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Spreading Rate and Age of Seafloor

1. Assuming symmetrical spreading rates and using the data on Figure 2, look for the
maximum and minimum spreading rates, and half-spreading rates for the ocean ridge
system of:

a. the Atlantic Ocean

The maximum full spreading rate for the Atlantic Ocean is 40mm/yr and its
minimum full spreading rate is 23mm/yr. Moreover, the maximum half-spreading rate of
the Atlantic Ocean is 20mm/yr and the minimum half-spreading rate is 11.5mm/yr.

b. the Pacific Ocean

The maximum full spreading rate for the Pacific is 185mm/yr and its minimum full
spreading rate is 66mm/yr. Moreover, the maximum half-spreading rate of the Pacific
Ocean is 92.5mm/yr and the minimum half-spreading rate is 33mm/yr.

2. The distance of the ocean floor between the spreading ridge in the South Atlantic
Ocean at 30°S and the edge of the continental shelves along the east coast of South
America and the west coast of southern Africa at 30°S is approximately 3100 and 2700
km, respectively. Assuming that the full spreading rate on this part of the ridge is 38
mm/yr, estimate the maximum age of the sea floor on either side of the South Atlantic.

Given: Full spreading rate = 38mm/yr

Distance (South American continental shelf) = 3100 km
Distance (South African continental shelf) = 2700 km

South Atlantic Ocean:

full spreading rate 38 mm/ yr
Half-spreading rate = = = 19 mm/yr
2 2

19 mm 1 km
Conversion: x = 1.9 x 10-5 km/yr = 0.000019 km/yr
yr 1,000,000 mm
Age of the Seafloor on the South American continental shelf:
Age =
half −spreading rate
3100 km
= km
1 yr
= 3100 km x
0.000019 km
=163,157,894.7 years ≈ 163 Ma

Age of the Seafloor on the South African continental shelf:

Age =
half −spreading rate
2700 km
= km
1 yr
= 2700 km x
0.000019 km
= 142,105,263.2 years ≈ 142 Ma

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