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Grati Laurenția

The summary of the story ,, The Reading Public “ by S.Leacock

The action takes place in one of the biggest book stores in New York. A lot
of peolpe visit it and they have different preferences. The manager is a
good seller, this ability helps his sell the same book, ,, Golden Dreams “ ,
to different people: as a powerful or fiction book. All this is seen by a
witness ( the author who is a witness in this story ).
After that the customers came and went in a string. To one lady, Golden
Dreams was sold as just the reading for a holiday, another bought it as a
book for a rainy day.
In the end, when asked about it, the manager confesses to the witness,
that he didn’t even know what the book was really about, so he was telling
all those lies just to sell the books.

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