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Ulrich Batzdorf, M.D. OBJECTIVE: Spine deformities, notably scoliosis, are known to occur in conjunction
Department of Neurosurgery, with syringomyelia. This study aims to analyze the effect of laminectomies performed
David Geffen School of Medicine,
University of California, Los Angeles,
in the course of treatment of syringomyelia. It examines the incidence, severity, and type
Los Angeles, California of spine deformity as it relates to the extent and location of laminectomies performed.
METHODS: Records of 169 patients were analyzed for evidence of spinal deformity
Larry T. Khoo, M.D. on imaging studies for the extent of the syringomyelic cavities and for previous surgi-
Department of Neurosurgery, cal procedures on the spine. This analysis included patients with syringomyelia related
University of California, Los Angeles,
Medical Center, to Chiari malformation, as well as patients with primary spinal pathology.
Los Angeles, California RESULTS: Spinal deformities were encountered in 41% of Chiari-syringomyelia patients
who had not undergone previous surgery and in 57% of such patients who underwent
David L. McArthur, Ph.D., reoperation. Scoliosis, the most common type of deformity encountered, was likely to
be mild in patients who had not undergone previous surgery and severe in reoperated
Department of Neurosurgery,
University of California, Los Angeles
patients. Spine deformity was significantly more common in those patients who had
Medical Center, more extensive bone removal.
Los Angeles, California
CONCLUSION: Complete laminectomy should be avoided whenever possible in patients
Reprint requests:
with syringomyelia because local denervation of the axial musculature, added to loss of
Ulrich Batzdorf, M.D., medial anterior horn cells from syringomyelia, favors the development of spine deformi-
Department of Neurosurgery, ties. This is particularly true of laminectomies performed at the junctional areas of the
University of California, Los Angeles
Medical Center
spine, i.e., cervical-thoracic and thoracolumbar. Hemilaminectomy usually suffices for shunt
Box 956901, placement; instrumented stabilization should be considered in patients undergoing full
Los Angeles, CA 90095-6901. laminectomy, especially those considered to be at high risk of developing deformity.
KEY WORDS: Kyphosis, Laminectomy, Scoliosis, Shunting, Syringomyelia
Received, May 15, 2006.
Accepted, February 23, 2007. Neurosurgery 61:370–378, 2007 DOI: 10.1227/01.NEU.0000279971.87437.1F

eformities of the spine related to syringomyelia, notably underlying syringomyelia. It is proposed that the underlying
neurogenic scoliosis, have been recognized for many pathophysiology may have some common features with that
years (8, 9, 14, 22). This association is known to be par- postulated for patients with neurogenic scoliosis.
ticularly high in children younger than 10 years old (15). When In the past 20 years, 169 surgical procedures were performed
compared with patients with idiopathic scoliosis, children with on 169 patients by the senior author (UB); 105 of these were for
associated syringomyelia and Chiari malformation have an syringomyelia related to Chiari malformations and 64 were
increased preponderance of atypical curve patterns, often with related to primary spinal pathology. Of the Chiari-related cases,
higher apices (9, 21). A variety of explanations have been 63 procedures were the patient’s first procedure (“Chiari initial
offered for the observation that neurogenic scoliosis is distinct surgery”); 42 procedures were performed on patients who had
from idiopathic scoliosis; that of Huebert and MacKinnon (8), previously undergone a surgical procedure for Chiari-related
which proposes loss of neurons to the axial musculature in syringomyelia at another institution (“Chiari reoperation”). Of
syringomyelia, seems to be one of the most plausible. the 64 patients who underwent surgical procedures for
New or additional spinal deformities that develop after sur- syringomyelia related to primary spinal pathology, the leading
gical procedures have been performed for syringomyelia are a underlying causes were trauma (n ⫽ 51), previous tumor or
less well-recognized problem. Our experience over the course related surgery (n ⫽ 5), and meningitis (n ⫽ 2).
of more than 20 years has brought to light a group of patients The records of these patients, all of whom were under the
with syringomyelia whose spine deformity seemed to develop care of the senior author (UB), were analyzed for evidence of
as a consequence of a posterior surgical approach to the spine spinal deformity on imaging studies, for the extent of the
by laminectomy in the course of treating some aspect of the syringomyelic cavity, and for previous surgical procedures on

370 | VOLUME 61 | NUMBER 2 | AUGUST 2007


the spine. Identification of spine deformities was based on

magnetic resonance imaging scans and, in many patients, TABLE 1. Number and percent of patients with spine deformity
x-rays of the spine. These studies were obtained as part of the by group
usual evaluation of patients with syringomyelia in planning Chiari Chiari
treatment. Because these patients were referred for their neuro- Deformity initial surgery reoperation
logical problems rather than the associated spine deformity, (n ⴝ 63) (n ⴝ 42)a
standing spine x-rays were not obtained. For the purposes of
None or nonsignificant 37 (58%) 18 (43%)
this review, spine deformities were defined as mild when they
were not associated with symptoms attributable to the defor- Significant deformity 26 (41%) 24 (57%)
mity and were evident only on imaging studies, moderate Thoracic scoliosis 24 (38%) 14 (33%)
when they were not symptomatic but were evident on clinical Mild 13 (20%) 1 (2%)2
evaluation, and severe when they required treatment in the Moderate 7 (11%) 6 (14%)3
past or were presently symptomatic and the deformity, per se, Severe 4 (6%) 7 (17%)5
related instability or sequelae required treatment. All patients
Kyphosis 2 (4%) 8 (19%)
were initially evaluated by the senior author (UB).
Statistical analyses included the Fisher exact test for categor- Cervical, mild 1 (2%) 1 (2%)
ical data, analyses of variance for grouped continuous data, Cervical, severe 0 1 (2%)1
and event history analysis for follow-up data using package Thoracic, mild 1 (2%) 2 (5%)
eha within R version 2.3.1 (19). The study was undertaken with Thoracic, severe 0 2 (5%)4
approval of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
Hyperlordosis 0 6 (14%)
Institutional Review Board, Office for Protection of Research
Subjects, protocol 04-05-100-03. Cervical straightening 0 3 (7%)

Superscript numerals identify patients shown in Table 3.
Table 1 shows the type and severity of spine deformities ures demonstrate that the length of the syringomyelia cavities
encountered in patients with Chiari-related syringomyelia, both did not relate to the severity of the spine deformity; no statis-
those who underwent their initial Chiari surgery at UCLA and tically significant difference was identified either in the initial
those who underwent Chiari reoperation. Spinal deformities surgery group (F ⫽ 1.41; df ⫽ 2, 21; P ⫽ 0.514) or in the reop-
were encountered in a minority (41%) of patients with Chiari- eration group (F ⫽ 0.62; df ⫽ 4, 18; P ⫽ 0.65).
syringomyelia who had not undergone previous surgery, but in Table 2 indicates the principal underlying cause in patients
a majority (57%) of patients who underwent reoperation (P ⫽ with syringomyelia of primary spinal origin, i.e., not related to
0.002). Among all deformities, scoliosis was the most common craniovertebral junction deformities (n ⫽ 60), categorized by
deformity in these two groups. Nearly all (92%) of the Chiari presence (n ⫽ 16) or absence (n ⫽ 44) of significant deformity
initial surgery group, but fewer (58%) of the Chiari reoperation (the latter including those with stable fixation). Trauma with or
group, demonstrated scoliosis (P ⫽ 0.008). If scoliosis was pres- without early fusion was the most frequent presumed cause
ent, its severity varied significantly between initial surgery and (47%) followed by tumors of all types (22%). Presence or
reoperation groups (P ⫽ 0.007); the former was predominantly absence of deformity was not statistically related to the nature
rated mild, whereas the latter was predominantly rated severe. of the underlying pathology (P ⫽ 0.363).
Kyphotic deformities were not significantly more frequent in the For those persons with primary spinal syringomyelia of trau-
reoperation group (P ⫽ 0.132), and both hyperlordosis and matic etiology, Figure 3A shows the extent of bone removal
straightening were encountered only in the reoperation group. during surgery with patients grouped by presence or absence
Figure 1 shows the extent of bone removal in patients with of deformity and also by the presence or absence of fusion.
Chiari-related syringomyelia for the Chiari initial surgery group The total extent of bone removal was not statistically different
as a cluster, and then separately for those within the Chiari reop- between these subgroups (F ⫽ 0.32; df ⫽ 3, 24; P ⫽ 0.991). For
eration group who demonstrated no deformity (n ⫽ 18) and both those with and without spinal deformity, a third had
those who demonstrated deformity (n ⫽ 23). Analysis of only the undergone previous spinal fusion. Laminectomies were evenly
latter two groups showed a highly significant difference in total distributed throughout the spine in patients with posttraumatic
extent of bone removal (P ⫽ 0.001). Those with no deformity syringomyelia. In those patients who went on to develop defor-
averaged bone removal spanning 2.6 vertebral segments, mities, laminectomies in the vicinity of the thoracolumbar junc-
whereas those with deformity averaged 4.7. Bone removal at tion (⫾2 vertebral levels) were significantly more frequent than
multiple locations was seen only in those with deformity. in those without deformity (P ⫽ 0.035); all were found to be
Figure 2, A and B, reflects the extent of the syringomyelic kyphotic deformities.
cavities as related to the deformities in those patients with pri- Figure 3B shows levels of bone removal for those persons
mary spinal pathology only and in the Chiari initial surgery with primary spinal syringomyelia stemming from arachnoid
group and Chiari reoperation groups, respectively. Both fig- cysts (n ⫽ 7), tumors (n ⫽ 10), or meningeal inflammation



median, 4 yr). Follow-up rates

classified according to Chiari
initial surgery (n ⫽ 62), Chiari
reoperation (n ⫽ 41), and pri-
mary spinal pathology (n ⫽ 60)
were 98, 98, and 94%, respec-
tively. The sole question for the
purposes of this article was
whether the individual had
improved, stayed the same, or
worsened relative to their status
immediately after recuperation
from surgery or had died.
A statistically significant dif-
ference was found in status on
follow up. Improved status was
noted for 18 of the patients with
Chiari malformation who had
initial surgery (30% of those
interviewed), for five of the
patients with Chiari malforma-
tion who underwent reopera-
tion (13%), and for 14 of the
patients with primary spinal
pathology (26%). Worsening
was found for three of the
patients with Chiari malforma-
tion who had initial surgery
(5%), for nine of the patients
with Chiari malformation who
underwent reoperation (24%),
and for 18 of the patients with
primary pathology (34%) (P ⬍
FIGURE 1. Bar graph showing the extent of bone removal by laminectomy in 105 patients who underwent surgi- 0.001). This evidence of differ-
cal treatment for Chiari-related syringomyelia. Patients with significant spine deformities who are also included in
ential outcome was intertwined
Table 3 are identified by an asterisk. Note that all 63 patients who had Chiari initial surgery underwent only occip-
ital craniectomies (designated as “0 cervical”) and C1 laminectomies.
with differing event histories
for each of the three groups. In
the initial surgery group, no
(n ⫽ 8). With the latter two categories, further subdivided by deaths were identified after 2 years and no worsening was iden-
presence or absence of deformity, no statistically significant tified after 6 years postsurgery. In the reoperation group, no deaths
difference between subgroups was found (F ⫽ 1.66; df ⫽ 4, 22;
P ⫽ 0.196). Bone removal for this group was generally limited
to two or three vertebral levels and, with one exception, in- TABLE 2. Number and percent of patients with selected princi-
pal precipitating event by spine deformity
volved only the thoracic spine. Laminectomies for spinal cord
tumors or for syringomyelic cavities developing after tumor No deformity Significant
removal (n ⫽ 4) similarly were mostly located at thoracic lev- Event or stable fix- deformity
els. Of these four patients, two had a laminectomy that crossed ation (n ⴝ 44) (n ⴝ 16)a
the cervical-thoracic junction and one had a laminectomy that Trauma 18 (41%) 9 (56%)
crossed the thoracolumbar junction. Spinal surgery for menin- With early fusion 6 (14%) 3 (19%)6
geal inflammatory processes was also located primarily at tho- Tumor-related 9 (20%) 4 (25%)
racic spinal levels.
Arachnoid cyst 8 (18%) 0
Follow-up information was available for 163 of the study
patients either by brief personal interview with the senior author Meningeal inflammation 7 (16%) 1 (6%)
(UB) (n ⫽ 152) or by receipt of information that a patient was Developmental abnormality 2 (5%) 1 (6%)
deceased (n ⫽ 11). A total of six patients could not be located. a
Superscript numeral identifies a patient shown in Table 3.
Follow-up periods varied from 1 to 22 years (mean, 5.25 yr;

372 | VOLUME 61 | NUMBER 2 | AUGUST 2007


A special subgroup of six

A patients demonstrated severe
spine deformities that coin-
cided both in time and location
with surgical procedures that
involved dorsal muscle strip-
ping performed in conjunction
with laminectomies directed at
the underlying syringomyelia
pathology. Table 3 summarizes
clinical data on these six pa-
tients, five of whom had Chiari-
related syringomyelia and one
of whom had posttraumatic
syringomyelia. This cluster of
patients, all of whom had oper-
ations performed at UCLA
Medical Center, illustrates the
spectrum of abnormalities that
may be encountered.
The spine deformities were
regarded as stable except in two
patients (Patients 1 and 6) who
underwent fusion procedures
aimed at providing stability and
B partial correction of the deformi-
ties. Patient age did not distin-
guish between patients with
Chiari-syringomyelia who were
reoperated and who showed
deformities (average age, 41.8
yr) and those who did not (aver-
age age, 38.4 yr) (P ⫽ 0.331).
Progression of spine deformities
was not encountered during the
period of observation.

Illustrative Case
Patient 3
A 20-year-old man presented to
the UCLA Medical Center with
neck pain and progressive balance
and gait impairment. At age 17,
he had developed impaired right
upper extremity function and gait
difficulty, and a Chiari malfor-
mation with syringomyelia was
diagnosed. At age 18, he had
FIGURE 2. A and B, bar graphs showing the longitudinal extent of syrinx cavity formation in patients with Chiari-
undergone a suboccipital decom-
syringomyelia with spine deformities. A, patients who underwent their initial Chiari surgery at UCLA Medical
pression, which included a C1
Center (UCLA MC) are shown. B, patients who underwent Chiari reoperation are shown; patients included in Table
and partial C2 laminectomy as
3 are identified by an asterisk.
well as a C7 laminectomy extend-
ing to C6 and T1 for placement of
were identified after 2 years and no worsening after 6 years. In the a syrinx shunt. Surgery was performed at another hospital. On exam-
primary spinal group, no improved or unchanged patients were ination, he had weakness and atrophy of the right upper extremity
identified after 8 years of follow up. and lower extremity spasticity with extensor plantar responses.



mately 6 years. Review of his

A diagnostic studies demonstrates
progressive upper thoracic ky-
phosis with compensatory cervi-
cal hyperlordosis developing over
a 2-year period after his initial

Patients with syringomyelia
who underwent a laminec-
tomy, other than the first cer-
vical lamina, seem to be at
risk for spine deformity at the
level of their laminectomy. We
postulate that this is the result
of a combination of impair-
ment of the nerve supply to
the supporting spinal mus-
cles, resulting from nerve cell
destruction in the cord attrib-
utable to syringomyelia and
mechanical denervation of the
axial musculature attributable
B to laminectomy. Cord trauma
from the original injury may
a d d t o t h e n e u ro n a l l o s s .
Gravity affecting the thoracic
viscera may also play a role.
The effects of gravity on a
poorly supported spine seem
to be a common feature of pos-
tural deformities seen with
syringomyelia. This applies
equally to syringomyelia asso-
ciated with Chiari malforma-
tion, trauma of the spine, or
other causes. The association
of neurogenic scoliosis with
syringomyelia is extensively
documented in the literature
(4, 6, 9, 15, 17, 18, 21, 22), espe-
cially in children. Numerous
authors have pointed out the
very high incidence of neuro-
genic scoliosis in children
FIGURE 3. A, bar graph showing the extent of bone removal by laminectomy for patients with posttraumatic younger than age 10 (15) and
syringomyelia. The patient included in Table 3 is identified by an asterisk. B, bar graph showing the extent of bone younger than age 16 (8, 9).
removal in patients with syringomyelia of differing underlying pathology, including arachnoid cysts, tumor or There does not seem to be gen-
tumor-related surgery, and meningeal inflammation. eral agreement on the predom-
inance of left versus right tho-
Suboccipital reexploration at the UCLA Medical Center approxi-
racic curvatures (4, 6, 18). Although levorotatory curves have
mately 3 years after his initial operation demonstrated extensive scar traditionally been associated with the presence of intra-
tissue and a constrictive dural band at the level of the foramen mag- medullary spinal cord lesions, more recent studies have sug-
num (Fig. 4). The patient’s gait and right upper extremity function gested that the incidence of right and left curvatures is approx-
improved after reoperation and he has been followed for approxi- imately equal (9, 17). However, there have been no rigorous

374 | VOLUME 61 | NUMBER 2 | AUGUST 2007


TABLE 3 . Clinical data for patients who demonstrated severe spine deformitiesa

Diagnosis Age at Indication for Type of

Patient Laminectomy Indication Deformity Deformity Time
(age of Surgery additional additional
no. levels for surgery levels type interval
diagnosis, yr) (yr) surgery surgery
1 CM, Suboccipital ⫹ 44 Decompression C4-C5 Kyphosis Pain, tethered 6 mo Untethering
syringomyelia C1–C6 cord C7–T3 duraplasty
(44) syrinx Occipital-
cervical fusion
2 Syringomyelia Suboccipital ⫹ 39 Decompression C3–4 Kyphosis Tethered at T5 4 yr Declined
(38) C1, C2 44 Thoracic
CM (39) T5–T6 scoliosis
Scoliosis (?)
3 CM Suboccipital, 19 Decompression C3–T2 Cervical Myelopathy 2.5 yr Reexplore
Syringomyelia C1⫹ partial C2 Syrinx shunt hyperlordosis suboccipital
(18) C5–T1 C7–T2 craniectomy,
Scoliosis kyphosis intradural lysis
Scoliosis (left)
4 CM Suboccipital ⫹ 27 Decompression C3–T4 Cervical Myelopathy 11 yr Decompression
Syringomyelia C1, C2 39 Syrinx shunt hyperlordosis
(27) Scoliosis T4–5, T10–11 45 Syrinx shunt Thoracic
C7–T4 kyphosis
5 Scoliosis (10) T2–T3 28 Syrinx shunt T2–T4 Kyphosis Pain 14 yr Untethering
Syringomyelia T3–T4 Tethered at Duraplasty
(25) Tethered C7–T3, syrinx
CM (41) C7–T3
6 Posttraumatic T1–T2 29 Fusion C7–T2 Cervical Myelopathy 17 yr Posterior
syringomyelia T4–T5 41 Syrinx shunt hyperlordosis cervical fusion
(22) T1–T3 46 Lysis of
intradural scar

CM, Chiari malformation.
Time interval to consultation or surgery for problems resulting from deformity.

studies correlating the rostrocaudal extent of the syrinx cavity or poliomyelitis, which also destroys anterior horn cells, offers
its lateral expansion, when present, with the scoliotic deformity. many parallels with regard to pathogenesis (10, 20).
In the absence of such information, one may speculate that Reversibility of scoliosis with posterior fossa decompression
when there is a symmetrical, centrally located syringomyelic (4, 9, 15) in younger patients suggests that some of the spinal
cavity that extends into the thoracic spine and asymmetry of cord changes in this more plastic population may be partially
the thoracic viscera, the heart lying on the left side would reversible (20); collapse of the syrinx cavity often follows pos-
encourage gravity to deform the spine. The relatively large terior fossa decompression in younger patients. Gravity can
number of children younger than 10 years of age who still also produce spinal deformity in the sagittal plane after
have a residual central canal of the spinal cord (23) also corre- laminectomy over an area of syringomyelia (13). Depending
lates with the higher incidence of syringomyelia and scoliosis on the level of syringomyelia and of the laminectomy, one
in children younger than 16 compared with those older than may also see the effects of weight of the head, of the thoracic
16 (8). Huebert and MacKinnon (8) assumed that the syrinx viscera, or of the upper torso in producing a combination of
cavity expands asymmetrically and offered asymmetrical loss sagittal and rotational imbalance.
of medial anterior horn cells as a result of the syrinx cavity as Laminectomy as well as preparation for spinal fusion neces-
a possible explanation for neurogenic scoliosis. Isu et al. (9) sitates dissection and retraction of the axial musculature from
also postulated asymmetry of the syrinx cavity. The medial the laminae, even beyond the level of bone removal, and results
anterior horn cells are believed to be the cells of origin for the in some degree of local denervation. Permanent changes in
motor innervation of the paraspinal axial musculature. imaging and muscle strength, particularly of the spinal exten-
Experience with spinal curvature problems developing after sor muscles, have been demonstrated after lumbar laminec-



tomies (7, 12). Segmental add to the neurological problem. Occipital craniectomy with
A B denervation and atrophy of removal of only the C1 lamina in patients with Chiari malfor-
the multifidi has also been mation does not produce spine deformity, but more extensive
confirmed by electrodiagnos- bone removal may be associated with greater likelihood of
tic studies in a significant spine deformity (Figure 1). All but one of the patients with
proportion of patients who Chiari malformation with deformities shown in Table 3 had
underwent dorsal lumbar undergone at least a C1 and C2 laminectomy; one patient
muscular exposure and underwent a high thoracic laminectomy only. Three other
retraction (11, 13). Similar patients had laminectomies at or very close to the cervical–
changes must occur after thoracic junction. Bone removal limited to two thoracic lami-
laminectomy at any level of nae rarely results in spinal deformity (Figure 3B; Table 2). As
the spine. Postlaminectomy shown in Table 1, 41% of patients with Chiari malformation
FIGURE 4. T1-weighted mag- kyphotic deformities seen in who had their initial Chiari surgery at UCLA had an existing
netic resonance imaging scans of a the absence of syringo- scoliotic deformity of the thoracic spine, and two others had
20-year-old man (Patient 3) with myelia (1) are primarily the mild kyphosis. Preexisting spine deformities add to the risk of
Chiari malformation and result of compromise of the further deformity with surgery and may account for the
syringomyelia. A, preoperative T1- facet joints. higher incidence of deformity, 57%, in patients with Chiari
weighted magnetic resonance We propose that the com- malformation who underwent reoperation. Patients with
imaging scan of the cervical spine bination of surgical trauma Chiari malformation who underwent reoperation also had
demonstrating severe tonsillar
from dorsal muscle retrac- more extensive syrinx cavities (Fig. 2, A and B), possibly the
descent to the lower margin of the
tion, resulting in muscle result of longer duration of their disease.
C1 lamina and a syrinx cavity
beginning at the C7 level. B, 2- injury and in local denerva- Procedures such as syrinx shunting through laminectomy
year postoperative T1-weighted tion, added to partial ante- may not be avoidable in some patients. The considerations pre-
magnetic resonance imaging scan rior horn cell loss from the sented here suggest that such procedures be performed with
of the cervical spine demonstrat- syrinx cavity creates a partic- minimal disruption of soft tissue and bone. Thus, hemilaminec-
ing evidence of C1, C2, partial C6, ularly weak axial muscula- tomy, leaving the interspinous ligament intact, would appear
C7, and T1 laminectomies. ture. This allows the forces preferable to complete laminectomy. When laminectomy can-
Markedly increased cervical lordo- of gravity to act in such a not be avoided, consideration should be given to immediate
sis is evident on this study. The manner as to result in spine instrumented stabilization, particularly if the laminectomy is at
patient also has an upper thoracic
deformity over a period of or near a junctional area of the spine.
kyphosis intrawedge-shaped
months or years. Although The present study is sufficiently well powered to adequately
T1–T2 intervertebral disc.
there is likely overlap in the enumerate the principal deformities of, and precipitating
innervation pattern of sple- events leading to, syringomyelia and to describe the varying
nius capitis, semispinalis, and multifidi, the longitudinal patterns of bone removal during surgery. However, the issue of
extent of the syrinx cavity favors segmental or multilevel par- outcomes after surgical intervention for Chiari malformation is
tial denervation. The unique combination of both underlying not completely resolved in the present study. Although signif-
and iatrogenic neuromuscular instability may be partially icantly differing outcomes were observed, such differences can-
responsible for the clinical syndrome encountered in our six not be disentangled from varying lengths of follow up and
patients. Junctional areas of the spine, where the normal cur- other factors in the present sample.
vatures reverse, such as the cervical-thoracic junction or the
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14. McRae DL, Standen J: Roentgenologic findings in syringomyelia and
hydromyelia. Am J Roentgenol Radium Ther Nucl Med 98:695–708, 1966.
15. Muhonen MG, Menezes AH, Sawin PD, Weinstein SL: Scoliosis in pediatric
T he authors studied 169 patients with syringomyelia, including
patients with Chiari-related syringomyelia and primary spinal
syringomyelia. They evaluated whether or not deformity had devel-
Chiari malformations without myelodysplasia. J Neurosurg 77:69–77, 1992.
oped after surgical procedures treating these entities. They divided
16. Nolan JP Jr, Sherk HH: Biomechanical evaluation of the extensor musculature
the 169 patients into the Chiari initial surgery group, composed of
of the cervical spine. Spine 13:9–11, 1988.
17. Özerdemoglu RA, Denis F, Transfeldt EE: Scoliosis associated with
63 patients with first time Chiari-related syringomyelia treated by
syringomyelia: Clinical and radiologic correlation. Spine 28:1410–1417, 2003. the authors. Another 42 patients who had previously undergone
18. Piper JG, Menezes AH: Chiari malformation in the adult, in Menezes AH, surgical procedures for Chiari-related syringomyelia at another
Sonntag VKH (eds): Principles of Spinal Surgery. New York, McGraw-Hill, institution and then treated by the author were assigned to the
1996, pp 379–394. Chiari reoperation group. Another 64 patients underwent surgical
19. R Language Definition: procedures for syringomyelia related to primary spinal pathology,
Accessed February 27, 2007. including trauma (n = 51), previous tumor or related surgery (n = 5),
20. Robin GC: Neurological Disease and Scoliosis: Scoliosis. New York, Academic and meningitis (n = 2). The authors analyzed these patients with
Press, 1973, pp 37–42. spinal deformity on images for the extent of the syringomyelic cav-
21. Spiegel DA, Flynn JM, Stasikelis PJ, Dormans JP, Drummond DS, Gabriel ity and previous surgical procedures. They found 41% deformity in
KR, Loder RT: Scoliotic curve patterns in patients with Chiari I malformation
the Chiari initial surgery group and 52% deformity in patients who
and/or syringomyelia. Spine 28:2139–2146, 2003.
had Chiari reoperation.
22. Williams B: Orthopaedic features in the presentation of syringomyelia. J Bone
Joint Surg Br 61B:314–323, 1979.
The authors suggest that to avoid these deformities, surgery with
23. Yasui K, Hashizume Y, Yoshida M, Kameyama T, Sobue G: Age-related mor- minimal disruption of soft tissue and bone (i.e., hemilaminectomy)
phologic changes of the central canal of the human spinal cord. Acta leaving the interspinous ligament intact, would be preferable to com-
Neuropathol 97:253–259, 1999. plete laminectomy. Also, when laminectomy cannot be avoided to treat
a Chiari-related syringomyelia, consideration should be given to imme-
Acknowledgments diate instrumented stabilization, particularly if the laminectomy is at or
Support for David L. McArthur, Ph.D., M.P.H., was provided by RO1NS40777,
near a junctional area of the spine.
P50NS044378, and RO1NS049471. The authors’ observance and subsequent recommendations are cer-
tainly reasonable. In the future, experience from the authors or pos-
sibly other groups who followed these suggestions would then hope-
COMMENTS fully show a decreased percentage of deformity in patients with

T he authors performed a retrospective analysis of an extensive series

of 169 patients treated for syringomyelia. Although a standardized
radiographic analysis of coronal and sagittal spinal alignment was not
Volker K.H. Sonntag
Phoenix, Arizona
performed, sufficient information obtained from magnetic resonance
imaging and limited plain x-rays was used to identify patients with
spinal deformity. This analysis found that 41% of Chiari-related
syringomyelia patients who had not undergone previous surgery had
B atzdorf et al. examined the occurrence of spine deformities in rela-
tion to syringomyelia in 169 patients. The patients were divided
into two groups: those operated on primarily by the authors and those
spinal deformity. Seventeen percent were found to have moderate or who had surgery at another institution. In general, both of these groups
severe thoracic scoliosis. The risk of spinal deformity was even higher had approximately a 50% incidence of deformity. The deformity often
in patients undergoing reoperation for Chiari-related syringomyelia, occurred after the operative procedure. Although the exact cause for
with 31% having moderate or severe thoracic scoliosis and 14% having the deformities is unknown, they are probably related to muscle dissec-
cervical or thoracic kyphosis. tion, bony resection, and anterior horn cell dysfunction, as discussed by
The authors found worsened status relative to their status immedi- the authors. The recommendations provided by Batzdorf et al. in the
ately after recuperation in 5% of the Chiari initial surgery patients, final paragraph are reasonable and will most likely result in a signifi-
24% of the Chiari reoperation patients, and 34% of the primary pathol- cant decrease in the incidence of deformity after Chiari surgery.
ogy patients. Although the information was not provided, it would
have been helpful to know if there was a relationship with deformity Vincent C. Traynelis
progression. Iowa City, Iowa



B atzdorf et al. have provided information from their experience that

is invaluable for surgeons caring for patients with Chiari malforma-
tion and syringomyelia. Other than at C1, laminectomies in patients
T he authors share with us their extensive experience in treating
syringomyelia and associated spinal column deformities. Their ret-
rospective analysis of these 169 cases is a monumental work, but the
with syringomyelia place the patient at significant risk for postopera- lack of detailed preoperative deformity measurements makes it difficult
tive deformity. Neural injury from syringomyelia (i.e., anterior horn cell to draw conclusive treatment recommendations from the data.
injury), combined with structural integrity disruption as a result of Ultimately, the prediction of a progressive spinal column deformity
laminectomy, augments the chance of deformity and deformity pro- after laminectomy is predicated on basic biomechanical principles,
gression. When such operations are indicated, limited laminectomy including the spinal level of treatment, extent of bone and joint removal,
(e.g., hemilaminectomy) and/or structural augmentation via instru- global spinal alignment, age, and the presence of any neuromuscular
mentation and fusion are prudent. The authors are to be congratulated disorders. The authors, with their significant experience, have com-
for solidifying our thought processes regarding the clinical decision mented on all of these factors, highlighting their importance in consid-
making process. ering the long-term consequences of surgery for intramedullary cysts.
Edward C. Benzel Michael Y. Wang
Cleveland, Ohio Los Angeles, California

378 | VOLUME 61 | NUMBER 2 | AUGUST 2007

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