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Pain 101 (2003) 97–107

Thalamic field potentials in chronic central pain treated by periventricular

gray stimulation – a series of eight cases
Dipankar Nandi a, Tipu Aziz a,b,*, Helen Carter b, John Stein a
University Laboratory of Physiology, Oxford University, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PT, UK
Department of Neurosurgery, Radcliffe Infirmary, Woodstock Road, Oxford OX2 6HE, UK
Received 13 March 2002; accepted 1 August 2002

Chronic deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the periventricular gray (PVG) has been used for the treatment of chronic central pain for
decades. In recent years motor cortex stimulation (MCS) has largely supplanted DBS in the surgical management of intractable neuropathic
pain of central origin. However, MCS provides satisfactory pain relief in about 50–75% of cases, a range comparable to that reported for DBS
(none of the reports are in placebo-controlled studies and hence the further need for caution in evaluating and comparing these results). Our
experience also suggests that there is still a role for DBS in the control of central pain. Here we present a series of eight consecutive cases of
intractable chronic pain of central origin treated with PVG DBS with an average follow-up of 9 months.
In each case, two electrodes were implanted in the PVG and the ventroposterolateral thalamic nucleus, respectively, under guidance of
corneal topography/magnetic resonance imaging image fusion. The PVG was stimulated in the frequency range of 2–100 Hz in alert patients
while pain was assessed using the McGill-Melzack visual analogue scale. In addition, local field potentials (FPs) were recorded from the
sensory thalamus during PVG stimulation.
Maximum pain relief was obtained with 5–35 Hz stimulation while 50–100 Hz made the pain worse. This suggests that pain suppression
was frequency dependent. Interestingly, we detected low frequency thalamic FPs at 0.2–0.4 Hz closely associated with the pain. During 5–
35 Hz PVG stimulation the amplitude of this potential was significantly reduced and this was associated with marked pain relief. At the
higher frequencies (50–100 Hz), however, there was no reduction in the FPs and no pain suppression.
We have found an interesting and consistent correlation between thalamic electrical activity and chronic pain. This low frequency potential
may provide an objective index for quantifying chronic pain, and may hold further clues to the mechanism of action of PVG stimulation. It
may be possible to use the presence of these slow FPs and the effect of trial PVG DBS on both the clinical status and the FPs to predict the
probable success of future pain control in individual patients. q 2002 International Association for the Study of Pain. Published by Elsevier
Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Central pain; Thalamic field potentials; Periventricular gray; Deep brain stimulation

1. Introduction nucleus (Young et al., 1992), periacquecductal and periven-

tricular gray matter (PAG and PVG) (Hosobuchi et al.,
Medically intractable pain has been treated by chronic 1977; Meyerson et al., 1978; Plotkin, 1980; Richardson
stimulation of deep brain structures for nearly half a century and Akil, 1977; Young et al., 1985). In recent years motor
(Heath, 1954; Pool et al., 1956). Several deep brain struc- cortex stimulation (MCS) has largely supplanted deep brain
tures have served as targets in the search for maximal and stimulation (DBS) in the surgical management of intractable
consistent clinical effect. These include the septal region pain of central origin (Canavero and Bonicalzi, 2001;
(Heath, 1954), caudate (Ervin et al., 1966), ventropostero- Carroll et al., 2000; Katayama et al., 1998; Saitoh et al.,
lateral nucleus (Mazars, 1975), several other thalamic nuclei 2000; Smith et al., 2001; Tsubokawa et al., 1991; Yama-
including the dorsal medial nucleus, the parafascicular moto et al., 1997). However, there is a wide range in the
nucleus and the centromedian nucleus (Andy, 1987; Boivie reported efficacy of MCS in providing satisfactory pain
and Meyerson, 1982; Thoden et al., 1979), Kolliker-Fuse relief (50–75%) in patients with medically refractory central
pain (Canavero and Bonicalzi, 2002; Carroll et al., 2000;
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 144-1865-224605; fax: 144-1865- Katayama et al., 1998; Nguyen et al., 2000; Smith et al.,
224898. 2001; Tsubokawa et al., 1991). This is comparable to the
E-mail address: (T. Aziz).

0304-3959/02/$20.00 q 2002 International Association for the Study of Pain. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
doi:10.1016/S0 304-3959(02)00 277-4
98 D. Nandi et al. / Pain 101 (2003) 97–107

literature on DBS for the alleviation of central neuropathic trode SUA and MUA monitoring more commonly
pain (Mundinger and Salomao, 1980; Tasker and Vilela employed in functional stereotactic neurosurgical proce-
Filho, 1995; Young, 1990). It needs to be emphasized, dures. It is very much less time consuming – a matter of
however, that none of the reports referred to are rando- considerable importance in functional neurosurgery as this
mized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled studies. Hence, often involves a conscious patient whose alert cooperation
interpretation of this data for evaluating the efficacy of may be vital to the final siting of the stimulating electrode.
either treatment modality against best medical treatment (Operations involving microelectrode recordings can take
or for assessing the relative efficacy of one method over several hours) Also it requires fewer penetrations of the
the other requires a considerable degree of caution. Based brain, thereby decreasing the risk of complications like
on some of the literature and our experience (Carroll et al., intracerebral hemorrhage (Carrol et al., 1998; Palur et al.,
2000) we believe there still is a definite role for DBS in 2002). In addition, the use of the stimulating macro-elec-
control of central pain. Here we present a series of eight trode for FPs recording ensures avoidance of the siting error
consecutive cases of intractable chronic pain of central possible when replacing microelectrodes with the stimulat-
origin treated with PVG DBS. ing macro-electrode. We have found that FPs recording has
The mechanism of PVG pain relief is believed to involve improved our ability to target effective sites for chronic
the opioid pathways that contact serotoninergic neurones DBS in various movement disorders (Liu et al., 2000;
that descend from the raphe nuclei to the dorsal horn of Nandi et al., 2002a,c).
the spinal cord (Hosobuchi et al., 1979; Young and Dawson, The inability to accurately predict the success of pain
1987; Young et al., 1993). However, there are very few relief in individual patients has been a major limiting factor
studies that have explored the ascending effect of PVG in the application of both DBS and MCS in routine clinical
stimulation on the activity of the sensory thalamus (Nashold practice (Carroll et al., 2000; Katayama et al., 1998; Nandi
and Wilson, 1966; Parrent et al., 1992; Rinaldi et al., 1991). et al., 2002d). We have explored the electrophysiological
In this report we describe local field potential recordings correlations of PVG DBS in an attempt to better understand
(FPs) from the ventroposterolateral thalamic nucleus the mechanism of action of such treatment and to try and
(VPL) during PVG stimulation in eight patients with improve the prediction of satisfactory pain relief in indivi-
chronic intractable central pain. dual patients. We studied the effects of stimulation of the
FPs are believed to reflect the superposition of synchro- PVG on the sensory thalamus in all the patients in this
nized dendritic currents, averaged over a volume of tissue series. We have previously reported our findings in two of
extending a few millimeters from the tip of the recording the cases in this series in a pilot study (Nandi et al., 2002b).
electrode (Mitzdorf, 1987). The FPs produced by a group of
cells also reflect in an indirect way the membrane potential
changes, that is, the synaptic and action potentials, which 2. Methods
the cells undergo in unison (Hubbard et al., 1969). A study
of such potentials therefore gives invaluable information 2.1. Patients
regarding the average activity of the cells in the group,
and is important for the understanding of the physiological We report our findings in eight patients with intractable
characteristics of any neural assembly (Hubbard et al., neuropathic pain of central origin recruited consecutively
1969). In support of this argument, most studies agree that between March 1999 and October 2001. Clinical details
FPs are dominated by the activity of nearby neurons (Bress- are described in Table 1. All patients described their pain
ler et al., 1993; Eckhorn et al., 1988; Roelfsema et al., as burning and incapacitating. Five of the patients were
1997). The functional relevance of FPs has been demon- post-stroke and had hemi-body pain in the contralateral
strated in recent studies on anaesthetized monkeys that side. One had Chiari malformation but did not have a syrinx
involved comparing simultaneously recorded functional as seen on MRI. This patient had no symptoms attributable
magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and neuronal signals, to the Chiari malformation and was suffering from intract-
including FPs, single-unit activity (SUA) and multi-unit able burning pain and occasional paresthesia in the left arm
activity (MUA), from the visual cortex. It was found that for 10 years prior to being referred to our unit. One patient
FPs showed the strongest correlation with blood oxygen had suffered from left-sided trigeminal neuralgia for over 20
level dependent (BOLD) fMRI signals; significantly greater years. She underwent an unsuccessful gasserian ganglion
than that showed by MUA and SUA signals (Logothetis et blockade followed by microvascular decompression,
al., 2001). We have previously reported clinical studies which too was unable to control her trigeminal pain. She
showing correlation of deep brain FPs with simultaneous then underwent a pontine tractotomy 5 years ago following
recording of abnormal electrical activity from related which she became hemi-paretic and the nature of her painful
peripheral tissue, i.e. electromyogram (EMG) from corre- syndrome changed. She developed a constant, burning and
sponding dysfunctional muscle groups (Liu et al., 2000; severe pain involving both the left side of the face and her
Nandi et al., 2002a,c). The use of macro-electrode FPs left arm. One patient had multiple sclerosis. All patients had
recording offers other clinical advantages over microelec- been tried on extensive pharmacotherapy and had proved
D. Nandi et al. / Pain 101 (2003) 97–107 99

Table 1
Clinical details of patients with chronic central pain treated with periventricular gray stimulation a

No. Age Sex Primary diagnosis (year Site/character of pain Surgical complications Current pain relief (in %
of onset of pain) reduction) and duration of

1 52 F Multiple sclerosis (1985) Constant burning pain and heaviness in 46% at 30 months
L shoulder and calf
2 62 F Post stroke (aneurysmal R hemi-body pain, constant, burning, 42% at 12 months
SAH 1997) severe
3 61 F Trigeminal neuralgia L side of face and arm; constant, 33% during trial stimulation
(1pontine tractotomy) burning, very severe (IPG not implanted initially)
4 47 M Post stroke (1995) L hemi-body constant, burning, severe Hematoma IPG site; resolved 41% at 9 months
5 53 M Post stroke (1997) R hemi-body pain, constant, burning, 5% during trial stimulation.
severe (IPG not implanted)
6 60 F Post stroke (1996) Constant, severe, burning pain in her L 32% at 6 months
arm and leg, occasionally face
7 70 M Post stroke (1997) R hemi-body pain, constant, heaviness 44% at 3 months
and burning, severe
8 34 F Chiari malformation (no Severe burning in L arm; occasional 32% at 3 months
syrinx) (1991) pins and needles
Assessment at last follow-up is included. IPG, implantable pulse generator.

resistant. The drugs included tricyclic and heterocyclic anti- VPL nucleus was implanted with a Medtronic 3387
depressants, opioid analgesics including morphine, benzo- (Medtronic Inc., Minneapolis, MN, USA) electrode where
diazepines, non-narcotic analgesics, lamotrigine, stimulation induced paresthesia in the area of pain and the
carbamazepine and mexiletine. Apart from the patient PVG with a Medtronic 3389 (later 3387) electrode where
with trigeminal neuralgia, none of the other patients under- stimulation induced relief of pain or a sensation of warmth
went any surgical procedure, e.g. MCS, for relief from their in the area of pain. Both electrodes have four exposed
pain. All patients were evaluated in a designated pain clinic contacts, each 1.5 mm long, placed linearly. The Medtronic
either in the referring center and/or in our unit. They were 3387 has a gap of 1.5 mm between contacts (span of
all independently assessed by a neurologist and a neuropsy- 10.5 mm between the most proximal and the most distal
chologist in our unit. Pain scores on a self-rated visual contacts) while the Medtronic 3389 has a gap of 0.5 mm
analogue scale (VAS, McGill-Melzack) were recorded at between contacts (span of 7.5 mm between the most prox-
different times of the day over at least 7 days prior to surgery imal and the most distal contacts). We used the 3389 elec-
on each patient. trode initially (first two cases) in the PVG in anticipation
that the area of stimulation would be smaller compared to
that in the VPL. We found that this is not the case and hence
2.2. Surgery since then we have used the 3387 at both sites. The ranges of
the coordinates of the final targets with reference to the mid-
Informed consent was obtained from each patient. All
commissural point are listed in Table 2.
patients were offered both PVG and VPL stimulation simul-
taneously based on the literature (and our previous experi-
ence) of DBS for the relief of intractable central neuropathic 2.3. Trial stimulation and pain assessment
pain (Young and Rinaldi, 1997). It was explained to them
that only trial stimulation subsequent to electrode placement In all patients the electrodes were externalized for a
would clarify which site (or a combination) would provide
Table 2
satisfactory pain relief. All procedures were approved by the
This table details the ranges of the stereotactic coordinates of the periven-
Local Ethics Committee, Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust, tricular gray (PVG) and the ventroposterolateral thalamus (VPL) targets
Oxford, UK. A CRW base ring was applied to the patients’ used in the final placement of the DBS electrodes a
head under local anaesthesia. A stereotactic corneal topo-
Target Axis
graphy (CT) scan was then performed and using the Radio-
nics Image Fusionw and Stereoplanw (Radionics Inc., Anteroposterior Lateral Vertical
Burlington, MA, USA) program the coordinates for the
anterior and posterior commissures were calculated. After VPL 210 to 213 14–18 2 to 25
PVG 210 3–4 0
washing the patient’s scalp with alcoholic chlorhexidine, a
parasaggital posterior frontal scalp incision 3.0 cm from the a
The coordinates are given in millimeters relative to the mid-commis-
midline, was made contralateral to the side of pain. The sural point and refer to the position of the tip of the Medtronic electrode.
100 D. Nandi et al. / Pain 101 (2003) 97–107

week’s trial stimulation and recording of FPs to assess the (Mathworks Inc. Natick, MA, USA). Analysis of the signals
degree of pain relief. Pain was assessed after recovery from concentrated on windowed Fourier transform (WFT) to
surgery and during stimulation by VAS scores. Trial stimu- display the FPs in terms of a power versus frequency distri-
lation was conducted after the patient reported the return of bution. WFT assumes stationarity of the signals for the
pain to pre-operative levels. Each trial session was spread windows selected for analysis. Further analysis was done
over 90 min and a maximum of two sessions were to aggregate the power spectra from effective low frequency
conducted in 1 day. Different frequencies of stimulation stimulation and ineffective high frequency stimulation
were tried ranging from 5 to 100 Hz. Both the VPL and across different patients.
the PVG were stimulated, individually and together, to
determine degree of pain relief or other wise. In each 2.5. Pulse generator
patient, once the effective frequencies for pain relief were
recorded in the initial sessions, further trials concentrated on Patients who reported satisfactory relief from pain
these frequencies. Those frequencies that were ineffective or following trial PVG stimulation were then implanted with
actually worsened the pain were used briefly to record corre- a subcutaneous pulse generator (IPG, Synergyw, Medtronic
sponding FPs. Inc, Minneapolis, MN, USA), placed in a pectoral pouch
under general anaesthesia.
2.4. Field potential recording

FPs were recorded through the thalamic DBS leads in the 3. Results
ward after the patient had recovered from the operation and
pain had returned to the pre-operative level. Recordings 3.1. Clinical results
were bipolar from adjacent exposed leads in the DBS elec-
trode. FPs were amplified 1000 £ (CED 1902, Cambridge, Six of the eight patients who had trial PVG stimulation
UK), filtered between 0 and 100 Hz, digitized at 250 Hz and had satisfactory pain relief and opted to have the IPG
continuously displayed on-line with an adjustable window. implanted in a second procedure. VPL stimulation tried
Initially, recording was done from both the VPL and the alone was able to provide a reasonable degree of pain
PVG, either off stimulation or when the other was being suppression in four of the patients. These were the ones
stimulated. Later, after it was found that the PVG FPs with multiple sclerosis, pontine tractotomy, post-SAH
were independent of both the pain scores and the state of stroke and Chiari malformation, respectively. However, in
stimulation of the VPL, records were obtained before, the first two cases it caused an unacceptable degree of
during and after sessions of stimulation of the PVG leads persistent paresthesia and was not continued as a therapeutic
at different frequencies. Some recordings were made from option. In the other two responders to VPL stimulation,
the VPL after stimulating it through the same DBS electrode PVG stimulation alone was superior in its effectiveness.
just prior to onset of recording. Voltage used ranged from Combined PVG and VPL stimulation were not found to
1.5 to 2.5 V and the pulse width was kept constant at 210 ms. add to the degree of pain relief in any of the patients; it
Off-line analysis was performed using Matlab software made the side effects worse in two. Hence, none of the

Fig. 1. This figure shows the response of the self-assessed pain scores (VAS) (mean ^ SD, n ¼ 10) to trial periventricular gray (PVG) stimulation. Dark bars
represent scores before stimulation and light bars scores during stimulation. Each score was averaged over ten trials and comparisons were made using two-
tailed paired t-test.
D. Nandi et al. / Pain 101 (2003) 97–107 101

patients were offered continued chronic VPL stimulation. VPL stimulation we tried recording the VPL FPs after stop-
The VPL leads were, however, not removed, with the ping stimulation; interestingly, we did not find the kind of
patient’s consent, and it was hoped to be put to use in the stable flattening of the slow waves as seen with PVG stimu-
future if pain suppression failed to be sustained with PVG lation. There were irregular, unsustained low amplitude
stimulation alone. Details of the self-rated VAS scores and discharges over a wide range of frequencies. This was
the effect of trial PVG stimulation on each patient are given followed by the return of the slow wave FPs within a few
in Fig. 1. Interestingly, one of the two patients who opted (1–3) minutes. On the other hand, switching on the PVG
not to proceed to full implantation despite a 35% reduction stimulation was followed immediately by change in the
in self-rated pain scores elected to have the DBS leads thalamic potentials. However, the FPs did not revert to base-
implanted in the scalp to allow placement of the IPG if line immediately on cessation of stimulation, but only after
she changed her mind later. She returned after 6 months a lag of 5–15 min depending on the duration of stimulation
to have the IPG inserted. (Fig. 8). The FPs consisted of a very low frequency poten-
Pain suppression was related to the frequency of stimula- tial, of 0.2–0.4 Hz, in the sensory thalamus; it’s amplitude
tion of the PVG. Maximum pain relief was obtained with 5– seemed to correlate with the intensity of pain perception. It
35 Hz stimulation while 50 and 100 Hz made the pain was much stronger off stimulation and with higher
worse. However, each patient responded to a specific frequency stimulation ($50 Hz) when there was no pain
narrow range of PVG stimulation frequencies, which though suppression, than while stimulating the PVG at low frequen-
in the low frequency range (,50 Hz) in all cases, was not cies (5–35 Hz) with accompanying pain relief (Figs. 6 and
identical. Thus three patients had pain suppression at 25 Hz; 7A, B). This pattern was seen even in the patient who had a
one patient each responded best to stimulation at 10 and 33% reduction in her pain scores during trial stimulation,
35 Hz, respectively, while another had maximum pain relief although she chose, at the time, not to proceed with implan-
with both 5 and 25 Hz PVG stimulation. There was a range tation of the IPG. In the only patient who did not respond to
(few seconds to 12 h) in the time from beginning of PVG the trial stimulation of the PVG, there was no flattening in
stimulation to onset of pain relief. Thus, while three patients the slow wave thalamic FPs across different frequencies of
reported decreased pain immediately following stimulation PVG stimulation.
during surgery, two others experienced pain relief few hours
after starting PVG stimulation. One other patient had appre-
ciable relief only after overnight continuous PVG stimula- 4. Discussion
tion. However, during the sessions of trial stimulation, pain
relief was almost immediately felt after commencing stimu- We have found novel slow frequency FPs in the sensory
lation with the frequencies that were finally found to be thalamus of eight consecutive patients suffering from
most effective. intractable neuropathic pain of central origin. This includes
the two patients who had unsatisfactory relief of pain
3.2. Field potential recordings (Figs. 3–5) following trial PVG stimulation. The fact that these FPs
were seen in pain syndromes of different etiologies, namely
We recorded bipolar FPs from the sensory thalamus post-stroke pain, Chiari malformation, multiple sclerosis
during PVG stimulation and from the PVG during VPL and trigeminal neuralgia (this patient had onset of burning
stimulation. The PVG FPs did not correspond to the state dysesthetic pain only after undergoing pontine tractotomy
of VPL stimulation and also did not change with the concur- following a failed microvascular decompression for idio-
rent pain scores. In two of the patients who responded to pathic trigeminal neuralgia), suggests that it is related

Fig. 2. This figure illustrates the degree of reduction in pain scores during periventricular gray (PVG) stimulation. The dark bars represent the reduction during
the trial period while the light bars show the situation at the time of last follow-up. The number over each of the light bars is the length of follow-up in months.
D. Nandi et al. / Pain 101 (2003) 97–107
Figs. 3–5. These figures plot the thalamic field potentials (FPs) recorded in three different patients during trial stimulation of the periventricular gray (PVG) at varying frequencies. All the patients whose plots are
shown here responded favorably to low frequency (5–35 Hz) stimulation. It is clear from the traces that there is a decrease in the amplitude of the thalamic FPs at specific frequencies of PVG stimulation. The
corresponding VAS pain scores are given above each raw FP trace (top left). This decrease corresponded closely with the reduction in the pain scores recorded during stimulation.
D. Nandi et al. / Pain 101 (2003) 97–107 103

Fig. 6. This figure plots the power spectrum of the FPs, the raw traces of which are shown in Fig. 4, in the frequency domain. There is clear reduction in power
in the 0.2–0.4 Hz range with 5 and 25 Hz stimulation of the PVG, compared with that obtained from traces off stimulation and with 50 and 100 Hz stimulation.

closely to the sensation of pain rather than to the mechan- sufficient number of neurones to elicit the FPs will depend
isms of origin of pain. This is further supported by the on the area of hyperpolarization.
correlation between pain suppression and the amplitude of This study brings into focus the importance of FPs in the
the FPs (Fig. 7A, B). On the other hand, it is generally realm of functional clinical neuroscience. The superior
agreed that central pain, due to lesions at whatever level correlation of FPs to neuronal function (as derived from
of the neuraxis, is sustained by a common generator. interpretation of BOLD fMRI), compared to MUA and
However, these two observations need not be contradictory. SUA signals, has already been established in a recent semi-
It may well be that while a common mechanism supports the nal study (Logothetis et al., 2001). It has also been recently
origin of central pain, the thalamic FPs we have described reported that it is possible that neuronal synchrony (and
are actually independent of this mechanism and related hence FPs) could increase without a concomitant increase
more to the processing of the sensation at the thalamic in mean firing rate (Fries et al., 2001). This could explain the
level. Further exploration of different types of painful inability of MUA or SUA to detect functionally significant
syndrome, especially electrophysiological studies in cases neuronal activity that can be recorded by changes in FPs.
of peripheral neuropathic pain, is required to further clarify The method of recording FPs is crucial – see review (Heeger
this issue. and Ress, 2002); our system that relies on two adjacent
Though the effect of PVG stimulation on the thalamic FPs intra-cerebral leads separated by 2 mm closely mimics the
was immediate at onset of stimulation, there was a lag cortical equivalent of ‘transcortical field potential’ that has
period in the decay of this effect after the cessation of stimu- been shown to provide the best localization available with
lation (Fig. 8). This was also found by Rinaldi from micro- FPs (Bressler et al., 1993; Roelfsema et al., 1997). We have
electrode recordings of VPL inhibition by PVG stimulation found that stimulation of the PVG induces changes in the
(Rinaldi et al., 1991). The length of the recovery period electrical activity recorded from the sensory thalamus. This
corresponded to the duration of stimulation. This delay supports the work by other groups exploring ascending
suggests that there is a combination of axonal and chemical, modulation of somatosensory activity elicited by PVG
e.g. opioid pathways at work; the former causes the immedi- stimulation (Rinaldi et al., 1991). The fact that this change
ate effect while the latter leads to a build up of opioids that is almost instantaneous with the onset of stimulation
decay over time. Another, perhaps simpler, explanation for suggests it is likely to be mediated through a fairly direct
this delay seen in the reappearance of the slow potentials neuronal circuit rather than as a consequence of descending
after stopping stimulation may be the effect of a GABA modification of the endogenous opioid pathway. There was
propagating wave of inhibition. Depolarization activity a strong correlation between the alleviation of pain sensa-
after such hyperpolarizing influence will take longer than tion and the amplitude of the thalamic slow frequency FPs
the normal baseline. This persistence of pain relieving effect (Fig. 7A, B). The PVG projects to the intralaminar nuclei.
beyond the cessation of stimulation of the central gray Hence it may be speculated that its direct effects on the
matter in central pain has also been commented upon by thalamus have to be added to any effects on the opioid
Mundinger and Salomao (Mundinger and Salomao, 1980). projections to the raphe. It is known that both PVG/PAG
This is also consistent with the greater delay seen with and ventrobasal thalamic stimulation activates the raphesp-
longer duration of continuous stimulation, as recruiting inal and the reticulospinal neurons which in turn influence
104 D. Nandi et al. / Pain 101 (2003) 97–107

Fig. 7. (A and B) These figures average the power spectrum derived from the VPL FPs recorded during different frequencies of PVG stimulation across all eight
patients. (A) Averages the power traces off stimulation and during stimulation that does not result in pain relief (mainly high frequency DBS – 50–100 Hz). (B)
Averages the power traces during stimulation that results in reduced pain scores (low frequency DBS – 5–35 Hz). The corresponding mean (and SD) of the
VAS pain scores of all the recording sessions in each category are also given. The averaged power traces are plotted with their respective 95% confidence

the activity of the dorsal horn cells via the dorsal funiculus tized rats (Kayser et al., 1983). The authors found a nalox-
(Vilela Filho and Tasker, 1994). Perhaps the neural one-reversible reduction in the responses of neurons in the
substrate for the ascending effects we have seen lies in the ventrobasal complex to microinjection of morphine in the
communication with the raphespinal and reticulospinal PAG. There is additional clinical electrophysiological
neurons, which is shared by the PVG/PAG and the ventro- evidence of a link between the PVG and the VPL/VPM
basal thalamus. Ascending efferent projections from the (Rinaldi et al., 1991). These authors observed that electrical
PVG/PAG to the midline and intralaminar thalamic nuclei, stimulation of the PVG had a profound inhibitory effect on
the nucleus reticularis thalami and the nucleus medialis spontaneous activity of both nociceptive and non-nocicep-
dorsalis have been established (Mantyh, 1983; Meller and tive neurons in the VPL/VPM.
Dennis, 1991). There is also some evidence of communica- Six of the eight patients studied experienced relief from
tion between the PVG/PAG and the nociceptive ventrobasal chronic pain when the PVG was stimulated within a speci-
thalamic neurons in a study conducted in lightly anaesthe- fic narrow frequency band. The exact range of frequency of
D. Nandi et al. / Pain 101 (2003) 97–107 105

Fig. 8. This figure plots the real-time FPs recorded from the VPL (of patient number 7, raw traces in Fig. 4) during PVG stimulation at 25 Hz and its course after
stopping stimulation. There is a break in the x-axis (showing time) to accommodate the long delay in the reappearance of the slow waves. The VAS pain scores
at the beginning and end of the plot are given in the left and right top corners, respectively.

effective stimulation was not identical across cases. permit more accurate selection of targets for intervention in
However, in all patients, only low frequencies (,50 Hz) specific pain syndromes.
were effective in providing pain relief. In fact, higher Six of the eight patients with medically intractable
frequency ($50 Hz) stimulation worsened the pain. This chronic central pain recruited consecutively in this series
is at variance with other reports of DBS in chronic central had satisfactory pain suppression with PVG DBS. Of the
pain (Young and Rinaldi, 1997). A viable and consistent two patients who did not respond well enough to the trial
explanation of this apparent variation in the response to stimulation to choose to continue with full implantation, one
PVG DBS in patients with central pain (Hosobuchi, has since returned after 6 months and has had an IPG placed.
1986; Levy et al., 1987; Mundinger and Salomao, 1980; The other patient, the only one in this series to have shown
Schvarcz, 1980; Tasker and Vilela Filho, 1995; Young, almost no pain suppression with PVG DBS, had borderline
1990) can only be arrived at by collecting far more elec- scores in his neuropsychological evaluation and perhaps
trophysiological data from the many different neuropathic represents poor patient selection. The results in this series
pain syndromes. compare favorably with results reported with MCS (Cana-
It is interesting that while the analgesic effect of PVG vero and Bonicalzi, 2002; Carroll et al., 2000; Katayama et
stimulation seemed to be linked to the modulation of the al., 1994; Nandi et al., 2002d; Saitoh et al., 2000; Smith et
FP activity (a combination of the synaptic, membrane and al., 2001; Tsubokawa et al., 1991). Other reports on the use
action potential activity) in the region of the VPL, stimula- of DBS for the treatment of chronic central pain vary
tion of the latter did not achieve similar degree of pain relief. considerably (from close to 0 to close to 100%) in the effi-
One possible explanation that may be offered with the cacy of the technique both in the acute phase and after long
evidence available, and this is speculative, is that PVG follow-up (Hosobuchi, 1986; Levy et al., 1987; Mundinger
stimulation does not result in pain relief by influencing the and Salomao, 1980; Schvarcz, 1980; Tasker and Vilela
sensory thalamus alone, if at all. As mentioned earlier, the Filho, 1995; Young, 1990). Thus while Mundinger and
thalamic FPs we have described are perhaps independent of Salomao reported a reduction in pain of over 50% in half
the mechanism of pain relief and related more to the proces- the patients in a series of 32 with a follow-up of nearly 4
sing of the sensation at the thalamic level. Furthermore, years (Mundinger and Salomao, 1980), Levy et al. reported
there is evidence suggesting that the mechanisms involved less effective pain relief lasting for a shorter duration (Levy
in analgesia produced by central gray stimulation may be a et al., 1987). As seen in Fig. 2, the pain suppression obtained
combination of opioid (Akil et al., 1978; Hosobuchi et al., during trial stimulation is fairly robust and was maintained
1977; Hosobuchi et al., 1979) and non-opioid (Duncan et al., over the average follow-up period of 9 months. In all but one
1991; Young, 1990) pathways. Even less is known about the of the six patients with full implantation the degree of pain
mechanisms of action of VPL/VPM stimulation (Benabid et suppression was greater at last follow-up than during initial
al., 1983; Gerhart et al., 1981; Tsubokawa et al., 1984). trials. The level of pain relief remained satisfactory in this
Further neuroanatomical, neurochemical and electrophysio- patient and DBS was continued. The use of a period of trial
logical studies will be required to render clarity and also to stimulation with externalized leads helped in avoiding full
106 D. Nandi et al. / Pain 101 (2003) 97–107

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