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Warlock Patron - Council

Otherworldly beings like Fiends and Fey often work on their own, or under more
powerful overlords or deities. The group of entities that make up your patron, the
Council, understand that to work together is to achieve true power. They encourage
agents such as you to do the same, whatever their true aims are for granting you power.

Often representatives of the forces of Order, your Council could take many forms;
perhaps a particularly-organized group of beings from Mechanus, a cabal of
mysteriously coherent aberrations from the Far Realms, or a powerful group of
extraplanar archmages or dragons.

Expanded Spells
The Council lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock
spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.
1st - Bless, Sleep
2nd - Calm Emotions, Detect Thoughts
3rd - Sending, Slow
4th - Arcane Eye, Resilient Sphere
5th - Teleportation Circle, Wall of Force

Delegate Spell
Starting at 1st level, your patrons allow you to spread the power they've given you
amongst your companions. When you cast a spell, you can choose a willing creature
within 120 feet of you, sending a part of your consciousness and spellcasting ability
through to them for a moment. If that creature uses their reaction as part of your spell
casting, you can cast the spell as if you were in that creature's space and could see what
they can see, though all of your other spellcasting rules and statistics still apply. You
cannot act from their space beyond the initial turn the spell was cast, so spell effects
that need to remain within range of the caster might fizzle out quickly. You can use this
feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of once), and the
uses recharge on a short or long rest.

Consult Superiors
At 6th level, you can entreat your patrons for knowledge, though their bureaucratic
processes prevent a timely answer. At the start of a long rest, you may ask a single
question that can be answered with a yes or no. Once you complete the long rest, the
Council's deliberation and research has concluded and they offer a truthful reply — to
the best of their knowledge. In a case where a one-word answer could be misleading or
contrary to the Council’s interests, the Council might offer a short phrase as an answer
instead. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again for a number of days equal to a
roll of a d6.

Additionally, you can spend 10 minutes in meditation to your patrons while making an
Intelligence ability check to gain advantage on the roll, drawing on a Council member’s
expertise in the field or access to information.

Starting at 10th level, you've mastered your ability to seed your magic between you and
your companions. As part of a short or long rest, you can designate a number of willing
creatures you can see equal to your proficiency bonus, adding them to your personal
Council for the time being and seeding part of your patron’s magic within them. As an
action, you can perceive through one designated creature's senses as long as they're on
the same plane of existence as you, becoming blinded and deafened with regard to your
own senses. If you attempt to use this ability and the creature is on another plane of
existence, you become aware of which plane of existence they’re currently on. You can
switch which designated creature you're seeing through, or return to your own senses,
as an action. While you're seeing through another creature's senses in this way, you can
use your Delegate Spell feature on that creature regardless of the distance between you,
and you can communicate telepathically with them if you share a language. You can
change the creatures you have designated in this way as part of another short or long

Contract Work
At 14th level, you've gained the ability to entreat your patrons directly for aid. You can
cast the Planar Ally spell once per week without expending a spell slot, calling upon a
member of the Council or one of their subordinates when you do. This version of the
spell allows the summoned creature to remain for a maximum of 8 hours, and it requires
nothing in return for the service it provides. The creature summoned must have a
challenge rating no higher than half your level, rounded down.

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