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By Neal Patrick Z. Sacdalan

Yoga Coach

SETTING: Mateo is alone in his room using his desktop.

Mateo is alone in his room, on a call with his best friend -- Tony.
Mateo on a call with his boss-- Sonya.
Yoga Webinar on Zoom with Yoga Coach and Sonya.
Mateo on a call with his employer – Madeline.

SYNOPSIS: Mateo seeks an online Freelance job as a Marketing Virtual Assistant where he
meets his boss Sonya, turning him to seek romance instead of work in the digital

SCENE 1: August 31 [5:30 PM]

[Mateo laying in his bed, looking at the window thinking curiously as he stares at his ceiling fan. Mateo
stands up, walks to his window. He sits down on his chair and looks at the and thinks] 

Mateo: Wow, the first week of being free! I mean damn Mateo, adulthood is here, adult life is now....
well… what now…..what next?

[Mateo stands up and begins to walk in circles with a worrisome face.]

Mateo: Okay.... so I finished playing all the storyline video games that I've been wanting to finish. I've
watched all the Netflix series' on my watchlist. I've cleaned my desktop…. ?

[Mateo stops and sits down on his desk and stares at his monitor screen.]

Mateo: Alright, the first thing to do really is to check up on the lads and see what they're up to.

[Mateo opens his account and checks discord]

Mateo: Okay offline yung gaming channel, walang online sa binge watchers, how about the og channel.
Ayan online pala si Tony, gotta know what he's up to, (Talks to his subconscious) best way to know what
I really have to do through the boys, I mean there's just so much to do!

[Mateo Enters Video Chat]

Tony: YOOO (Screams with excitement)

Mateo: TONY

Tony: MUSTA PAPS! Oo nga pala, congratulations sa graduation!

Mateo: Appreciate it my guy! Well I mean saying na hindi siya in person but whatever (Laughs)

Tony: Oh ano na? Balak mo!

Mateo: Well, actually, nothing in mind nga eh! Wanted to check up on you guys just to know where ya'll
are pacing at since halos lahat naman tayo graduate na! You dude! how are you?

Tony: Brother I'm fine as hell, but you know naman na kakabreak lang namin ni Ej literally a month after
my grad so I mean I'm sort of motivated to keep my mind out of it!

Mateo: Oo nga noh, yea dude sobrang pass ako diyan, especially when I first met her. Anyways, enough
with the sad shit HAHA! Looking at the brightside WE FREE BRO! WE CAN BASICALLY DO
Tony: HAHA on point ka diyan.

Mateo: Anyways talking about that, I gotta know what have you been up to keep up with the whole
"moving on" phase.

Tony: I mean thinking about it man, we can live our lives that way we want it to be! Well on my end I've
gotten straight to work HAHA

Mateo: Ah ulol! This quick? I mean if I were you I'd head up and chat some of the past chikas you’ve
used to hit up on!

Tony: Tagal na yan dude, they probably have their own dudes already and I mean if I were to do it, it
wouldn’t really work for me. (Laughs)

Mateo: Why so early though?

Tony: Paps, as lame as it seems I've actually been enjoying it! Like the idea that you've got your whole
life set ahead of you and there's no other way to spend it but to do work and be productive.

Mateo: Wow, si tony ba to? Kilala ko ata yung dating Tony na jologs who even came out with the saying
(Mateo emphasises) “bahala na tangina” (laughs)

Tony: Gago ka (laughs)

Mateo: (Laughs) Okay what job are you on right now!

Tony: Okay so dude have you heard of freelancing?

Mateo: Yea! It's that remote working thing where you work for guys abroad right?

Tony: Yea dude! Bet you saw this on some of those "Earn 1k in a day" videos on Youtube (laughs)

Mateo: Oo nga eh yung tipong upo kalang tapos may pera ka na!

Tony: Somewhat?? (laughs)

Mateo: Wow ah, who knew! Tony the hearthrob turns responsible and gets his shit together despite
getting dumped!

Tony: Tangina mo gago HAHA! (Tony’s phone rings) Oh shit, akala ko day off ko ngayon, well paps I
have to go got a call from my client from San Francsisco!

Mateo: Aba pa-San Francisco ka pa ah! (Laughs)

Tony: Basta quick advice from me dude, you should try it out! I mean Mateo, you're the guy in
Highschool that we all had to rely on since you know you had your shit together! Seems like looking for a
job would be a proper fit for you!

Mateo: Aba True though! Nice, sige I'll try to check it out! Cheers man appreciate the advice!
Tony: Sige dude ingat dude I gotta go! Cheers! (Tony Leaves)

[Mateo closes his laptop, stands up and goes to bed to take a nap.]

SCENE 2: September 1 [11:00 AM]

[Mateo's cellphone alarm rings, he wakes up, leaves the bed immediately and goes to his desk.]

Mateo: Okay, maybe Tony is right! Probably it's time to look up on some jobs! So I guess looking up on
some of those quick cash videos on Youtube!? Yea that’s a start (Types on his keyboard) "How to start as
a…….freelancer…. online."

[Mateo stairs at his screen with focus, brings out a pen and paper and continues to watch online and take
notes of everything required for his online freelance registration.]

SCENE 3: September 7 [6:00 PM]

Mateo: Alright, filled out the registration forms.....polished the portfolio.... filled up my resume even if i
had little to no experience lol but fuck it. Post.

[Mateo lays back and looks at his screen and stretches.]

Mateo: OKAY TAPOS! Damn, it's been quite a while since I've actually committed to work again.... well
actually it's been a solid 2 weeks (laughs) so it wasn't that long! Guess it's about time to put the big boy
pants on! Now it's time for the waiting game.

SCENE 4: September 8 [10:40 AM]

[Mateo wakes up and looks at his email list and screen.]

Mateo: No emails okay, let's check the freelance inbox..... okay none. alright no worries it's just the first
day, don't be too excited Mateo.

SCENE 5: September 9 [2:33 PM]

[Looks at his email list and screen while eating on his desk.]

Mateo: Newp... no replies

SCENE 6: September 10 [ 5:26 PM]

[Mateo looks at his email list and screen.]

Mateo: Okay, still no replies. Fuck it's been a few days already.

SCENE 7: September 12 [ 1:40 PM]

Mateo: Tangina hassle wala pa rin (scratches his head) puta wait... maybe tony is available right now. He
could be able to help me out!

[Mateo checks discord]

Mateo: Okay he's not availble online, probably should give him a call

[Mateo brings out his phone and tries to call Tony through his mobile phone. Waits for a little but Tony is
unavailable and cannot be reached.]

Mateo: Shit okay, guess busy talaga siya for now.

SCENE 8: September 20 [ 8:02 AM]

[Mateo wakes up to a ring. Mateo wakes up and goes immediately to his desktop.]

Mateo: Okay..... Gmail.... Refresh.....

[Mateo looks closely to his desktop and reads the message]

Mateo: ABOUT TIME..... (Reads with excitement ) Congratulations mateo, out of 62 of the applicants
you’re the top prospect for the role of Social Media Virtual Assistant, we believe that you are a proper fit
for Sunshine Wellness Branding.... I'd love to schedule a time with you next week! Cheers…..Sonya.
Ooooo Sonya, cool name…

Mateo: BUT DAMN, ABOUT TIME MAN! Nice one mateo (Does a silly dance on his desk) Alright
before we do this lemme check out if this “Sonya” actually looks decent, puta baka mamaya scammer toh.

[Clicks on the email and looks for Sonya’s profile picture.]

Mateo: Damn walang picture, sana nalang mabait to gago.....Oh well fuck it let’s see nalang by then.

Mateo: (Mateo types his message, and reads this while typing) Okay... Wednesday at 2:30 pm would be
great for me... looking forward... Mateo Andres.... SENT! BOOM

[Mateo jumps with excitement closes Gmail opens his spotify, plays his favourite song and does a silly

SCENE 9: September 22 [2:28 PM]

[Mateo readies himself with his favorite suit and tie, whilst wearing boxer shorts. Sits down on his chair
where he motivates himself and sings his favorite song before the scheduled time.]

Mateo: Alright! It's 2:28! (Does sign of the cross) Hope everything goes well!

[Enters call with Sonya]

Sonya: Hi Mateo! It's great to finally meet you! (Smiles)

Mateo: Oh….Hi Sonya! Wonderful to meet you as well! (Smiles)

Sonya: Alright! So this call will just be like a casual interview so don't worry about the technical stuff! I'd
love to get to know you better so I know that you're a person who's easy to get along with.... just kidding!

Mateo: Oh awesome! You got me there (laughs) I actually brought a pen and paper right now just to make
sure to take note! (Shows pen and paper)
Sonya: How nice of you to come in ready! Well alright! Let's get started!

Mateo: Awesome

SCENE 10: September 22 [3:02 PM]

Sonya: Alright, I guess we should rap up our interview! Do you have any questions before I end the

Mateo: Oh just some clarifications, so starting Monday, I'll begin to monitor your Social Media Instagram
and LinkedIn accounts, as well as messaging your clients! Would you need anything before I start on

Sonya: Yes... well not as of now... Basically in short, I'd want you to basically be me online! (Laughs)
And don't worry! I'll be teaching you along the process on how to post our daily content, and respond to
our clients messages!

Mateo: Alright! Great! That's all for now! (Smiles)

Sonya: Amazing! Okay keep in touch through Telegram and I'll send you link to access my accounts!

Mateo: Awesome! Looking forward to working with you Sonya (Smiles)

Sonya: You as well Mateo (Smiles)

SCENE 11: October 2 [6:00 PM]

[Mateo is in a call with Tony]

Tony: Oh Mateo! Sorry I wasn't able to reach you last time! Musta! How was was your first week?

Mateo: PAPS SOLID! At first I thopught that my role was medj difficult but damn guess what man, my
boss is AMAZING!

Tony: Taas ng bayad ba? Ganyan kase mga puti dude sobrang solid ng pay and they're so compassionate

Mateo: DEIN! Well I mean the pay is good but DAMN she's so pretty annd charming and....

Tony: (Interrupts) Wait... your Boss? HAHA tangina akala ko habol mo trabaho! (Laughs)

Mateo: Pare swear I'm not fucking with you… LEGIT TO OKAY...

Tony: Dude but I mean this Boss of yours...

Mateo: Here, check this out..

[Mateo immediately sends him a picture of Sonya's instagram post.]

Tony: Yo..... (Laughs)

Mateo: Ano....
Tony: Tangina Chicks pare….(Continues scrolling on the sent photoa)

Mateo: DIBA! As I was saying (Laughing) She was really charming the whole time, like she was open to
suggestions on how we'd be able to get to work and even asks about what time is comfortable with me for
doing all the work stuff! Bro, asides from these photos that I got from her profile! Her other posts are just
really lovely man. I mean look...

[Mateo sends more photos]

Tony: Yes I'm looking man (Looks closely on his phone)....still….. looking…. (laughs)… FUCK dude I
mean she's really cute and all but from the looks of it she's still your boss man!

Mateo: I know dude but wala lang I mean of course work is priority here and in the first place I've looked
up for something to do which is to EARN diba!

Tony: Exactly man! Pero tangina naman dude parang naging Bumble tong freelance website na to ah!

Mateo: Ina….. sige Okay I shouldn't let this affect my work.

Tony: Yes do not let is please, trust me man. and REMEMBER..... SHE. IS. YOUR…..

Mateo: BOSS, I know, Sonya is my boss, Sonya is my boss, Sonya is the boss. got it!

SCENE 12: OCTOBER 13 (3:13 PM)

[Mateo in a meeting on zoom with Sonya]

Sonya: Okay so I'll be leaving you with the LinkedIn messaging for the week! This is your first major
task! WOOO let's go Mateo I believe in you!

Mateo: Yes I'm excited! I got this! I super appreciate the motivation boost Sonya! I won't let you down!

SCENE 13: NOVEMBER 15 (2:50 PM)

[Mateo in a meeting on zoom with Sonya]

Mateo: Alright, so for the overview from last weeks’ social media campaign we were able to gather in at
least 200 active followers! The message response rate is at 50% which is amazing and engagements have
been increasing as compared to the past weeks of monitoring!

Sonya: Wow Mateo you're a BOSS! I swear, you're tremendous help to the brand! I couldn't have gotten
these new clients if it weren't for you!

Mateo: (Smiles) I really appreciate it Sonya, I'm happy to be part of your brand's journey

Sonya: Anyways! So….the weekend's coming up! What are your plans?

Mateo: Well not much actually might just chill out..... and maybe to do some extra work for the weekend!

Sonya: Extra work?! You have another part time job?

Mateo: Newp! Just looking in to some extra work for you!

Sonya: Wow that’s too much effort Mateo... come on it's the weekend enjoy at least! Look at me, I'll be
attending this workshop for yoga! Do you exercise?

Mateo: Oh me?..... YEA, but I haven't been getting active lately which sucks since I need to shred some
of the quarantine weight!

Sonya: Well that's awesome! Then maybe you'd want to attend this Yoga webinar with me! Don't worry
it's fun and maybe you'd get to actually "shred some of that quarantine weight" and exercise a little since
you've mentioned that quarantine in the Philippines has been a little bit hectic for you over there!

Mateo: Actually you know what...... why not let's give it a try!!

Sonya: Amazing! I'll set the schedule and link through message (Smiles)

Mateo: Can't wait Sonya! I'm excited (Smiles)

Sonya: Likewise Mateo!

SCENE 14: NOVEMBER 20 (6:19 PM)

[Tony calls Mateo a day after his Yoga exercise webinar with Sonya]

Tony: OY PAPS, kamusta na si Sonya babes (Laughs)

Mateo: Brother beans wala lang just work JOKE.... SWABE BRO! Okay! So this what happened She
invited me to this webinar...

Tony: Okay.... webinar? anong webinar?

Mateo: YOGA webinar paps (Laughs)

Tony: WHAT? YOGA? Mateo doing yoga? Pota…. dude as if you ever work out (Laughs)

Mateo: Okay that's where I actually lied, (Scratches his head and laughs) Well....bro I fucking died the
whole DAMN TIME but you know being me, I tried to keep calm and composed kase your
boy doesn't want to look weak and frail diba (Laughs)

Tony: Okay so let's just say that happned tapos?

Mateo: Ayt ayt okay so we actually talked right after... like somewhat a get to know you more type of
converstation (Blushes)

Tony: So okay, you went on a virtual yoga session with her, faked the whole workout, and you actually
got to talk to her right after?

Mateo: EXACTLY..... Bro we talked about her and her life gago! And damn DUDE 23 palang siya!

Tony: Oh no man.... I don't like where this is going….

Mateo: Okay so let me kwents what we talked about....

SCENE 15: NOVEMBER 22 (2:33 PM)

[Mateo in a meeting on zoom with Sonya]

Sonya: Hey Yoga partner! How are you feeling after the webinar? (Smiles)

Mateo: Slightly exhausted to be honest Sonya, but you know “Mateo can manage”, (Laughs) I'm actually
really interested in trying yoga out again sometime you know!

Sonya: Really? Well it looked like you were a little bit more than exhausted (Laughs) I mean when we
chatted right after the webinar you literally had to grab a gallon of water which was INSANE!

Mateo: Okay yes I was but why not give it another shot sometime you know!

Sonya: Oh okay... he's up for the challenge, I'll give you a heads up some other time if there's an opening
for my scheduling on that again! Anyways, how's the engagement on Linkedin?

Mateo: Alright so....

SCENE 16: NOVEMBER 27 (4:23 PM)

[Sonya and Mateo attend another weekend yoga webinar]

Yoga Instructor: Okay now from down dog position to warrior three in three....

Yoga Instructor: Let's go guys! Mateo you can do it!!

Mateo: Let's do this!

SCENE 17: JANUARY 21 (3:21 PM)

[Mateo in a meeting on zoom with Sonya]

Mateo: I think we should step up on our video content since our post illustrations engagements on
LinkedIn aren't as active as our weekly video posts!

Sonya: I agree, do you think that I should stick with the voiceover posts or we should do something else?

Mateo: Honestly, I think your viewers would love to see you talk, trust me Sonya it would work!

Sonya: Hmm….

Mateo: Trust me, I mean you’d look wonderful on screen

Sonya: [Sonya twirls her hair and slightly blushes] Okaaaay Mat I’ll do it…. BECAUSE I TRUST YOU!

[Sonya and Mateo laugh]

SCENE 18: JANUARY 31 (2:33 PM)

[Sonya waits in the zoom call and Mateo enters]

Sonya: (Speaks with excitement) Hey Mat! Have you seen the number of attendees for our mini-
workshop event?

Mateo: (Speaks with excitement) YES! We have over 104 people attending and it's still a week away!
WOO CONGRATS TO US! I do think it's the new video segments that's been boosting our social media
traction which is your idea so props to you! (Claps) I mean we have at least 50 likes per post at an
average and even on the posts’ comments!

Sonya: This is so amazing! This wouldn't be possible for you Mateo! (Smiles) I mean looking at it really
…having you aboard is the literally the best decision I've ever made!

Mateo: I feel the same way as well (Smiles)

[Both take a pause and smile]

Sonya: Alright hope you have a good night!

Mateo: Same back to you Sonya!

SCENE 19: FERUARY 7 (2:04 PM)

[Mateo receives a message on his desktop and checks his telegram inbox]

Mateo: Oh looks Sonya messaged (Pays closer attention and smiles while reading the message)

Mateo: (Reads) Hey Mateo! So I have a huge task for you this week! So I'll be on vacation for a week and
a half... wow looks like she's finally taking a break! (Reads) and I was wondering you could run the show
for me while I'm gone!....Okay... (Reads) Don't worry..... all the other content and scheduling have been
assorted and I know that there's no other person that I'd assign this to but you....

Mateo: (Smiles) Alright alright alright! Let's do this!

[Mateo types on his desktop]

Mateo: No problem Sonya....will....get...the job done! Have....a wonderful.....vacation....super cute smiley

face….sent (Smiles).

[Mateo closes his chat-box (Rests his back on the chair and stairs at the ceiling)]

Mateo: I wonder what she’s up to this vacation!

SCENE 20: FERUARY 19 (10:21 PM)

[Mateo and Tony are on call. Mateo shares his screen while, showing his messages while talking about
his experience with Sonya]

Mateo: So that's what happened paps (Laughs) She basically thanks me 24/7, Calls me a genius and
PRAISES ME a whole lot more just because of our first Social Media Campaign Execution HAHA
Tony: Sounds like you're saving her ass HAHA, grabe naman... so like what na dude. I mean I have to
know what's the plan with this!

Mateo: Plan on.......

Tony: SONYA gago! Looks like you're head over heels bro, literally like every single time you call me
it's Sonya this... Sonya that... puta Sonya LAHAT (Laughs)

Mateo: Well... you know.. as long as she's happy I'm....

Tony: Happy... oh damn dude, YOU IN LOVE MAN (laughs) you know what.....dude sobrang laughtrip
ng story mo (laughs)...I mean look where "Finding a job" has led you to, meeting Sonya your boss who
you have feelings for wait..... let me repeat... FEELINGS FOR.......

Mateo: Ina mo gags…(Laughs)

[Mateo Scrolls and sees a picture post of Sonya and a mysterious man on her private instagram profile....
(Both characters pause and stop)]

Tony: Bro baka best friend lang niya yan, ay puta Feb 14 post, diba Valentine’s day yan…..

Mateo: (Silent and just stares at the screen)

Tony: Bro easy lang..... swear best friend lang yan... or di mo alam pinsans niya na super close who
celebrated Valentine’s day with family...

Mateo: (Silent)

SCENE 21: FEBRUARY 21 (2:32 PM)

[Mateo in a meeting on zoom with Sonya]

Sonya: Hi Mat!

Mateo: Hi..... how was vacation?

Sonya: It was great! I got to catch up with a good old friend and it was amaaaaazing! (Smiles)

Mateo: Well.... I'm happy for you!

Sonya: Thanks! So where are we at for the week! How was everything while I was gone?

Mateo: Well....

SCENE 22: MARCH 7 (2:57 PM)

[Mateo in a meeting on zoom with Sonya]

Sonya: Hey Mat! Looks like there's been some things that are lacking in the captions! Just a reminder worries I'll just give you a heads up since our posts haven't been doing well which is unusual!

Mateo: O-Oh my apologies...... hmm I probably missed out on some parts here! My bad I'll fix this!
SCENE 23: MARCH 22 (2:57 PM)

[Mateo enters the zoom chat with Sonya]

Sonya: Hey Mateo! Wanted to brief you on the NEXT BIG PLAN!

Mateo: How exciting (Speaks softly)

Sonya: Come on where's the SPIRIT? Okay....we'll be doing another Webinar campaign! This will be
bigger than our previous event which means I need all hands on board!

Mateo: I guess... I am!.... we got this!

SCENE 24: MARCH 28 (2:34 PM)

[Mateo in a meeting on zoom with Sonya]

Sonya: Mateo, our content calendar hasn't been updated yet? Would want to remind you that we have a
big week ahead of us!

Mateo: Yes, I was actually about to update it! Sorry about that….

SCENE 23: APRIL 1 (2:43 PM)

[Mateo in a meeting on zoom with Sonya]

Sonya: Hi Mateo.... would it be alright if we could discuss about the week.... the social media campaign
didn't turn out as we expected it to be but I'm just worried with the results since...

Mateo: Yes actually about that... it didn't work as well as we expected it to be….

Sonya: I mean at first I thought it was probably a slow week and maybe that's why not much people were
responding to our invite posts and registration... that part where...

Mateo: I was assigned on.... my bad….

Sonya: Mateo, I'm really concerned about you, I mean what's going on?

Mateo: Well....

SCENE 24: APRIL 2 (6:17 PM)

[Mateo and Tony are on call.]

Tony: Tapos?

Mateo: Ayun, she asked me if I needed to take a break first because sobrang sabog ko talaga nung
moment na yan dude (Scratches his head) and then...

Tony: And then.... what happened after that?

Mateo: I told her the truth and she dropped me dude.

Tony: No fucking way..... wait wait wait... you told her the truth? The truth about?

Mateo: My feelings

Tony: You literally just made amin to your boss that you liked her?

Mateo: Yes

Tony: What........

Mateo: Tangina you know naman na I never lie dude, I mean besides that she literally never replied, just
sent me my salary out of nowhere and never came back

Tony: Yeah I mean... but dude.... halata naman na ganyan yung reaction niya kase in all honesty….
That’d be really fucking weird dude

Mateo: I know....

SCENE 24: APRIL 10 (11:20 AM)

[Mateo on his desktop looking at a freelance role posted]

Mateo: Okay.....this like last time….another an interview.. you know what…. let's give this another shot,
no expectations…. nothing. And looking at it I fucked up and Tony was right. Never involve your
emotions with work. (Breathes deep) Again.... no matter how amazing, attractive, gorgeous the person is
do not..... i mean do not just do not fuck this up.

Mateo: Okay.....alright (Does sign of the cross) here we go....

[Mateo enters zoom chat]

Madeline: Hey Mateo (Smiles)

[Mateo mutes himself]

Mateo: Tangina....Here we go again.....


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