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Name Contribution
Topic 1: abstract of the study
Macaranas, Aldrien Daryll M.
Topic 1: abstract of the study
Mandia, Mickaellah
Part 1: #3
Mangaliag, Lyra Gwyneth
Topic 2: result and discussion, conclusion
Mejia, Angeline Karylle C.
and justification for citing of materials
Part 1: #4 and #5
Millon, May France
Montaniel, Paula May G. Topic 1: abstract of study and justification
for citing of materials
Palaganas, Giselle Abigail Topic 2: introduction and methods
Pata, John Kyle Part 1: #1 and #2
Activity 2

Part 1:
General Instructions:
 Below are the specific questions you need to answer.
 Note which particular tertiary reference you consulted, and write the bibliography using
Harvard system

Question Answer
1. To what disease is methylphenidate SR - It is generally used as part of a
generally indicated? treatment program to control
symptoms of attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD;
more difficulty focusing,
controlling actions, and remaining
still or quiet than other people
who are the same age) in adults
and children.

Reference: Methylphenidate n.d., MedlinePlus, viewed 20 July 2021,

2. Acute renal failure is characterized clinically - Azotemia is a biochemical

by an abrupt decrease in renal function over a abnormality, defined as elevation,
period of hours to days due to azotemia. What is or buildup of, nitrogenous
azotemia? products creatinine in the blood,
and other secondary waste
products within the body. Raising
the level of nitrogenous waste is
attributed to the inability of the
renal system to filter such as
waste products adequately. It is a
typical feature of both acute and
chronic kidney injury.

Reference: Tyagi A, Aeddula NR. Azotemia, 2021 May 12, In: Stat Pearls[Internet], Treasure Island
(FL): Stat Pearls Publishing; 2021 Jan-, viewed 20 July 2021,
3. What is the chemical composition of plaster Plaster of paris appears as white or yellowish,
of paris? finely divided, odorless powder consisting mostly
or entirely of calcium sulfate hemihydrate,
CaSO4*1/2H2O. Forms a paste when it is mixed
with water that soon hardens into a solid. Used in
making casts, molds, and sculpture. Generally
Reference: National Center for Biotechnology Information (2021). PubChem Compound
Summary for CID 3033839, Calcium sulfate hemihydrate.
Retrieved July 20, 2021
4. What is the function of gastroesophageal It has two major functions to prevent air from
sphincter? entering into the esophagus during breathing and
to prevent reflux of esophageal contents into the
pharynx to guard airway aspiration. It is best
recognized functionally as a high-pressure zone
that extends 3–4 cm in its vertical extent.

Reference: Mittal RK. 2011, Motor Function of the Pharynx, Esophagus, and its Sphincters. San Rafael
(CA): Morgan & Claypool Life Sciences.
5. What is the antidote for caffeine poisoning, Esmolol, an ultrashort-acting beta 1-selective
esmolol or acetylcysteine? antagonist, to control multiple dysrhythmias and
symptoms of sympathetic nervous system
Reference: Price, K.R., & Fligner, D.J. 1990, Treatment of caffeine toxicity with esmolol, Case Report
of Ann Emerg Med, 19(1)

Part 2:
General Instructions:
 Each group will select two topics from the list below
 Then each group will look for a primary or secondary sources of information
 Submit a copy of the primary or secondary source
 Answer using the Format below

1. Egg consumption and cardiovascular diseases
2. Effective management of migraine headache
3. Effectiveness of probiotics
4. Rational management of coughs and colds
5. Recommended bronchodilators for infants

Topic 1

Bibliography: Drouin-Chartier, J.P., Chen S., Li Y., Schwab, A.L., Stampfer, M.J., Sacks F.M.,
Rosner B., Willett W.C., Hu, F.B., Bhupathiraju, S.N., (2020). Egg consumption and risk of
cardiovascular disease: three large prospective US cohort studies, systematic review, and
updated meta-analysis, pp. 1.
Abstract of the study: Justification for citing the material:
Research: Primary and secondary sources:
Egg consumption and risk Drouin-Chartier, J.-P., Chen, S., Li, Y., Schwab, A.L., Stampfer,
of cardiovascular disease: M.J., Sacks, F.M., Rosner, B., Willett, W.C., Hu, F.B. and
three large prospective Bhupathiraju, S.N. (2020). Egg consumption and risk of
US cohort studies, cardiovascular disease: three large prospective US cohort
systematic review, and studies, systematic review, and updated meta-analysis. BMJ,
updated meta-analysis [online] p.m513. Available at:
Objective To evaluate the
association between egg
intake and cardiovascular
disease risk among women
and men in the United States,
and to conduct a meta-
analysis of prospective cohort
Design Prospective cohort
study, and a systematic
review and meta-analysis of
prospective cohort studies.
Setting Nurses’ Health Study
(NHS, 1980-2012), NHS II
(1991-2013), Health
Professionals’ Follow-Up
Study (HPFS, 1986-2012).
Participants Cohort analyses
included 83 349 women from
NHS, 90 214 women from
NHS II, and 42 055 men from
HPFS who were free of
cardiovascular disease, type 2
diabetes, and cancer at
Main outcome measures
Incident cardiovascular
disease, which included non-
fatal myocardial infarction,
fatal coronary heart disease,
and stroke.
Results Over up to 32 years of
follow-up (>5.54 million
person years), 14 806
participants with incident
cardiovascular disease were
identified in the three
cohorts. Participants with a
higher egg intake had a higher
body mass index, were less
likely to be treated with
statins, and consumed more
red meats. Most people
consumed between one and
less than five eggs per week.
In the pooled multivariable
analysis, consumption of at
least one egg per day was not
associated with incident
cardiovascular disease risk
after adjustment for updated
lifestyle and dietary factors
associated with egg intake
(hazard ratio for at least one
egg per day v less than one
egg per month 0.93, 95%
confidence interval 0.82 to
1.05). In the updated meta-
analysis of prospective cohort
studies (33 risk estimates, 1
720 108 participants, 139 195
cardiovascular disease
events), an increase of one
egg per day was not
associated with
cardiovascular disease risk
(pooled relative risk 0.98, 95%
confidence interval 0.93 to
1.03, I2=62.3%). Results were
similar for coronary heart
disease (21 risk estimates, 1
411 261 participants, 59 713
coronary heart disease
events; 0.96, 0.91 to 1.03,
I2=38.2%), and stroke (22 risk
estimates, 1 059 315
participants, 53 617 stroke
events; 0.99, 0.91 to 1.07,
I2=71.5%). In analyses
stratified by geographical
location (P for
interaction=0.07), no
association was found
between egg consumption
and cardiovascular disease
risk among US cohorts (1.01,
0.96 to 1.06, I2=30.8%) or
European cohorts (1.05, 0.92
to 1.19, I2=64.7%), but an
inverse association was seen
in Asian cohorts (0.92, 0.85 to
0.99, I2=44.8%).
Conclusions Results from the
three cohorts and from the
updated meta-analysis show
that moderate egg
consumption (up to one egg
per day) is not associated
with cardiovascular disease
risk overall, and is associated
with potentially lower
cardiovascular disease risk in
Asian populations
Torres, C. & Economou, P., 2016, 'Probiotics can Improve Mood: A Correlational Study Investigating
the Relationship between Probiotics and Overall Mental Health', Journal of Probiotics & Health,
04(02), pp. 1-3




INTRODUCTION The article entitled Probiotics can Improve

Mood: A Correlational Study Investigating the
Studies and an emerging area in mental health Relationship between Probiotics and Overall Mental
literature, have found that the use of a daily Health is a primary source of information cited as
probiotic can improve mood, improve one’s part of Journal of Probiotics & Health copyrighted
overall mental health, and alleviate symptoms in 2016 with DOI of 10.4172/2329-8901.1000143
that are linked with depression. A probiotic is, "a The authors, Chelsea Torres and Peter
dietary supplement that contains live bacteria Economou, are from New Jersey. Torres is a
and is taken orally to restore beneficial bacteria dietician and Economou is a Mental Health
to the body". As this is a recently discovered specialist. This journal article is a collaborative
finding in the mental health literature, there are work in relation to their field of interests. Their
many gaps, which still require additional profiles, addresses, and affiliations can also be
research. There are some various forms of found in the internet. This is an open-access
probiotic, including common foods, liquid and pill, article distributed under the terms of the Creative
which makes studying probiotic intake Common Attribution Licencse. It is convenient to
challenging. In mental health, according to a use this as a reference because it permits
unrestricted distribution and reproduction as long
national survey completed in 2013 by the
as the original authors are credited.
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), mood
disorders are the third most common cause of The information from this correlational study
hospitalization in the U.S. for adults between the were based from the observations and analysis of
ages 18 to 44. Another fact to consider is that the results of the study with 157 participants. The
anxiety and depression diagnosed subsequent to nature of the study of appear to be valid and
the diagnosis of IBD occurs during the year after well-researched which was discussed briefly and
IBD is diagnosed and the probable explanation is comprehensively. Since there is no specific scope
of the topic, we selected this article as a primary
that the mental disorders are secondary of IBD.
reference. The content of the article is useful to
Link between gastrointestinal health and mental
our topic as it shows significant relationship
health. People suffering from major depression
frequently have elevated levels of the hormone between probiotics and mental health.
cortisol, which are released in response to
No biases were found in the journal and the
situations causing stress. In a recent study, a
authors also report no conflict of interest.
probiotic cocktail of Lactohacillus helveticus and Following the document, there is a bibliography
Bifido-bacterium longum was found to reduce and a list of related sources which further
cortisol levels. Probiotics help treat irritable supports the credibility of this article.
bowel syndrome, infectious diarrhea, some skin
conditions, and help to improve digestion and
regularity overall. Steenbergen and her
colleagues recently found that probiotics may
actually aid in improving mood. Those who
consumed the probiotic supplements began to
see improvements in their moods; they reported
less reactivity to sad moods than those who took
the placebos. These results provide the first
evidence that the intake of probiotics may help
reduce negative thoughts associated with sad


This study used a Correlational statistical design.

In order to determine the appropriate sample size
for this present study and to have meaningful
outcomes, power analyses were conducted. This
study’s power analysis uses the computer
program G*Power and employs Cohen’s criteria
for effect size. The purpose of this study was to
determine whether there is a significant
correlation between the use of a daily probiotic
and the quality of general mental health. The
instruments used to conduct this study were
surveys, which included a general measure of
mental and physical health, demographics,
probiotic use, and a DSM-5 Self-Rated Level 1
Cross Cutting Symptom Measure for Adults.
These surveys were administered to participants
18 and older through Survey Monkey and each
participant’s results were kept confidential.


Participants (n=157) were primarily female

(76.4%) with the most common ages in the range
of 21-29 (39.5%). The majority of the participants
were (80.3%). While 91.7% of the sample knew
what a probiotic was, only 24.2% reported that
they consumed a probiotic daily, even though
54.8% had taken a probiotic within the past
month. Preliminary analyses indicated few
significant relationships between mental health
questions and probiotic usage.

While the main hypotheses for this study were

not fully supported, there are still significant
findings to discuss with regard to mental and
physical health, exercise and probiotics. First, a
large portion of the sample (91.7%) were familiar
with probiotics and more than half (54.8%) had
even taken one in the past month. The
researchers, as clinicians working in diverse
settings (e.g., Nutritionist, Dieticians,
Psychologists, Nurses), one of their many roles is
to educate the client this education is critical as
they begin to explore and understand more about
the relationship between probiotics and mental
health. While they could not statistically
determine a significant relationship between
mood and probiotic intake.


In conclusion, more research is needed in this

area. The results support the complexity of
treating mental health symptoms whereby
treating the whole person is crucial. It would not
be simple enough to suggest the intake of a
probiotic, alone, could combat mental health
issues. It requires the interdisciplinary approach
including mental health professionals, primary
care physicians, and those in the dietetic and
nutrition world. There are several limitations to
this study that have had an impact on the
findings. One of this is the difficulty in measuring
general mental health through survey research
using DSM-5 Self-Rated Level 1 Cross-Cutting
Symptom Measure for Adults. Some food like
pickles, dark chocolate, and miso soup etc. Might
contain probiotic, therefor People might be
ingesting probiotic without knowing they were.

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