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Worksheet 30a – Through the Trapdoor

Task: Can you get to the Philosopher`s Stone before You-Know-Who? Write your answers to questions 1-15 on Worksheet 30b.

1. What spell 8. What spell is 9. What sort of

does Hermione needed to free key are they
use on Neville? Harry and Ron? looking for?

2. Who is at the 10. How does 15. Which bottle

7. What does
foot of the first Harry spot the gets Harry to the
Harry land on?
set of stairs? key he needs? stone?

6. What is Ron to 11. What pieces

3. How do they do if something do Ron, Harry 14. What are the
get past Peeves? happens to and Hermione four clues?
Harry? play?

13. What colours

12. How does
4. What is lying 5. Who opens the are the flames
Ron win the
at Fluffy's feet? trapdoor? which trap Harry
and Hermione?
Worksheet 30b– Through the Trapdoor


Big, old-fashioned one

1. __________
Full Body-Bind: Petrificus 8. __________
bluebell flames 9. __________ The smallest bottle.
15. _________
_____________ _____________ - probably silver, like the handle _____________

Mrs Norris Devil's Snare Harry used a broomstick However slyly the poison
2. __________ 7. __________ 10. _________ i)_______________
_____________ _____________ _____________
to fly. Tries to hide, you will always find
some on nettle wine's left side.
Different are those who stand at
either end, but if you would move
onwards, neither is your friend.
as you see clearly, all are different
size, Neither dwarf nor giant holds
Go straight to the owlery Harry: Bishop, Hermione:
told Peeves to stay 6. __________ 11. _________ ________________
death in their insides
away from this place tonight. and send Hodwig to Dumbledore _____________
Castle, Ron: Knight
_____________ _____________ the second left and the second on the
are twins once you taste them,
though different at first sight.

Ron sacrifices himself

4. __________
Harp 5. __________
Ron 12. _________ 13. _________
Purple and black
to let Harry checkmate the King
_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

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