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Application of Factors Affecting

Rate of Chemical Reaction

Catalyst is one of the factors that affect the rate of
Chemical Reaction. It speeds up the chemical reaction of a
substance where it isn’t being used by the reactants at the reaction.
An example is the charcoal we use in cooking barbecues. When
left alone the burning charcoal would have a lot of time burning
down. But if we blow it the chemical reaction with in the charcoal
speeds up therefore the it burns down quickly than when you leave
it alone.

Concentration of reactants is one we most like need

to know especially if we take medicine often for our life.
Through concentration the reactants will increase or reduce the
collision among the particles in a given time interval. This
should be learned by everyone because the medicine that we
intake may have a high concentration in it and our body
wouldn’t be able to handle this much chemical reaction thus
resulting to a life threatening illness or even death.

Surface Area of the reactants is a factor that

we will mostly see in factories. By increasing the area where
the particles will come together resulting in explosive
reaction. Factories break down coal into powder before
putting in a combustion for more fire power. The more the
area in which the particles can meet will further increase the
chemical reaction rate.

Temperature affects so
many things and chemical
reaction is one of it. By heating the particles its kinetic energy
increases therefore there is more chemical reaction happening
in it. An example is when we leave our leftovers on the table
and let it sit there for an entire day would quickly spoil due to
the hot temperature in the room. Because of the heat it will
become inedible. But if is inside the freezer where its cold
there would be less chemical reaction happening in the leftover
thus making it suitable to be eaten later.

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