was sterile. Hundreds
Original External The "memory" of the accused found themselves being prosecuted or sued civilly, based on
information information these suspect memories. Hundreds of the accusers would eventually retract
their memories, and some of them sued their former therapists for malprac-
FIGURE I Two types of information in memory. The leading "smashed" question led more
witnesses to later falsely remember that they had seen broken glass at the scene, when tice, charging that they had planted false memories. Monetary settlements for
there was no broken glass at all. (From Loftus, 1979/1996.) the retractors were often high, topping $10 million in one case.
86 • psychology and the Real World Loftus, Crimes of M emory: False Memories and Societal Justice 87

Where could these bizarre "memories" have come from? Highly sugges- after strong suggestion, with increased confidence that this had occurred to
tive therapy procedures, such as gu ided imagination, dream interpretation, them before the age of 3. In another set of studies, many people were led to
hypnosis, and exposure to false information, became the suspects. believe that as children they had met and shaken hands with Bugs Bunny on
To explore whether such techniques could in fact lead to rich false memo- a trip to a Disney resort. This event is impossible because Bugs Bunny is a
ries, researchers developed procedures that w ere inspired by some of the Warner Brothers character and would not be seen at a Disney resort. Never-
problematic therapies. Using suggestion, my colleagues and I initially got theless, some participants even embellished their "memories" with unique
people to believe that when they were children they had been lost in a shop- sensory details, such as remembering that they hugged Bugs, or touched his
ping mall for an extended time. The lost-in-the-mall technique used infor- tail, or heard him say, "What's up, Doc?"
mation obtained from their mothers and fathers to help create scenarios that The sensory details are especially important to memory scientists because
described some true events and also the false event about getting lost. The people typically use sensory detail to assist in distinguishing between our
scenarios were then fed to the participants as if they were entirely true. In true memories and those that are products of imagination, dreams, or some
that initial work, about a quarter of participants fell sway to the misinfor- other process. And when we listen to the stories of others, which we do as
mation and claimed to have gotten lost in the suggested fashion. therapists, or police officers, or jurors, or as friends, we use sensory detail as
Later research using the lost-in-the-mall technique showed that people a cue to tell us that we are hearing a report that is based on authentic mem-
would also accept suggestions that they experienced events that were more ory. But these sh.ldies are showing that fa lse memories can be detailed.ln fact
bizarre and upsetting. ln one Tennessee study, about a third of participants false memol"ies can be not only detailed, but they can be held with con£i-
were persuaded that as children, they had nearly drowned and had to be res- dence, and expressed with emotion-other cues that usually make us think
cued by a lifeguard. In a study done in Canada, resea rchers succeeded in con- that memory reports are true.
vincing half of participants that something as horrible as being a victim of a
vicious animal attack had occurred in their childhood (see Loftus, 2003, for a
review of this work). False Memories Have Consequences
Telling people that their parents are the source of biographical information People who have developed false beliefs about relatives brutalizing them in
is a strong form of suggestion, no doubt about it. But subsequent work childhood often act on those beliefs. They sever ties with their family mem-
showed that comparatively subtle suggestions can also lead people to de- bers. They sometimes initiate criminal prosecutions or civil litigation against
velop false beliefs and memories. One such technique, common in some psy- those whom they have accused. They frequently fail to get the kind of pro-
chotherapy offices, is guided imagination, in which a therapist says fessional help that might restore their health (McNally, 2003).
something like, "You don't remember your abuse, but you have a ll the symp- Although ethical barriers prevent researchers from experimentally pro-
toms. Why don't you just close your eyes ar1d try to imagine who might have ducing such dire consequences, they have devised harmless ways of collect-
done it?" The guided imagination technique persists despite good evidence ing evidence about the consequences of false beliefs. In one set of srudies,
that imagining an event that didn't happen (like breaking a window with researchers planted a false belief that as children, participants had gotten sick
your hand) can lead people to think that it clid happen. Researchers call this eating dill pickles, hard-boiled eggs, strawbeuy ice cream, and other foods
phenomenon imagination inflation. (Bernstein et al., 2005). Not only were researchers successful at planting these
Who is susceptible to inflation by manipulation? Probably we are all sus- beliefs in a significant minority of subjects (sometimes as many as 40 per-
ceptible to some degree. But some individuals are somewhat more suscepti- cent), but those who fell for the suggestion later reported a decreased inter-
ble than others-for example, people who tend to have lapses in memory est in the specified foods. This particular line of researd1 has unique
and attention and people who have vivid visual imagery. The implications implications for nutritional selection and, perhaps, the obesity problem fac-
for clinical practice are obvious: Professional therapists who use techniques ing our society, demonstrating as it does that false beliefs affect later
.involving any form of imagination need to better appreciate its capacity for thoughts, intentions, and behaviors.
distorting memory.
A common complaint about the false memory research is that the sugges-
tion may be reviving a true memory rather than p lanting a false one. Perhaps False Memories and Society
the individual really did b~:eak a window, forgot it, and the imagination ex- The Science of False Memon; is the title of a 557-page tome published by Oxford
ercise revived it. Perhaps the individual really did get attacked by an animal, University Press (Brainerd & Reyna, 2005). Thousands of researchers have con-
forgot it, and the strong suggestion revived the memory. To address this con- tributed to the solid science it reports. Despite rnore than a quarter century of
cern, researchers sought to plant implausible or even impossible memories. investigation, however, false memories remain a problem for society, Hun-
In one set of studies, people were led to believe that they had witnessed a dreds of individuals-most of whom landed in hot water because of some-
person being demonically possessed as a child. Even though subjects entered one's faulty memory-have been wrongly convicted of crimes. While they
the experiment thinking this was not very plausible, many of them ended up, were imprisoned, the real culprit was free-often committing further crimes.
88 Psychology and the Real World

Hundreds, if not thousands, of fathers and mothers and uncles and grandpar-
ents and neighbors have been accused of crimes that may not have occurred at
aU. Some of the acC\.l.Sed remain in prison. False-memory is the root cause.
- ~-~-
The science of false memory teaches us much about innovations that can
reduce these tragedies, and police, mental health professionals, and others
are already implementing some of the changes. Communicating what we Language and Thought
have leamed to the broader public will go a long way toward minimizing the
damage that false memories can cause. lf there is one lesson to be leamed
from our findings, it is this: Just because a memory is expressed with confi-
dence, just because it contains detail, just because it is expressed with emo-
tion, doesn't mean it really happened. We can't yet reliably discriminate true Susan Goldin-Meadow
memories from false ones; we still need independent corroboration. Ad-
vances in neuroimaging and other tecl1.11iques may some day aid in this en-
Creating and Learnin g Language by _H a nd
deavor. But in the meantime, we as a society would do well to continually
keep in mind that memory-like liberty-is fragile. Herbert 5. Terrace
Thinking W ithou t Language
A c k now le dgements
Funding for much of the underlying research described was provided by the U.S. Na-
tional Science Foundation, the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health, the Univer-
sity of California- Irvine, and the Grawemeyer Prize in Psychology awarded to
Elizabeth Loftus.

Sug g es te d Furthe r Rea ding

Doyle,}. M. (2005). True witness. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
Loftus, E. F. (2003). Make-believe memories. American Psychologist, 58, 864-873.

Bernstein, D. M., Laney, C., Morris, E. K., & Loftus, E. F. (2005). False beliefs about fat-
tening foods can have healthy consequences. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sci-
ences, 102, 13724-13731.
Brainerd, C. J. & Reyna, V. F. (2005). The science offalse memOnJ. New York: Oxford Uni-
versity Press.
Cutler, B. L., & Penrod, S. D. (1995). Mistaken identification. Cambridge: Cambridge-
University Press.
Doyle, J. M. (2005). True witness. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
Loftus, E. F. (1979/1996). Eyewitness testimony. Cambridge, !VlA: Harvard University
loftus, E. F. (2003). Make-believe memories. American Psychologist, 58, 864-873.
Loftus, E. F. (2005). A 30-year investigation of the malleability of memory. Learning and
MemonJ, 12,361-366.
McNally, R. J. (2003). Remembering trauma. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Technical Working Group for Eyewitness Evidence. (1999). Eyewitness evidence: A
guide for law enforcement [Booklet]. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice,
Office of Justice Programs.
Wells, G. L., Malpass, R. S., Lindsay, R. C. L, Fisher, R. P., Turtle, J. W., & Fulero, S. M.
(2000). From the lab to the police station: A successful application of eyewitness re-
search. American Psychologist, 55, 581-598.

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