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WORKSHEET # 3: Gas Laws

1. 6.0 L of gas in a piston at a pressure of 1.0 atm are compressed until the volume is 3.5 L.
What is the new pressure inside the piston?

Given: P1 = 1.0 atm

P2 = ?
V1 = 6.0 L
V2 = 3.5 L

Find: P2

Sol: P1 V1 = P2 V2

P1 V1 = P2 V2 P2 = P1 V1
V2 V2 V2

P2 = ( 1 atm) (6.0 L)
3.5 L

P2 = 1.71 atm

2. A gas canister can tolerate internal pressures up to 210 atmospheres. If a 2.0 L canister
holding 3.5 moles of gas is heated to 13500°C, will the canister explode?

Given: P = ?
V = 2.0 L
N = 3.5 moles
A = 0.0821 atm.L
T = 13500˚C + 273 = 13773 K

Find: P

Sol: P = nAT
P = (3.5 moles)(0.0821 atm.L) (13773 K)
2.0 L

P = 1978.84 atm

3. CaCO3 decomposes at 12000°C to form CO2 gas and CaO. If 25 L of CO2 are collected at
12000°C, what will the volume of this gas be after it cools to 250°C?

Given: T1 = 12000˚C + 273 = 12273 K

T2 = 250˚C + 273 = 523 K
V1 = 25 L
V2 = ?

Find: V2
Sol: V1 = V2
T1 T2

V 1 T2 = V 2 T1
T1 T1

V2 = V1 T2

V2 = (25 L)(523 K)
12273 K

V2 = 1.07 L

4. If 5.0 moles of O2 and 3.0 moles of N2 are placed in a 30.0 L tank at a temperature of
250°C, what will the pressure of the resulting mixture of gases be? 250 C = 298 K

Given: P = ?
V = 30.0L
n = NO2 + NK2
5.0 mol + 3.0 mol = 8.0 mol
R = 0.0821 atm.L
T = 25˚C + 273 = 298 K

Find: P

Sol: Pv = nRT
v v
P = nRT
P = (8.0mol)(0.0821 atm.L) (298 K)
30.0 L

P = 6.52 atm

5. A helium balloon with an internal pressure of 1.00 atm and a volume of 4.50 L at 20.00°C is
released. What volume will the balloon occupy at an altitude where the pressure is 0.600 atm
and the temperature is –20.00°C?

Given: P1 = 1 atm
V1 = 4.50 L
T1 = 20˚C + 273 = 293 K
P2 = 0.600 atm
V2 = ?
T2 = -20.00˚C + 273 = 253 K
Find: V2

Sol: P1 V1 = P2 V2
T1 T2

P1 V1 T2 = P2 V2 T1
P2 T1 P2 T1

V2 = P1 V1 T2
P2 T1

V2 = (1 atm) (4.50 L) (253 K)

(0.600 atm) (293 K)

V2 = 6.48 L

6. What is the density of ammonia, NH3 at standard conditions?

Given: P = 1 atm
R = 0.0821 atm.L
T = 273 K

Find: molar volume (Vm)

V = RT
n P

Vm = (0.0821 atm.L) (273 K)

1 atm

Vm = 22.4133 L/mol

Vm = 22.41 L/mol

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