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Ok, so I don't know how to start this mainly because I aim for this to be a monthly

thing from now on. I'll vent my frustrations, issues and stuff like that in one
document to remind myself, maybe give my parents an insight to my devoid life idk.
I do want some stuff to be happy so I'll also talk about stuff I enjoyed too. Think
of the discord channel as the place where you go every month to go and wonder what
I've been up to. Or not, I don't want to waste your time or anything.

So, this month February has been kind of uneventful actually. I don't know, nothing
really has happened to make me super lucky to be alive or very depressed. Talking
about the good, white chocolate won the splatfest! Pretty happy when the results
came in even though I have barely played Splatoon 3 in February because ver 2.0 was
pretty uneventful in the grand scheme of things. It looks like ver 3.0 is packed
but I'll have to wait and see. Oh yeah, Attack On Titan is nearly back with The
Final Season (The Final Edition (Part 1(but it's actually part 3))). I'm just hyped
to see this part of the story get animated, I liked the ending to the manga, I
didn't love it but I enjoyed my stay. I'm happy i read the manga now because the
wait has been too long now. Hype for a new attack on titan season is still there
but it seemed like everyone was talking about it now it seems like no-one is, but
maybe that is me trying to avoid the toxic cesspit that is the anime community.
Started watching Mob Psycho 100 at the tail-end of the month. Pretty good so far,
but pretty standard shonen stuff so far too. Also read Jojo's part 1 this month. It
was a short read and was exciting for the most part, the characters felt out of
place with the setting though. Guilty Gear -Strive- is pretty fun, my osu!
addiction is starting to creep back and... I don't know what else. New VOCALOID
songs, Deco*27 x Pinocchio-P, I never expected that to happen, also that Gorillaz
album was good, I don't know if that is better than song machine but it does have
some bops. Porter Robinson is an artist I was awakened to, and the album Nurture is
really good. Also, Oral Cigarettes has some bangers that I have been listening too,
I caught the J-Rock fever with the Bocchi The Rock anime and I can't stop now.
The main thing on my mind is mock exams which is a pain since I know I probably
don't need to be this stressed but I am and it's really annoying. It's just stupid
though, I wanted to talk about exam stress and as soon as I do, people want to put
me in counciling? I'm not that sad, I'm closeted that is what I am. Social anxiety.
Especially with the switch of schools and just any person in general. Very scared
to open my mouth and some points. Oh well, I hope GCSEs blow over, I come out with
the grades I want and it's all good. But that's still a year away from now. Time is
moving so slow.
Oh well, I have Portugal holiday to look foward to in the Summer very cool.

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