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The review of „Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban”

Teacher: Ichim Nicoleta

student: Crăciun Ștefan-Ionuț
9th grade C
„Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” it caught my attention from
the beginning. The novel is written by J.K. Rowling, opens with an intriguing
mystery about magic and Harry's family. The book is narrated by the writer J. K.
Rowling and presents a story that takes place in the United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Quidditch Stadium,
Broom Storage, Flying Lesson Ground, Hogwarts Castle, Hagrid's Hut,
Cracking Willow, Greenhouses, Forbidden Forest, Hogsmeade Station,
Hogsmeade Village in 1999. The characters participating in the action are: Harry
Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Draco Malfroy - Draco Malfoy, Albus
Dumbledore, Lord Voldemort - Death's Head, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black,
Weasleys, Dursleys, Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape, Rubeus Hagrid,
Neville Longbottom, Peeves, Ghosts, students and teachers, Peter Pettigrew, etc.
Harry Potter, a young wizard, spends his summer vacation with the
Dursleys before his third year of school, when he will turn 13. Harry and his
companions, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, face their fears of Sirius
Black, an escaped prisoner from Azkaban, the magical prison, a potential
collaborator of Lord Voldemort, who is on Harry's trail. Harry receives gifts
from friends through the Owl Post on the eve of his thirteenth birthday. The next
morning, a news program informs him that Black has escaped from prison. Aunt
Marge, who lives with the Dursleys, constantly teases Harry's parents until
Harry loses control and blows her up like a balloon before storming out of the
He is transported to Diagon Alley on the Knight's Bus, where he meets
Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic. Shortly after, they board the Hogwarts
Express train, only to be stopped by a Dementor, one of the terrifying monsters
that protect the wizarding prison. Harry faints from it and is helped by a new
teacher, Professor Lupin, who teaches Defense Against the Dark Arts. Shortly
after the start of the school year, a good event occurs involving Harry. Professor
Trelawney predicts Harry's death while reading the tea leaves during a
divination lesson due to the representation of a Grim. Grims are large black dogs
that represent death. Meanwhile, Hagrid shows his students the Hippogriffs,
which are giant crossbreeds of horses and eagles, as part of his lesson on the
care of magical creatures.
When Malfoy criticizes one of the beasts (Buckbeak), it attacks him.
Malfoy wants to take advantage of the situation to get Hagrid fired and the beast
killed. Lupine rallies the students against a Boggart in another classroom.
Boggarts have the ability to alter their appearance to represent the greatest fear
of those who see them. Harry is denied the chance to interact with it. Cornelius
Fudge claims that Sirius Black is responsible for the deaths of Harry's parents
and a Hogwarts student named Peter Pettigrew in a bar in Hogsmeade. When
Harry returns to Hogwarts, he finds Hagrid depressed because Buckbeak is on
trial for attacking Malfoy. Harry gets the Firebold broom he had appreciated as a
gift at the end of term and the beginning of the Christmas break. Professor
McGonagall accepts her, despite Hermione's concern that she was sent as a curse
by Sirius Black. Ron, Hermione and Harry form a strong bond due to their
shared desire to help Hagrid. As the story progresses, it is revealed that Black
was wrongfully accused of murdering Harry's parents, and Lupine reveals
himself to be a werewolf. Dumbledore has Harry and Hermione travel back in
time using a device created by Hermione to save Black and Buckbeak, who have
been sentenced to death.
I recommend this book because it is a fantastic story involving real and
imaginary characters, people, animals and fantastic objects, wizards and their
specific objects. I hope I caught your attention and I urge you to read it.

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