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Number 386, pp. 71–78

© 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

Core Decompression

Core Decompression With Bone Grafting

for Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head
Marvin E. Steinberg, MD; Peter G. Larcom, MD;
Brereton Strafford, MD; W. Bartley Hosick, MD; Arturo Corces, MD;
Roy E. Bands, MD; and Karen E. Hartman, BSN

Although core decompression is one of the more performed in 10 of 77 hips (14%) with small le-
popular procedures for treating avascular necro- sions (A), 33 of 68 hips (48%) with intermediate
sis, considerable controversy exists concerning its lesions (B), and 20 of 48 hips (42%) with large le-
safety and effectiveness. The current authors re- sions (C). Results as determined by changes in
view the results of a prospective study of 406 hips Harris hip scores and radiographic progression
in 285 patients treated by one surgeon with core were similar. Patients who underwent core de-
decompression and bone grafting. Patients were compression and bone grafting have a very low
followed up for 2 to 14 years. The outcome was complication rate. In patients treated before fem-
determined by the change in the Harris hip score, oral head collapse, the outcome is significantly
quantitative radiographic measurements, and better than in patients who received symptomatic
need for total hip replacement. These hips were treatment. The results are correlated with the
compared with 55 hips in 39 patients treated non- stage and the size of the necrotic lesion.
operatively and with historic controls. Five com-
plications occurred after 406 procedures includ-
ing two fractures that resulted from falls during It has been well documented that without spe-
the first postoperative month. Of the 312 hips in cific treatment approximately 70% to 80% of
208 patients with a minimum 2-year followup, hips with clinically established avascular
36% of hips (113 hips in 90 patients) required hip
necrosis have radiologic and clinical progres-
replacement at a mean of 29 months: 18 of 65 hips
(28%) with Stage I disease; 45 of 133 hips (34%)
sion, which leads to collapse of the femoral
with Stage II disease; three of 13 hips (23%) with head.7,9,10,16,18,19 Most of these hips eventually
Stage III disease; and 45 of 92 hips (49%) with undergo total hip replacement or other types of
Stage IV disease. Before femoral head collapse arthroplasty. Because this is a condition seen
(Stages I and II combined) hip replacement was primarily in younger adults, several prophylac-
tic procedures have been performed in patients
with the earlier stages of avascular necrosis in
From the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University an attempt to halt progression and encourage
of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA.
repair. Of these procedures, core decompres-
Reprint requests to Marvin E. Steinberg, MD, Depart-
ment of Orthopaedic Surgery, 3400 Spruce Street, sion perhaps is the most frequently used.
Philadelphia, PA 19104. Although there have been several studies on

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72 Steinberg et al and Related Research

core decompression, their conclusions have left open (Fig 1). Additional bone was placed at the
been different and much uncertainty about the cortical margin of the femur to promote healing of
safety and effectiveness of this procedure re- the surgical defect. In several instances the proce-
mains.2–5,7–11,16–20 The goal of the current dure was performed on both hips with the patient
under the same anesthetic. Patients then were
study is to help resolve some of these issues.
allowed partial weightbearing using crutches for
In 1980, after experiencing poor results treat- 3 months.
ing patients with avascular necrosis conserva- Patients were seen in followup every 3 months
tively, the authors began to perform a modified for the first year, every 6 months for the second
type of core decompression with supplemental year, and yearly thereafter. Immediately before
cancellous bone graft. By July 1997, 406 pro- surgery and at each followup patients were evalu-
cedures were performed by the senior author. ated clinically by the use of Harris hip scores6 and
These procedures form the basis of the current by good quality anteroposterior (AP) and lateral ra-
study. diographs. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
was used to evaluate radiographic lesions preoper-
MATERIALS AND METHODS atively. Early postoperative complications were
observed. For those patients who required addi-
Patients were placed on a fracture table with an im- tional surgery, total hip replacement was the pro-
age intensifier in place. Through a lateral approach, cedure of choice for virtually all patients.
an 8-mm core of bone was removed from the cen- Two subgroups of patients were treated with
ter of the necrotic lesion using Michele trephines electrical stimulation in addition to the core de-
(Life Instruments Corp, Braintree, MA). The core compression and grafting. One group of 74 patients
reached to within 5 mm of the articular surface. Us- received a constant direct current stimulation to the
ing the same entry site in the lateral femoral cortex, necrotic segment by means of a cathode coiled
two, 6-mm cores of bone were removed from the about the graft and attached to an Osteostim ®
periphery of the lesion. The viable cancellous bone (Telectronics, Englewood, CO) or an Orthofuse ®
obtained from the intertrochanteric region then was (DePuy, Warsaw, IN).14 A second group of 20 pa-
thinned with a rongeur and placed very loosely into tients was treated with capacitive coupling by
the central core. The two smaller core tracks were means of surface electrodes applied anteriorly and


Fig 1A–B. (A) Schematic drawing showing the technique for performing core decompression with the
Michele trephine in place. (B) Schematic drawing of decompression channels showing central bone
grafts in place. (Reproduced with permission from Steinberg ME, Brighton CT, Bands RE, Hartman KM:
Capacitive coupling as an adjunctive treatment for avascular necrosis. Clin Orthop 261:11–18, 1990.)
Number 386
May, 2001 Core Decompression 73

posteriorly to the skin directly over the femoral Pennsylvania system for staging avascular necro-
head and connected to a portable power unit.13 sis14,15 (Table 1), and by the need for subsequent to-
Between July 1980 and July 1997, 406 hips in tal hip replacement arthroplasty.
285 patients with avascular necrosis were treated
with core decompression and bone grafting. This
group of patients was evaluated to determine the in- RESULTS
cidence of postoperative complications. Two hun-
dred forty-five patients (338 hips) were operated on The mean age of the patients at the time of de-
before December 1994. Of this group, five patients compression and grafting was 37 years (range,
(eight hips) died and 13 patients (18 hips) could not 19–65 years). Forty-one percent of patients
be located for a 2-year followup. These patients were women and 59% were men. Hip in-
were excluded, leaving 312 hips in 227 patients volvement was unilateral in 35% of patients
with a minimum 2-year followup which were eval- and bilateral in 65%. The followup for the pri-
uated to determine the effectiveness of core de- mary study group of 227 patients was between
compression with bone grafting. 3 and 155 months with a mean of 48 months.
These hips were compared with 55 hips in 39
This group included patients who underwent
patients treated at the authors’ institution before
1980 by protected weightbearing alone and with
total hip replacement before the minimum 2-
published reports of other series.7–10,16–19 year followup. The mean followup for patients
Results were determined by the change in Har- who required total hip replacement was 29
ris hip scores from preoperative evaluation to the months (range, 3–155 months) (Fig 2). For
last followup visit, the radiographic resolution or those patients who did not require total hip re-
progression as determined by the University of placement, the mean followup was 63 months

TABLE 1. University of Pennsylvania System for Staging Avascular

Stage Criteria

0 Normal or nondiagnostic radiograph, bone scan, MRI

I Normal radiographs, abnormal bone scan, MRI scan, or both
A. Mild ( 15% of femoral head affected)
B. Moderate (15%–30%)
C. Severe ( 30%)
II Cystic and sclerotic changes in femoral head
A. Mild (15% of femoral head affected)
B. Moderate (15%–30%)
C. Severe ( 30%)
III Subchondral collapse (crescent sign) without flattening
A. Mild ( 15% of articular surface)
B. Moderate (15%–30%)
C. Severe ( 30%)
IV Flattening of femoral head
A. Mild (15% of surface and 2 mm depression)
B. Moderate (15%–30% of surface or 2–4 mm depression)
C. Severe (30% of surface or 4 mm depression)
V Joint narrowing iand/or acetabular changes
A. Mild y Average of femoral head involvement,
B. Moderate t as determined in Stage IV, and estimated
C. Severe acetabular involvement
VI Advanced degenerative changes

(Reprinted with permission from Steinberg ME, Brighton CT, Corces A, et al: Osteonecrosis of the femoral head. Results
of core decompression and grafting with and without electrical stimulation. Clin Orthop 249:199–208, 1989.)
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74 Steinberg et al and Related Research

Fig 2. Graph showing the num-

ber of hips requiring total hip re-
placement at specific intervals af-
ter decompression and grafting.

(range, 23–146 months). The mean followup pulmonary embolism; one proximal femoral
for the 39 patients (55 hips) who did not un- thrombophlebitis; one pneumonia; and two
dergo surgery was 21 months. fractures sustained in falls during the first
Etiologic factors and associated conditions month after surgery. One of these fractures was
are shown in Table 2. Preoperatively, hips an intertrochanteric fracture going through the
were placed in the following stages according surgical defect in the lateral cortex and the
to the University of Pennsylvania system for other was a subcapital fracture.
staging14 (Table 1): Stage 1, 69 hips (22%);
Stage II, 133 hips (43%); Stage III, 13 hips Results of Electrical Stimulation
(4%); Stage IV, 92 hips (29%); Stage V, five Seventy-four hips in 74 patients were treated
hips (2%). with supplemental direct current in addition to
the core decompression and grafting. Initially
Complications it seemed that these patients had a slightly bet-
In the 285 patients (406 hips) who had under- ter outcome than the patients treated without
gone decompression and grafting, there were electrical stimulation regarding Harris hip
five complications: one massive but nonfatal scores, radiographic progression, and the need
for total hip replacement.14 On subsequent
evaluation, however, no significant differences
between these groups were observed.
TABLE 2. Etiologic Factors and No clinical or radiographic differences were
Associated Conditions observed between the 20 control hips and 20
experimental hips in the group of patients who
Percentage of
Etiologic Factors Hips Affected were treated with capacitive coupling, either
early or late in the study.13
Steroids 47% Because there were no differences between
Alcohol 19%
patients treated with supplementary electrical
Steroids and alcohol 15%
Idiopathic 14% stimulation and those treated with decompres-
Miscellaneous 11% sion and grafting alone, these groups were
Associated Conditions combined for all subsequent analyses.
Allergic states 31%
Systemic lupus erythematosus 18% Outcome
Gastrointestinal disorders 13% One hundred thirteen hips (in 90 patients) of
Central nervous system problems 9%
the 312 hips (in 208 patients) (36.2%) required
Organ transplantation 7%
total hip replacement at a mean of 29 months
Number 386
May, 2001 Core Decompression 75

from core decompression (range, 3–155 tinued to take corticosteroids or those who had
months). Sixty percent of the total hip replace- excessive alcohol intake after surgery.
ments occurred during the first 2 years, 29%
occurred between 2 and 5 years, and 11% oc- Relationship of Stage to Outcome
curred after 5 years (Fig 2). Of the 39 patients As expected, the outcome generally was
(55 hips) treated by protected weightbearing worse in patients with more advanced stages
alone, 77% underwent arthroplasty at a mean of avascular necrosis. Results as determined
of 21 months from the onset of symptoms. by the need for total hip replacement, clinical
For the entire group, the mean preoperative course, and radiographic progression were
Harris hip score was 73 points (range, 25–100 similar. Hips that were in earlier radiographic
points). The postoperative score was 71 points stages preoperatively generally also were in
(range, 3–100 points) for a mean loss of 2 earlier stages at final followup in the group of
points. Hips that required total hip replace- patients who did not require total hip replace-
ment had 69 points preoperatively and 45 ment. This was not true for patients who un-
points postoperatively, for a mean loss of 24 derwent hip replacement, because this proce-
points. Those hips who did not require hip re- dure was not performed until significant
placement had 74 points preoperatively and 85 collapse had occurred, usually Stage IV-C or
points postoperatively, for a gain of 11 points. beyond. Radiographic progression had to be
There was a high incidence of radiographic evaluated with caution, because less progres-
progression, even in patients who did well clin- sion was possible in hips initially with more
ically. Thirty-nine percent of hips in patients advanced stages. Harris hip scores were higher
who did not require hip replacement were ra- for hips in earlier stages preoperatively and at
diographically stable as compared with only final followup; however the changes in score
19% of hips in patients who required hip re- that occurred during this interval were similar
placement. For the entire group, the mean stage for all stages. The correlation between stage
preoperatively was Stage II-C (range, Stage I- and hip replacement is shown in Figure 3. The
A–Stage V-B) with the mean stage at last fol- results in the patients who underwent decom-
lowup Stage III-C (range, Stage I-A–Stage V- pression and grafting are compared with the
C). The progression in hips requiring hip results in 55 control hips in 39 patients treated
replacement was from Stage III-A to Stage IV- by protected weightbearing alone.14 This fig-
C or 12⁄3 stages. In hips not requiring total hip ure does not indicate the results for patients
replacement, the mean stage progressed from with Stage I disease who were treated nonop-
Stage II-C to Stage III-A or 1⁄3 stage. eratively because MRI was not available at
this time and therefore no hips were graded as
Etiologic Factors Stage I.
Total hip replacement was required in 39% of In each stage, nonoperative treatment led
patients taking corticosteroids, in 38% of pa- to approximately twice the number of patients
tients with excessive alcohol intake, in 52% of requiring hip replacement as did decompres-
those patients in whom steroid and alcohol sion and grafting. The survivorship of femo-
were implicated, and in 33% of patients with ral heads in patients treated with decompres-
idiopathic osteonecrosis. Thus, no clear rela- sion and grafting was approximately three
tionship to etiology was observed except in times that of hips in patients treated by limited
patients exposed to a combination of steroids weightbearing. This is noteworthy because
and alcohol in whom the prognosis seemed to the mean followup for hips treated nonopera-
be somewhat worse. There did not seem to be tively was only 21 months, as compared with
any difference in outcome in those patients in a mean of 48 months for hips undergoing
whom the insult was limited to the preopera- surgery. There was no significant difference
tive period as compared with those who con- in the percentage of hips requiring replace-
Clinical Orthopaedics
76 Steinberg et al and Related Research

Fig 3. Graph showing the

percentage of hips requiring
total hip replacement arthro-
plasty by stage of avascular
necrosis for patients whose
hips were controls and for
patients who underwent de-
compression and grafting.

ment in Stages I, II, and III, but as a group Relationship of Lesion Size to Outcome
these hips required fewer replacements than To determine the effect of lesion size on out-
hips treated after collapse (Stage IV). The come, hips which were in Stages I and II before
similarity in outcome between patients with surgery, (precollapse) were evaluated together.
Stage III disease (crescent sign) and patients Figure 4 shows the percentage of hip replace-
with Stages I and II disease emphasizes the ments required in hips with Stage I and II dis-
importance of grouping these patients sepa- ease that had small (A), intermediate (B), and
rately and not including patients with Stage large (C) lesions. Patients with small lesions
III disease with patients who have undergone had a significantly better outcome than patients
femoral head flattening (Stage IV). Even in with intermediate or large lesions (p  0.05)
patients with Stage IV disease a better out- but there was no difference between these lat-
come resulted after surgery than after nonop- ter two groups. The results as determined by
erative treatment. Although a large number of radiographic progression and change in Harris
patients with Stage IV disease underwent de- hip score were similar to the results as indi-
compression and grafting, these were limited cated by the need for hip replacement. Radi-
to patients whose hips had relatively small or ographs evaluated on a 21-point scale showed
intermediate amounts of collapse (Stage IV-A progression by 1.1, 4.2, and 4.3 points; and the
and Stage IV-B) and who had minimal pain or Harris hip score showed an improvement of
disability. 10.6 and 3.3 points, and the loss of 3.6 points,

Fig 4. Graph showing the relation-

ship between total hip replacement
and the size of the necrotic lesion
for hips with Stages I and II disease
before femoral head collapse.
Number 386
May, 2001 Core Decompression 77

respectively for hips with small (A), interme- Several methods have been used to evaluate
diate (B), and large (C) lesions. radiographic status and many have indicated
stage alone without attempting to measure le-
DISCUSSION sion size. It now is recognized that the extent
of the necrotic lesion is an important factor in
Core decompression was described by Arlet determining outcome, and that without quan-
and Ficat in 1964.1 By 1980, they had per- titative measurements, an accurate evaluation
formed more than 800 cases.4,5 In 1985, Ficat4 of radiographic progression or resolution can-
reported on 133 hips with Stages I and II dis- not be made.12
ease treated by core decompression. He re- The current study includes a large number
ported “good to very good results” in 90% of of patients operated on by one surgeon and fol-
these hips on clinical evaluation and in 79% on lowed up for as many as 14 years. A standard-
radiographic evaluation. In 1986, Camp and ized operative approach was used in all cases,
Colwell2 retrospectively reviewed 42 core de- and patients were evaluated prospectively us-
compressions performed by 13 different sur- ing clinical and objective radiographic criteria.
geons. Sixty percent of hips treated before col- In the current series, the 80% to 90% satisfac-
lapse failed either clinically or radiographically tory results that were reported by some early
and all hips treated after collapse were consid- investigators were not achieved, but it was
ered clinical failures. Four patients sustained shown that if properly performed the proce-
fractures after surgery. A question regarding dure had an extremely low incidence of com-
the safety of this procedure was raised. In 1955, plications and was effective in treating patients
Koo et al8 reported only symptomatic relief af- with earlier stages of avascular necrosis as
ter core decompression but no effect in pre- compared with patients who were treated non-
venting femoral head collapse when compared operatively or patients who received sympto-
with nonoperative treatment in a small number matic treatment. Although patients with a sig-
of patients with avascular necrosis of the hip. In nificant degree of collapse, pain, or disability
a comprehensive review of the literature, Mont did not undergo decompression and grafting,
et al9 reviewed 42 reports involving 2205 hips. the results of surgery in patients with Stages
Core decompression was used to treat 1206 IV-A and B disease seemed to be better than
hips and 819 hips were treated nonoperatively. the results of patients who received conserva-
Satisfactory results were observed in 64% of tive treatment. Significant differences in out-
the hips in patients who were treated by core de- come were observed in patients with Stages I
compression, but in only 23% of those hips in and II disease who had small lesions, as op-
patients who were treated nonoperatively. In posed to those patients with larger lesions. This
hips evaluated before collapse, good results emphasized the importance of measuring le-
were obtained in 71% of patients who were sion size and stage, and indicates that in hips
treated by core decompression as compared treated before femoral head collapse lesion
with only 35% of patients who were treated size seems to be more important than stage
nonoperatively. alone in determining outcome. It is of interest
It is not entirely clear why such a disparity that these results were similar to those reported
exists between the various reports on outcome by Mont et al9 in their comprehensive review
of core decompression.2,3,7,10,11,16–20 Unfortu- of the literature. All patients in the current se-
nately, it is difficult to compare different stud- ries were treated with core decompression and
ies because many variables are present. These bone grafting. No attempt was made to deter-
variables include technical factors, inclusion mine the effect of the graft itself.
criteria, the methods for following progres- During the past several years, numerous ap-
sion or resolution, demographic differences, proaches to prophylactic treatment of hips with
and the means used to determine outcome. avascular necrosis have been described.9,17
Clinical Orthopaedics
78 Steinberg et al and Related Research

Many of these procedures are technically diffi- Rosemont, IL, American Academy of Orthopaedic
Surgeons 287–292, 1997.
cult and the incidence of postoperative compli- 8. Koo KH, Song HR, Jeong ST, et al: Preventing col-
cations is significant. Nevertheless, encourag- lapse in early osteonecrosis of the femoral head: A
ing results have been reported by a limited randomized clinical trial of core decompression. J
Bone Joint Surg 77B:870–874, 1995.
number of investigators using these tech- 9. Mont MA, Carbone JJ, Fairbank AC: Core decom-
niques.9,17 Currently core decompression, with pression versus nonoperative management for os-
or without bone grafting, has its advocates, as teonecrosis of the hip. Clin Orthop 323:169–178, 1996.
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necrosis. There are certain advantages and dis- ral head. J Bone Joint Surg 77A:459–474, 1995.
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