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What are the audience and target audience? S

It is formal and uses particular language
Audience can be defined as the individual or group T Consistent and suitable both in terms of
whom the writer intends to address.
audience and messages
More than just a writing convention
Target audience is the intended audience by the
helps audience to think more logically
writer; it is also the group of readers that the writer L

want to read his/her document or expect will read the and clearly
document. E

Four main key features of

The target audience should understand everything
written in the writer's document because they are the academic style

people the writer is designing his/her document for. 1. Objectivity

2. Formally
Types of Audience In Writing 3. Precision
The experts - has a substantial amount of
4. Hedging
knowledge on the subject matter the writer is
writing about. O

1. Presents and evaluates issues and arrives at

The laypeople - This audience has virtually no
an objective position; focuses on research and
knowledge about the topic the writer is writing
2. Personal pronouns are usually avoided as it is
The Manager - someone who has decision-making often associated with subjectives views that
powers that are greater than the writer's from a influenced by personal preferences or biases
professional standpoint. 3. Writer's own evaluation is important however
the writer must use evidence and logical
The Technicians - wants to see the technical argumentation
details make logical sense.

use topic as subject

The Hybrids - know a lot about what you’re writing How to

and they have high levels of decision-making power.

use passive verb
use 'it' as an empty
objectivity subject
Why audience important?

Helps the writer to make decisions about what FORMALITY

information you should include, how the writer
should arrange that information, and what kind of Without notation of relaxed and friendly
supporting details will be necessary for the reader language
to understand what you are presenting. Helps in evading misinterpretation and
Influences the tone and structure of the document. Provides understandable information

To develop and present a better and effective How to make writing more

argument. formal

How to identify and find the audience?

Know your most likely book audience - Think about Use formal vocabulary
who would be interested in the content of your Avoid rhetorical question
writing. Visualize who they are, and what they look Avoid colloquail words and expression ( stuff,
like. things)
It is important because writing for an audience Avoid abbreviated forms ( can't, shouldn't)
will help guide how you structure your work, Avoid two word verbs (first-class, put off
what kind of language you use, what information bring up)
you include, and how you approach each topic.
For example, if you are writing a blog for small
Include a sufficient high level of P
business owners that may need digital
marketing or website help, you should make
detail and specificity R
sure to explain web-related topics and The amount of details depends on
keywords thoroughly. the purpose of writing
Avoid ambiguity
Identify writing works that are similar to yours - I
Take the time to research other books that would Choose verbs that express concepts
be in the same category, genre, or niche. It may be succintly
easier for you to pinpoint your potential readers Certain verbs considered too I
because chances are, you share the same target imprecise for academic writing; do O
audience. not provide exact meaning we require
Use single verb expression for more
Look at Social Media - Keep an eye out for the
precise writing
demographics, trends, and other habits that might
not be obvious, but can provide a tremendous Example: do, make, put, keep, have,
amount of useful information. get

Ask Your Help - If you’re having trouble identifying Hedging

Its function to soften claims in
your target audience, ask other authors or industry
professionals for help.
Academic writing
Used to express caution and avoid
strong unqualified statements
How to reach and deal the audience? that may easily disproven
Contruct a persona - To better understand your
audience, you can build a fictional consumer to hedging language

represent your target.

Create a connection - After you’ve established who
Adverbs or clearly, definitely, certainly,
adverbial phrases often, sometimes, usually
your audience is, you need to dive into what your
audience is looking for. Modal verbs will, must, may, might, could
Be helpful -Your content should provide useful and
beneficial information. You want it to stick with and seems, like, appear to be,
Introductory verbs doubt, indicate, think
influence your reader.
Be informative - Provide facts and not just opinions. Certain lexical Verbs believe, assume, suggest
Remember, practice makes perfect.

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