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“We construct the self” by Immanuel Kant.

All of what a person believes about reality is a

cognitive construct, a set of interrelated ideas that are maintained in their mind. This includes
everything a person believes about themselves. Consequently, a person’s sense of their own
identity is something that they have mentally and emotionally constructed in their mind. Of
course, a lot of societal influences act upon those personal beliefs regarding self and
identity; these influences include providing people with unfamiliar concepts with which to
explore their beliefs about who or what they may really be. A person’s self-concept may
then resemble a tinker-toy version of themselves; an inaccurate, often misleading
conceptual model may rarely function as well as they might think or wish to believe.

2. Browse through the videos listed in page 13 of the module about the
Philosophers/Psychologists listed in unit 1 ( Plato - Ponty) and come up with 10 interesting
facts about them. (meaning at least one each chosen scholar) .. *

1. Socrates took sculpting and masonry as his profession before he became a philosopher.

2. Socrates wasPlato’s teacher and Plato was the teacher of another

great philosopher named Aristotle.

3. Augustine was one of the great figures in the history of thought, his
confession is most widely read book of Christianity antiquity.

4 Because of Descartes’ dream, he came up with new philosophy.

5. John Locke studied medicine.

6. For some time, Hume also a private tutor to the Marquis of

Annandale who was popularly known as the “lunatic”.

7. Kant was having a financial problems, but he was able to graduate

with the help of his friend.

8. Freud was using cocaine as his relief from sadness but he quitted
and calling it a distraction.

9. Ryle became a president of the Aristotelian Society.

10. Churchland has been awarded the MacArthur Prize, The Rossi Prize for Neuroscience and
the Prose Prize for Science.
11. Merleau-Ponty believed the physical body to be an important part of what makes up the
subjective self. 

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